Dain Heer – Access Consciousness 10 Part Teleseries
Dain Heer – Access Consciousness 10 Part Teleseries
[10 MP3s]
Call 1. Your Reality and the Free-Will Universe OR Destroy, Uncreate and Set Your Reality Free. What if there were no ground rules? What if everything you’ve always thought was possible actually… is? What if you’re actually the one creating your reality? This is the introduction to what consciousness truly is, presenting a totally different paradigm for creating change and introducing one of the core tools of Access: The Clearing Statement..——————————————————————————–Call 2. Getting Rid of 98% of the “YUCKY STUFF” in Your Head—Starting NOW. a.k.a.:Getting Rid of The Monkey Mind Once And For All. Really.What if you’re way more psychic than you ever imagined? How To have Total Lase With That in Life… Do you know who is calling before you pick up the phone? Are you sometimes aware of what people are thinking before they open their mouths? Has it ever occurred that your back starts hurting right after someone said their back hurt? No, you”re not making this up! You’re way more psychic than you ever dared to imagine – actually 98% of your feelings, thoughts and emotions, judgments, body pains, and a lot of otheryucky stuff”doesn’t belong to you. During this call, we’re going to DEEP DIVE into one of the easiest to use, most dynamic processes you can have in your toolbox of change. You’ll learn to use an amazingly dynamic tool that can give you ease in your relationships, at work, and with your body, that has literally never been possible before. Using this one tool, 1 have assisted people in getting over intractable back pain, depression, judgment, unhappiness, and so much more….——————————————————————————–Call 3. How to discover and know what is true for you!What if there is a way of knowing everything that is ‘right – for you ‘and everything that is ‘wrong’ for you? Because we’re taught that we can’t just KNOW, we spend our entire lives trying to figure everything out with our minds. Is that really working for you? And the world? Or is it possible your mind gets in the way of what you the BEING could create and choose? During this call we’ll explore a set of tools that will allov,, you to instantaneously know if something is true for you, and what to choose to create your life from this day on… Oh, if you’re willing to step beyond the cognitive mind into being the MAGIC of you, that is!.——————————————————————————–Call 4. Living as the Question – Leaving All Your Conclusions By the Door.In this call, I’d like to get you started of a new way of functioning and living. I’d like to invite you to live in – and as – the question. It may sound way too simple. And yet truly living in the question is a totally different way of functioning (that most people don’t understand). It’s a way that empowers you to go beyond all the judgments, conclusions, expectations you created about what needs be and has to be and ought to be. Living in the question is the way to un-ravel everything you bought as true for you that really…isn’t This is where the adventure really gets started!..——————————————————————————–Call 5. What If You The Universe Has Your Back – Ask and You Shall Receive.Are you tired of the traumas and dramas of life? What if you were willing to live your life with as much ease as Forrest Gump? And what if you could trust that the universe has your back always? Would you be willing to consider that your point of view creates your reality? It isn’t reality that creates your point of view… What would that open up in your life? (I know, that makes your brain go to mush!) What if it is your fixed points of view that are stopping you from CREATING THE LASE that is TRULY POSSIBLE NOW, and the reality you KNOW is possible? What if everything could be just an interesting point of view? Would that change something for you? What is possible for you? This call will get you acquainted with some tools that can give you something close to… total freedom of living..——————————————————————————–Call 6. You Are Magic. Be It!What if you were willing to acknowledge every time you’re being magic? Instead of saying that it was a coincidence, sheer luck or fluke? Really acknowledged it, to you and the Universe. The only thing that keeps you from magic is your refusal to believe that it exists. Oh, and everything you aligned and agreed with and resisted and reacted to about this reality being true. Would you be willing to start vibrate at a different level?Where magic exists? What if total consciousness is the source of magic? This call is the invitation to you to step into a completely different reality…Is now the time? Wands out!.——————————————————————————–Call 7. What if You Could Be ANYTHING – Going Beyond the Defined YOU. Going Beyond DEFENDING The Wrongness Of You. (You’re gonna love this call! Freedom straight ahead!)Does your life have anything to do with you? We are taught to fit into reality -but are never taught just how to BE. How many times do you feel like you’re just playing a role? At some point in your life, you decided which role you would play and then you picked the character, the costume and contributions to that role in all different situation. I believe most of us feel that way sometimes. Some of us feel that about our entire lives. What if you didn’t have to do that anymore? What if you could let go of the story of who you be and be ANYTHING? What if you could choose which role to play, in total awareness? This is the call where you’ll learn a couple of tools that will allow you start stepping out the role you bought as you, and into a reality where you’re wiling to be wrong, willing to let go of your story and willing to be ANYTHING? Does that sound like more fun?——————————————————————————–Call 8. Stop Being Distracted from YOUR Life and YOUR Future. (A.K.A.: Getting over FEAR, ANGER, BLAME, SHAME, REGRET, AND GUILT ONCE AND FOR ALL. REALLY. STARTING NOW… WITH TOTAL EASE)Is now the time to get over fear once and for all? How about anger? How about blame, shame, regret and guilt? Strangely, these can be some of the EASIEST things to change – with the right tools. Most people just haven’t had the tools before. (And if you think it can’t be that easy to change these things, you REALLY need this call!) Is now the time to stop being distracted from creating the life, living and future you truly desire? One of the biggest things that limit us and ruins our lives are something called the distractor implants… During this tele call we will EXPLORE AND SHOW YOU HOW TO ELIMINATE some of the key ones, like: Fear, Anger, Blame, Shame, Regret, Love, and Jealousy..——————————————————————————–Call 9. Your Body as Your Best Friend – How to Get Over Judging It, Start Enjoying It, Start Healing It, and Having It As YOUR BEST FRIEND. (Oh yeah, and you’ll also find how to Have More Energy At Any Time, With Ease)You are not your body. You are an infinite being. Your body is your body. You are you. You should have a connection (a great connection actually). But you’re not one of the same. Not only that…Your body has a consciousness of its own. The first step to developing a different possibility with your body is to start communicating with it and asking your body about the things that concern it – like eating, who to have sex with, what kind of movement it would like. This is what this call is about—you and your body and the energy you can both have if you start appreciating this beautiful gift your body is instead of judging it..——————————————————————————–Call 10. Becoming the Greatness of You…Taking that First Step and Keep WalkingIf you couldn’t fail, what would you choose? This call is about the power of choice, stepping into the greatness of you and creating the future you truly desire. Creating your future is starting to realize that the difference of us is the greatness of us. Creating your future occurs from being present, being the question and being there in the moment so you can choose left, right, up, down, all around. You’re no longer trying to plan from the past. You’re being present, which allows you to see even further into the future of what will get created. When you take the first step and you’re totally present with it, you’ll become aware of the second step that you would have never been aware of because it didn’t exist before you took the first step. Its kind of like Indiana Jones daring to take that very first step over the invisible bridge in the movie’Incliana Jones and the last Crusade’. He asked: What am I going to do now? Then he threw rocks in front of him and realized there was a path… It just looked invisible before he was willing to find it. It’s the same thing with your life, my Mend. There’s this amazing intelligence; this amazing caring, loving, contribution energy called consciousness that desires to gift to you… You just have to be willing to trust in yourself enough to take the steps that may seem blind at the time, before you can see the beauty of their creation in hindsight…. It is that strange and that easy Welcome to the rest of your life..http://www.accessconsciousness.com/classtype_details.asp?cid…
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