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Robbie Kramer – Become a Social Genius – Month 1

Robbie Kramer – Social Genius
[18 MP3, 3 M4A, 2 TXT, 4 PDF, 1 DOC]



ROBBIE KRAMER – BECOME A SOCIAL GENIUS – MONTH 1*** EXCLUSIVE *** THIS PRODUCT IS A RESULT OF A GROUPBUY *** OUT OF RESPECT FOR THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR AND TO OUR COMMUNITY, PLEASE DO NOT RELEASE THIS OUTSIDE OF elib. DOING SO IS AGAINST THE RULES AND WILL GET YOU BANNED.If your long term goal is to find a quality woman, you have to first have success with a lot of women and understand the dating game. You can’t luck your way into an amazing relationship just like you can’t luck your way into an Ivy League University.Are you willing to put in the effort and become successful with women, a leader of men and a boss in social situations? If so, you’ve come to the right place.Here is the path to success with women:Step 1 is everything that happens before you open your mouth.Most guys think that they look presentable, but truth be told, most guys are clueless of how to present themselves to women. If you don’t dress and present the body language of someone she would date, you’ve got no chance and she’ll immediately rule you out.We walk around making snap judgements of people all the time.  You’re sitting in a restaurant scanning the room thinking “There’s an old waitress, fat chick, cute hostess with a nice little tush, sloppy looking dude, short, broke bus boy, rich old guy, etc…”You’re not the only one doing the judging, they are judging you too.Women have a forcefield that protects them from ineligible suitors and the number one factor the forcefield discriminates against is your appearance.You don’t have to be good looking, but you must look good.If your body language is confident and you know how to dress, you can fake the funk enough to get past the forcefield of most beautiful women.But if your fashion sucks and its obvious that you don’t quite fit in, you’ll never even get your foot in the door.Step 2 is what we call Social Protocol.Social protocol is the established code of procedure or behavior in any group, organization, or social situation.  If you do not follow social protocol, you will trigger the second layer of someone’s forcefield.Your appearance will get you in the door, but the wrong behavior will get you booted right back out.Having a mastery of social protocol is something that can take years, even decades to accomplish.  If you want an example look at successful politicians.  Successful politicians rarely slip up in social situations and they have the ability to make everyone they meet feel important and like their best friend.  They are dynamic, interesting, engaging and attentive. In order for a politician to be successful he/she must win over the majority of people to keep their job.Politics isn’t for everyone but in order to attract the right people into your life, you have to understand the level of social protocol in order to fit in.  Social protocol is made up of many factors: How you engage people, how you say hello, goodbye, where you sit at a table, how you shake someone’s hand, where you wait outside of a club, when you ask a woman for a phone number, when you go for a kiss, how to introduce your friends to each other, how you order a drink, how you split a tab, the list goes on and on and on.  There is even a recognizable vernacular for different groups of people.If you want to follow “cool people” social protocol, you have to learn the “cool people” vernacular.  If you want to fit in with a bunch of techie geeks, you have to talk like a techie geek.If you still believe there is a quick fix for a guy who doesn’t understand social protocol I hope you can see the flaw in your logic.  You cannot have a mastery of social protocol over night because you must learn the rules which takes time and exposure.The key to really being a master at any skill is to understand the rules so well that you know how to break them.Step 3 is to learn to not give a shit and you’ll embody “cool.”Cool is defined as this: marked by steady dispassionate calmness and self-control.  In other words, someone who doesn’t give a shit and knows when and when not to get excited.  When you learn social protocol and interact with hundreds and hundreds of people in social situations the anxiety and nervousness you once felt will fade away.You will no longer fear rejection and thriving in social situations will become second nature to you…Get access to this and the upcoming months’ contents by joining the GB here: …


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