D. Ayun Ph.D – Ayurvedic Kaya Chikitsa
Ayun Ph.D – Ayurvedic Kaya Chikitsa
[DVDRip – 5 MPG]
Lectured on December 13, 2008 at the Medicine Buddha Healing Center (http://www.Ayurveda-Oakland.com) and their Ayurveda Healing Arts Institute by an anonymous American Buddhist Monk (D.Ayur, Ph.D) of the Nagarjuna Nalanda Tradition of Indian – Chinese – Tibetan Buddhism – Nalanda University Buddhist Studies Program Distance Learning – www.Nalanda-University.com. This American Monk studied with renowned Ayurvedic physician Dr. Vasant Lad, B.A.M.S., M.A.Sc. for a six-year 1800-hour 1900-patient Ayurveda apprenticeship. This American Monk has served over 5600 patients over the last 11 years.This class is a basic level yet detailed introduction to diseases of the mind and spirit focusing on diagnosis of Prakruti (genetic constitution of vata-pitta-kapha) and Vikruti (imbalance of three doshas of vata-space-air-movement, pitta-fire-water-metabolism, kapha-water-earth-phlegm-fat).Indo – Tibetan medicine — enshrined in the classic medical text called Rgyud bzi which was originally composed in Sanskrit and still available in Tibetan — is a veritable treasure of centuries of accumulated experience with rational fundamentals and scientifically analyzable therapeutic measures meant for the preservation and promotion of positive health, and prevention and cure of obstinate and otherwise incurable diseases.These Hi-Def HDTV videos are the first in a 1.5 trimester unit (22.5 class hours long) series of lectures aimed and comparing, contrasting and synthesizing Manic Depressive Diagnosis and Bipolar Disorder Treatment in both the 2500 year old Chinese Medicine (Zhong Yi or TCM) with the 2500 year old Indian Ayurveda and 1300 year old Tibetan Ayurveda systems (TAM). The goal of this lecture program is to assist the student in seeing and understanding their vast commonalities in both theory (concepts) and practice (clinic) of ancient Indo-Sino-Tibetan psychological – psychiatric therapies in order to learn integrated practice modalities.This rarely presented synthesis of the healing wisdom of these three great cultures (China, India and Tibet) will not only compare-contrast the theoretical and practical aspects of psychology – psychiatry within the framework of these two time-honored healing systems, but more importantly, will examine in detail the clinical practice aspects of manic – depressive bi-polar treatment — both herbal connections (Indian, Tibetan and Chinese herbs and minerals) and acupressure (Marmas in Ayurvedic Sanskrit) with acupuncture in the Chinese system.It examine the mind and mental illness from the perspective of the Ayurvedic three doshas (Tridosha – Vata-Pitta-Kapha) and look at their relationship to major concepts in Chinese Medicine that are often spoken of by acupuncturists to their patients. Some of these relationship comparisons include:1. Vata Dosha (Space and Air – Wind, Cold, Qi [Prana in Ayurvedic Sanskrit]),2. Pitta Dosha (Fire and Water – Spleen Qi [Jathar Agni in Sanskrit], Heat, Damp-Heat, Blood [Rakta Dhatu in Sanskrit], and Yang),3. Kapha Dosha (Water and Earth – Phlegm-Mucous [Ama in Sanskrit], Damp-Cold, Jing Qi [Ojas in Sanskrit] and Yin).
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