Frank J. Jerome – Tooth Truth A Patient’s Guide to Metal-Free Dentistry
Frank J Jerome – Tooth Truth.pdf
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Description Exclusive and part of a Group Buy… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned!Brought to you by the Holistic Dentistry Archive -Mercury Amalgam Detoxification and alternatives Group BuyGB Status OPENGB Thread HEREUPLOAD LIST – HERE Frank J. Jerome – Tooth Truth A Patient’s Guide to metal-Free Dentistry…5 Star Amazon Review I really regret not ordering this book before embarking on my quest to have my mercury amalgams replaced.Most dentists want to put crowns wherever they can remotely justify it. They are usually not necessary and lead to a root canal, then removal of the tooth.I had a crown placed 8 years ago, I’ve had nothing but problems with it, 2 years after placement, I got a root canal. That did not solve the problem. Now, they recommend I get an apicoectomy. Lovely. More money for them. That is where they go into the gum and cut off the bottom of the root canaled tooth and fill it with something to stop the infection. This would stop the problems for a while, but eventually lead to my tooth being extracted. According to Dr. Jerome, this happens more often than not. There is a very predictable sequence of events. This is what keeps dentists in business.It makes me sick to read this book after having 2 new crowns put in recently. Over $2,000. I could have saved that much by buying this book first.Make an educated decision at the dentist’s office. They are very motivated to keep you on the gravy train.After reading this book, I know to take the shortcut and have the root canaled tooth removed. I can then have a partial made, thus ridding myself of the toxic dead tooth.Most of this book is about the horrors of mercury. If you need to be convinced, this book will leave you with no doubts.He explains many dental procedures and why one is better than others for certain patients. One in 5 crowned teeth dies. This puts you back on the root canal train, then the tooth extraction train. After much expense and pain.Instead of a crown, they can do inlays or composite fillings. The dentist always wants you to do a crown. They have to saw away half of your tooth to do this, that sets you on the path of destruction.5 Star Amazon ReviewThe author makes the point that once a person dies, their teeth may last thousands of years. Yet, while alive and part of an nutritional/immune system, most people are hard-pressed to keep them from rotting out of their mouth within a few years — and think this is normal.He lays out the chronology of most people’s progressive dental deterioration; the first fillings at 8-12, progressing to crowns in 20’s-30’s, root canals and bridges in 30’s-50’s with subsequent extraction and dentures in old age. There is nothing left, after having marched arm-in-arm with the state-of-the-art dental care … and thinking this is normal, despite folks in other parts of the world living life with a set of choppers the likes of which most dentists never even see.The author lays out the realities and falsehoods behind each common dental procedure, as well as a dental care profession that has managed to isolate itself from the rest of medicine. This permits denial that the procedures and materials used in dentistry usually result in chronic infections and toxicity that have far-ranging, degenerative health consequences all over the body.The latest thing is radioactive composite fillings “that show up better on x-rays”. Banned from glowing wrist-watches, but OK for implantation in your mouth (the levels are “safe”).The good news is you don’t have to wait the generation or two it will take for the policy-making ADA dental leadership (whose egos and prestige are at risk if the last century of treatment methods are recognized as being erroneous and harmful) to die off and reform to set in.Tooth and gum rot can be arrested and dental health improved by changes in behavior and diet. It’s your choice: have the Mountain Dew for breakfast every day, gradually destroy your dental health while setting yourself up for a lifetime of futile, painful dental work that will only establish a range of other chronic infections and diseases … or don’t.The book lays out the information you need to manage your own dental health and find a dentist more concerned about your health than toeing the party line.It’s remarkable how advances in medicine are thought of as a major benefit of modernity. Yet, considering what’s going on with cancer, dentistry, AIDS, in which politics, ego and perpetuating institutions are more important than solutions, perhaps this time will be looked upon even less favorably than when “leeching” was common. At least back then, it was lack of knowledge. Nowadays, the errors are due to perversity; the knowledge exists but is disregarded to perpetuate human power and dodge responsibility for error. Who is living in the Dark Ages? Don’t spend another dime at the dentist’s office until you read this book. Paperback: 447 pagesPublisher: New Century Pr; Updated edition (Sep 2000)PLEDGE NOW TO GAIN ACCESS GB Thread TIMES – TBD [/size]
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