Serbian Language Learning Pack
Serbian Learning Pack
[253 MP3s, 80 FLACs, 31 PDFs, 2 DJVUs]
This one includes the following books:Bosnian Croatian Serbian a Textbook With Exercises and Basic GrammarColloquial SerbianColloquial Croatian and SerbianTeach yourself SerbianSeveral textbooks for beginners in RussianSerbian an essential grammarBosnian Croatian Serbian – A grammar & Social CommentaryIntroduction to the Croatian and Serbian language5 readers for Serbian school childrenAnthology of Serbian authorsSeveral dictionaries (Serbian-Russian,Verbs,Idioms,synonyms)and 22 more…Included audio is for the following books:Teach yourself SerbianColloquial SerbianColloquial Croatian and SerbianBosnian Croatian Serbian a Textbook With Exercises and Basic Grammar (Serbian audio, not the same as the audio in the Croatian language learning pack)Serbian-Greek for beginnersSerbian language textbook (Russian)
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