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Sean Cooper – Shyness and Social Anxiety System

Sean Cooper – Shyness & Social Anxiety System
[4 pdf, 1 mp4]



**** Exclusive **** Help us keep elib all the more special for its exclusivity.Out of respect for the original authors and publishers,please do not make this product available outside of our community.Thanks for keeping elib awesome!This exclusive material brought to you by the participants of the Fire Breathing Introvert GB.This GB is OPEN – all you Guys and Gals who have anything from mild to extreme social anxiety, agoraphobia and other anxiety disorders, who ever thought of taking medication or doing the rounds of some psychotherapist… Stop. You arrived at the right place. This Group Buy will solve most, if not all the problems you have related to nervousness, anxiety etc. in social situations and life in general. Drop inside this GB if it’s open.The idea is to get down as many people as possible, and keep bringing as many programs as possible… till there are pledgers, while keeping the pledges as low as possible This stuff works, I know it. This just keeps getting better and better! Website:…I’ll show you below how to usescientific new strategies and methods tostop wasting the best years of your lifebeing insecure, lonely and bored…Alone on a Saturday night, aimlessly surfing the internet. For years that’s what I called my social life.If that sounds bleak and depressing to you, that’s because it was: I had no social life and I was tired of staying home alone all the time keeping busy with pointless hobbies. Why didn’t anyone ever invite me out? I had very few friends, and none that I saw outside of school or work. How DID people actually make friends? I was always anxious, nervous and tense in social situations, even just walking past someone and saying “hello” I had no idea how to keep a conversation going with someone I didn’t know well — my mind would always go blank or I would run out of things to say I was always the quiet, shy one in any group. The one who never said a word and just stood there I was very self-conscious and insecure about how I looked. Corny as it sounds, I never really “felt good about myself”Fortunately, I’m The Kind Of GuyWho’s Interested In PsychologyThe one thing I had going for me was my brain. I was always interested in human psychology and “behavior research” — you know, the advanced research techniques that make U.S. advertising companies so filthy rich.My question was: if modern scientific research can reveal what America wants to buy…why can’t these same techniques reveal…Here’s An Overview ofWhat You’ll Learn…Why your past attempts at social anxiety have failed… and the strategies and techniques that REALLY work and produce results fast! (99% of psychiatrists don’t know about these simply because they haven’t actually ever experienced what it’s like to be shy.) – pg. 8The “secret cause” of your social anxiety. Discover the real “genetic” reasons you are afraid to speak up and make new friends. (When you know what they are, it is almost too easy to dispel these fears FOR GOOD.) – pg. 12How to become as relaxed and easygoing around strangers as you are around your closest friend. Learn to use cutting-edge behavioural psychology to “trick” your brain into being able to talk to complete strangers as if you’ve known them for years. – pg. 14How to use new breakthrough discoveries in science and psychology to help you eliminate the anxiety, nervousness, self-doubt, fear and insecurities that are destroying your chances at making friends, getting a girlfriend/boyfriend and building a social life. – pg. 15The seemingly harmless action your parents or relatives did that reinforced your anxiety at a young age. (This also explains why, even to this day, you feel super-anxious around them when you talking to someone your own age or someone you’re attracted to.) – pg. 17How to literally “rewire” your brain so that you never have to feel anxiety again. This simple strategy removes anxiety permanently because it pulls your anxiety out of your brain by the very roots. The best part is, it works BETTER (and is much safer) than any prescription drug. – pg. 20“What’s the worst that can happen?”and “It’s all in your head.” — Learn why bad advice like this offered by your family NEVER works for reducing anxiety. (And what you should say to yourself instead that reduces anxiety instantly on the spot… – pg. 21How to make confident, steady eye contact without feeling nervous. I’ll show you EXACTLY where you should look and for how long. (Mess this up and people will either think you are creepy or you have no self-confidence.) – pg. 25Have you ever seen someone you know walking towards you and “planned out a route” to walk around them and avoid them? When you see someone walking towards you down the street, do you get the sudden urge to cross the street or turn back? This could mean something really WEIRD. – pg. 26ALCOHOL AND DRUGS. “Traditional” psychiatrists tell you to avoid them at all costs. I’ll show you the little-known strategy that lets you use them to give yourself strong, natural confidence that lasts even after you sober up! – pg. 28How to avoid the 3 BIGGEST MISTAKES shy and socially anxious people make. These accidentally make you more uncomfortable, nervous, and afraid of talking to people each time you do them… and you probably do them a lot! – pg. 29…..And so on


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