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Pickup 101 – Charismatic Conversations

PickUp 101 – Charismatic Conversations
[12 DVDs (MP4 Rip) + Workbook (PDF)]



This is a reduced size rip of: note this doesn’t include any other bonuses, just the 12 DVDs and the workbook.Video size 360x240More info here:———————————————————————————————————————————-CHARISMATIC CONVERSATIONSThis is unlike any “dating advice” or “pickup” course you may have seen or heard about before.And it works for anyone. It doesn’t matter if you’re an outgoing, social, fun-loving guy… a reserved, introvert…. Or someone who can only talk to women after 6 beers in a dark bar…… Now you, too, can discover how to easily turn your conversations with women into charming, sexy experiences… at will.Charismatic Conversations is guaranteed to eliminate the 3 biggest problems that plague most men who are stuck and cannot get to the next level of success with women:1. Lack of Knowledge. There’s a lot of misinformation out there about what it really takes to have a fun, sexy conversation with ANY woman. (In fact, if you’ve already studied dating products before a lot of what you’ve been taught, frankly, doesn’t work because it’s wrong. You have to separate the good from the bad.)2. Lack of Technique. Knowledge, by itself, will make you smarter — but it won’t give you the results you want… with the women you desire. You need to know how to apply your “know how” to make it work for you. (Most of the guys who teach pickup seminars, even the “superstars,” don’t really teach you how to do what they do.)3. Barriers and Blocks. Even if you know what to do and how to do it, but if you can’t get past what’s holding you back internally, you’ll never get the results you want… and deserve. (It’s that sick, sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach that you feel before you approach a gorgeous woman, which is one of the things that stops guys from plowing ahead to the next level of success.)I’ve literally created the life with women that I desire, and so have the other handpicked members of the faculty who teach you in this system.For example, check out a few of the secrets revealed in each DVD…DVD01 – Laying Down The BasicsDVD02 – Introducing BanterDVD03 – Making Banter Work For YouDVD04 – Getting Past Your Sticking PointsDVD05 – How To Handle Groups of WomenDVD06 – How To Not Be a DouchebagDVD07 – StoriesDVD08 – StoriesDVD09 – Conversational Threads/RoutinesDVD10 – Vibing Through Getting The DateDVD11 – Instructor ImprovsDVD12 – Questions And ChallengesDVD’s 1 & 2 – Laying down the basics and introducing Banter!In the first two DVD’s I go deep into attraction for men and women… what women really FEAR about men… all about banter and how to use it… and how to convey your personality…Plus…• Why attraction is instantaneous… but… it’s power never dies (this is the reason why you can keep a woman attracted to you for YEARS)• The scientific reasons behind why attraction is actually the SAME between men and women (you’ve been misled—lied to—if you’ve learned different!)• Why using other “dating guru’s” routines, stories, and openers can make you come off as creepy to women… and the ONE thing you need to do in order to make other peoples material work for you…• This is the reason why you’ve probably blown it if youve ever dated a woman “out of your league”. Plus, here’s how to keep yourself from driving away the woman of your dreams again!• Why you can’t trigger attraction in ANY woman unless you’re this specific type of man…• Why you absolutely don’t need money to attract women!• Exactly what women mean when they say a guy is “creepy”… and… what you absolutely must NOT do to avoid being one of those guys!• How a woman can be attracted to you at first… and how you can screw it up and become super creepy (you NEVER want to make these simple mistakes!)• How a woman can tell right away whether you’re a man who’s comfortable talking with women like her (women have almost a sixth sense about whether you date women in her league—this is how they do it)• How you can keep from boring a woman to tears! (Hot women hear the same things, the same lines, from guys ALL the time—you’ll discover how not to fall into this deadly trap)• How even a total nerd, who plays dungeons and dragons, can be attractive to women because of this one often overlooked personality trait…DVD 3 & 4 Making Banter Work for you and getting past your sticking pointsThen I went farther into how to make banter work, going deep into role playing, what sparks attraction and breaking down the barriers and roadblocks that keep men from being successful using banter.I also shared…• How to correctly use role playing to spark surefire attraction in any woman• The specific reason why your banter lines sometimes fail and exactly what you can do about it.• The one single thing behind what makes our banter lines always work (hint: it’s NOT what you say!)• What hot women really mean when they say “I like him cause he makes me laugh” • Why girls will ALWAYS laugh when you deliver a banter line properly (hint: it’s not because the line is funny!)• The biggest problem guys have with making banter lines work…• How to use banter lines on even the highest caliber women effectively (Best part: the more powerful and attractive the woman – the better this works!)• How to use banter lines to get attraction even with foreign women or women who don’t speak English fluently• Why you can NEVER take banter too far (hint: if your lines are bombing—you’re probably making this mistake instead!)• The hard and fast rule to how quickly you should deliver your banter line (if you follow this rule—everyone will have fun and the girls will never feel uncomfortable!)DVD 5 & 6 – How to handle groups of women, more banter, and how to not be a douchebag!In this session I went deep into the more “advanced” topics of banter… how to handle other guys and groups of men and women… and more…• When you absolutely MUST interrupt a women or group of girls speaking… if… you want to keep them attracted and not get blown out!• How to get away with banter lines that REALLY push the envelope and can possibly backfire (if you don’t pay attention to these simple, yet powerful details, you’ll find yourself offending girls often!)