Simon Borg Olivier: Teacher training essentials: Yoga Fundamentals
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**** Exclusive ****Help us keep elib all the more special for its exclusivity. Out of respect for the original authors and publishers,please do not make this product available outside of our community.Thanks for keeping elib awesome! WEBSITE : :AU$ 58713 Weeks WebcourseTopic 1: The history and philosophy of yogaSession 1.1: The purpose of yogaSession 1.2: The history of yogaSession 1.3: The philosophy of yogaTopic 2: Basic applied anatomy and physiology of yogaSession 2.1: Bones, joints and musclesSession 2.2: Regulation and control of the bodySession 2.3: Circulation and breathingSession 2.4: What you need to know in order to safely and effectively execute a physical yoga exerciseTopic 3: Physical yoga practice: introductory and finishing sequencesSession 3.1: The nerve-lengthening sequenceSession 3.2: the pure spinal movement sequenceSession 3.3: The salute-to-the-sun sequenceSession 3.4: The salute-to-the-moon sequenceSession 3.5: The seated finishing floor sequenceTopic 4: Physical yoga practice: Standing sequence part ASession 4.1: The triangle sequenceSession 4.2: The side-spine lengthening sequenceTopic 5: Physical yoga practice: Standing sequence part BSession 5.1: The elephant sequenceSession 5.2: The standing one-sided forward-bending sequenceTopic 6: Physical yoga practice: Standing sequence part CSession 6.1: The one-legged standing sequenceSession 6.2: The warrior sequenceTopic 7: Physical yoga practice: Floor sequence part ASession 7.1: The east-west spinal-lengthening sequenceSession 7.2: The head-to-knee sequenceSession 7.3: The seated spinal twist sequenceTopic 8: Physical yoga practice: Floor sequence part BSession 8.1: The cobblers sequenceSession 8.2 The cow sequenceTopic 9: Physical yoga practice: Floor sequence part CSession 9.1: The prone backward-bending sequenceSession 9.2: The supine backward-bending sequenceSession 9.3: The supine knees-to-chest spinal-releasing sequenceTopic 10: Physical yoga practice: Inverted sequenceSession 10.1: The inverted posturesSession 10.2: The shoulder-stand sequenceTopic 11: Breath controlSession 11.1: Factors that can affect breathingSession 11.2: Simple to complex breath control exercisesTopic 12: Meditation and relaxationSession 12.1: Concentration and meditationSession 12.2: Supine relaxationTopic 13: ExamSession 13.1: Course revisionSession 13.2: End of course multiple choice exam
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