• A near perfect method to determine if your banter line is going to work before you deliver it• How to perfectly recover when you get a “mortified reaction” from women after you poorly deliver a banter line… you’ll stay in the conversation and continue charming them!• A simple, yet commonly overlooked, way to get comfortable talking to even the hottest girls… even if… you’re totally ‘locking up’ when you talk to them now!• The most common, versatile, role playing structure to use during banter that almost guarantees attraction…• How you can use the powerful technique of the “role reversal” to simultaneously create instant attraction and show even the hottest women you understand the way she feels…• Why you don’t even need to use words to make 99% of banter lines work (this is the reason why our banter lines work even in loud clubs and bars when you can’t hear anything!)• How to NOT come off as a “douchebag” when approaching mixed groups of guys and girls (if you don’t get this right—you’ll always be perceived as a complete jerk by women… and you’ll never get the girls you REALLY want!)• How to successfully handle guys who try to be jerks and mess with you while you’re talking with a girl (you know—“cock blockers”) and how to always come out on top as the confident, cool guy who knows how to handle aggressive, macho, jerks while making even the hottest woman feel comfortable, SAFE, and protected when she’s with you (because she knows you deal with this all the time because you date the hottest girls that always get hit on!). DVD’s 7 & 8 – Powerful banter, openers, and testing for attraction• The 3 types of women you’ll encounter when you start bantering with women (and how to calibrate your banter with all of them so you attract them and don’t offend them)• Why having a gimmick or prop to get into conversations with girls will absolutely work against you… and… how to stay out of this dangerous “entertainer” role (the “dancing monkey” girls find entertaining — but are NOT attracted to)• Why the simplest conversational openers are almost ALWAYS the best! You get TONS of examples of these that literally work under any sitiuation so you can pick you’re favorite.• How to make sure you have the attention of any group of girls before you open (if you don’t do this, you’ll only come off as creepy and weird)• What topics you absolutely MUST avoid when you’re in the attraction phase of your first interaction with a woman• Why it may not be good if a woman is flirting with you too much when you first meet her (knowing this one will keep you out of a lot of trouble!)• The simplest, most sure-fire way, to test a woman’s physical attraction for you (quickly and discreetly so she still feels comfortable… even if… she’s around all her friends)• How to stop a banter battle with a woman and smoothly transition into vibing with her…• How to approach a woman who is with a guy… and… have both the girl AND the guy loving you (when you do this right, the guy will think you’re way cooler than he is, walk away and let you take the girl!)• How to make the guy in a group of girls your “wingman” (He’ll actually help you pick out the best girl of the group for you!)• How to handle a guy who gets aggressive (the classic “AMOG”) when you approach him and the girl he’s with (once you see this done, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you can walk away with the girl even after the guy tries to shut you down!)• How to build up sexual tension with women so when you give a punch line or banter line you’re guaranteed a laugh!DVD’s 9 & 10 –Improv, comedy, storytelling, and getting datesWe brought in a professional improv actor to teach the session on improv and comedy… and the guys absolutely loved it.Also, this is where you’ll see how to put together everything you’ve learned so far… and apply it to getting dates!Plus, you’ll discover…• Principles of improv you can apply right now to strengthen your social skills and ability to have more charming conversations with women!• Amazing improv secrets that make it almost impossible to get “blown out” when approaching women (even better: you’ll actually look forward to getting resistance from women once you understand how much fun you can have!)• How to make that horrible moment when you run out of things to say (or when you screw up) your best moment by taking control of the situation and making her laugh, every time—GUARANTEED!• How to make your “attraction story” REALLY work to get women attracted and interested in you… plus, if you do it right, women will have so much fun they won’t care if your story is even true! • The topics you absolutely do NOT want to bring up in any story unless you want the girls you’re with to be mortified! • How to use story telling to blast past any sticking point you may have (this works great if you get comments like “you’re such a nice guy”… or the opposite… “you’re such a player” you’ll discover how to fix this through storytelling!)• How to create a story from your life experiences that you like… that attracts women to you… and you love to tell over and over again… in just 3 minutes!• 6 ways you can fine-tune your personal identity and image so you eliminate negative assumptions women have about you and strengthen the positive ones girls assume about you!• How to develop your personal image so you attract the type of woman YOU want!• How to tweak other people’s material so it matches your personal image and vibe so you can effectively steal it and use it for yourself!• The surprising reason why playing the video game, Donkey Kong Jr., is the secret weapon to having more charismatic conversations with every group of women you meet (it sounds crazy, but it works like gangbusters!) • The type of conversation topics that are perfect for vibing with a group of women (these tools help you lay back but also lead the conversation of a group of girls AFTER you’ve presented yourself as an attractive, confident man)• A simple way to answer any question a woman asks that will make her intrigued and want to know more about you (you’ll kick yourself for never thinking about this before – you’ll never have boring “interview” instead of a conversation with a woman again!)• The easiest way in the world to have a woman talking more when all she’s doing is giving you simple, one word answers to all your questions…• How to smoothly and confidently pick out the girl you like from a group of girls in a way that makes every other person in the group feel happy and comfortable…• How to “isolate” a woman from her girlfriends without making her, or her friends, feel uncomfortable (she’ll LOVE the fact you understand how to talk to her one-on-one without making anyone feel bad)• The foolproof technique for isolating a girl when she’s with only one girlfriend so that you don’t leave the one girl alone, feeling creeped out (this technique is so effective, and so bulletproof, you can hear me say on the DVD, if you can’t make it work, “you were never meant to be with a woman!”)• Why you absolutely should NOT try to get a girl’s phone number (and NO, you don’t want to give her your number instead!)• What to do when you can tell a girl’s not really into the date you want to go on (this is your only chance to turn a “no” into a “maybe”!)• How to never fall into the trap of seeming needy when you’re trying to set up a time for you first date (You’ll never have the “oh, you’re busy on Friday? What about Saturday?… busy again huh?… what about Sunday… Monday… Tuesday?!!!” experience again!)• My amazing “instant phone game” technique that allows you to keep flirting with the girl you want that is so effective even the supergirls at our seminar said, “That is so slick… that’s amazing – no one does that! I’d be so excited about getting to hang out again!”• How to follow up by phone with the girls you meet at bars to almost totally eliminate the problem of girls “flaking” on your dates (this will take your ratio of numbers-to-dates up to 80-90%!)Watch in awe as I line my team of PickUp 101 instructors up like they’re ready for the firing squad… then I called out conversational threads or types of routines to use on the supergirls… and the instructors had to step up with no safety net and try their best lines on the girls. You’ll have a hard time believing this when you see how well they handle the challenge, but the truth is I only told them what we were doing a few hours in advance because I wanted them to share the material they use to et results when they are talking to real women, NOT something they made up just to look good at a seminar.You’ll be amazed at how the instructors creatively take on the challenges me… AND the girls throw at them (you even get to see a couple of them crash and burn!)For example, you won’t believe how Joe Brody can get away with calling one of the supergirls “slutty” and having her and all the girls rolling with laughter (usually that is the ultimate insult to women, even I didn’t think he could get away with this—but Joe pulls it off perfect!)And you’ll watch in awe as Sean Newman shows how to take a group of girls, arm-in-arm, to a different bar—with the girls loving every minute of it…Plus, you’ll see the ingenious way you can disarm any girl you’re talking to and relax her by bringing up all her objections and thoughts before she does (you’ll never get tripped up by questions like, “how many girls are you dating?”… “how old are you?”… “why don’t you buy me a drink?”… and other questions that normally make guys fall flat on their face!) Many attendees said just watching the way the instructors put together all the different parts of the game to get the supergirls eating out of their hands was worth the entire price of the weekend. This voyeur look into seeing the pro’s “improv flirt” with the supergirls is sure to take your competence in attraction, banter, kino, psychological space, and routines to a whole new level of effectiveness. But that’s not all… DVDs 11 & 12 – Conversational threads and subcommunication• How to easily switch conversational threads so you never have that sinking feeling in your gut because you know the conversation is dying and so are your chances with the woman you’re talking to that night!• The 3 simple things that are WAY more important than your entire routine stack (if you mess this up – you can have a 15 minute conversation with women and think you’re doing well… but you’ll be frustrated because you’ll find you’re not getting anywhere!)• How to get away with even the most harsh and aggressive banter lines (this is the secret Joe Brody uses to get away with calling women “bitches” and cursing aggressively with almost all his banter lines!)• Possibly one of the most important, and revealing parts of this whole seminar was the session with the supergirls…“How to interpret what women say…into what they really mean!”As men we’re pretty logical and straightforward – we say what we mean. But with women it’s different. They have a much more developed method of communication that involves many different forms of subcommunication. For example, a woman can say “I have to go to the bathroom” to blow you off… and… also because she just has to go to the bathroom!What this means is if you’re a guy who can pick up on what women REALLY mean when they’re talking to you, you’ll be way ahead of other guys who are clueless.The audience loved this session, as I drilled the Supergirls and explained the real meanings of the different things they said, stuff like:“I have to go to the bathroom”…“I don’t give my phone number to guys in bars”…“I have to get up early in the morning”…“Yeah… that sounds like fun”…“I have a boyfriend”…Plus much, much more!I dug deep in this session to explain how body language, posture, facial expressions, micro-expressions, voice tonality, volume and much more all need to be taken into account when listening to a woman to discover what she’s really saying.Once you see how much of “girl talk” is decoded in this session – you’ll never look at your conversations with women the same again… and… you’ll subconsciously start to understand women much, much better!Which means you’ll get more success with women in record time!By the way: If you don’t know how to dissect what women REALLY mean when they’re talking to you, you’ll miss out on HUGE signals women are giving you… For example: you’ll discover when it’s actually OK to buy a woman a drink… (you’ll hear how I blew my chances with an incredibly hot woman at a bar once by not realizing a woman’s subcommunication is MUCH more important than what’s coming out of her mouth!)


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