Brian Kalakay – Lean in 17
[4 DVD – 34 MP4]
Special Report by Brian Kalakay, CTTCertified Turbulence TrainerI want to let you in on a little secret.You know those before-and-after weight loss television shows, the ones where men and women lose 10 pounds a week, and sometimes 40 pounds in a month?They are FAKE.That’s right, they are absolutely, 100%, totally FAKE.Because they don’t show you what really and truly happens behind-the-scenes.Those “contestants” are made to exercise ALL DAY long.Who has time for that?I know you certainly don’t.That’s not REAL-WORLD fat loss. And so it’s completely ridiculous and, like I said, totally fake for us to try and believe it.Fortunately, the TRUTH is even BETTER than this fantasy land that you see on television.The truth is that you don’t have to exercise all day, every day, in order to lose weight.The reality is that you can burn fat in just a short amount of time…in the comfort of your own home…and even WITHOUT equipment (that’s another myth spread by those reality shows…that you need to do slow, boring cardio – but they could not be more WRONG!).Now before I show you EXACTLY what you can do in a space the size of an elevator – YES, an elevator workout! – we need to talk about YOUR results.Or really, your LACK of results.Here’s what I want you to do. Think back to the last time you tried to lose weight. Maybe you lost a few pounds, but your pants were still tight and pretty soon the scale would no longer budge.FRUSTRATING, right?And what were you doing? Slow, boring, cardio, I’ll bet!Ninety-nine times out of one hundred, when someone – just like you – starts a weight loss program, you plateau after a couple of weeks, get discouraged, and almost ALWAYS put the weight back on and then some.Don’t feel bad. It’s not your fault. Like I said, it happens to 99% of people… BEFORE they become my clients.And like you, the depression soon sets in for those folks, because you’ve lost your motivation, and the thought of going to the gym becomes unbearable.Why bother, they say. Those stupid machines don’t work.Now you’re talking! That’s right! It’s only in the FANTASY-LAND of so-called “reality” TV (where there’s no reality about it, let’s be honest) where trainers yell and scream at clients during 8-hour workout days that those machines MIGHT do any good.But that’s not your reality. That’s not real life. And that’s not something you’d EVER want to do.It doesn’t matter what you try.The gym doesn’t have the motivation to keep you going… and all of the products you buy seem to work for a few weeks but then end up just sitting on a shelf collecting dust because they quit working, too.You soon realize you wasted MORE money and time.Sound familiar?The problem here is obvious. There is something that is missing from the results equation that they aren’t telling you.So what’s the solution?Well, you’re going to be very surprised to hear that it’s NOT the typical weekly program that a personal trainer down at your local gym wants to give you.Let me explain…The Off Hand Conversation That Changed Everything…One day my friend Craig Ballantyne and I got to talking on the phone, and I was telling him about how I hit another plateau in my workout program and the results just seemed to come to a screeching stop. It just so happens that Craig is one of the TOP fitness and fat loss experts on the planet and author of #1 selling program Turbulence Training.So as he then began to tell me about this secret training method that he and a few other elite people in the fitness industry have been doing that completely shatters plateaus, and is in fact getting people faster fat loss results, I was all ears.See, trainers at the big box gym will sell you on the idea that what you need is 45-60 minutes of working out, followed up by another 30 to 60 minutes of cardio training, you know the kind, the long boring cardio on the treadmill or bike that makes you feel like a hamster on a wheel.And the popular fitness magazines keep feeding you the same old tired programs too – long 60 minute workouts and lots of cardio.That’s how most people workout out.To be totally frank with you, that’s how I USED to workout too, but after that conversation with Craig it all changed… in fact, not only did I break my plateau, I ended up leaner than I had ever been, and it took me a LOT less time.I really want to help you, so I’ll share my secret on what I did to help me get leaner than ever – and I’ll even give you my unique exercise trick that super charged my fat loss results and put me on the fast track to the leanest and most tone and defined body I’ve ever had.Oh, and I should tell you one more thing… what I’m about to tell you has nothing to do with dieting, starving yourself or going on a fast. You’ll get to eat the foods that you like, and you’ll still burn more fat than you ever have before.stockpic2And here’s more great news, let’s not forget the fact that the fat blasting workouts that I’m going to give you are never more than 17 minutes long.Recent research conducted by a Canadian University suggests that it’s not the length of the workout that determines your results, rather it’s the intensity of the workouts that determine your results.So what we did is condensed a 70 minute workout into just 17 minutes of intense exercise and saved you a TON of time while increasing your results.It’s like having your cake and eating it too Well, you are not the first person to tell me these things. As a matter of fact one of my training clients Jon struggled with these same obstacles when he first started my Lean in 17 Program.He had tried everything under the sun and even started to get some results but ended up hitting a plateau and his fat loss results came to a screeching stop.Then, we began using the 17-minute fat burning program and, well, here are his results…jonbeforeafterThe Lean in 17 Program Will Keep Your Body Guessing The Entire Time As Your Burn Off Every Ounce of Stubborn Fat From Your Abs, Arms, Legs and Butt WITHOUT Taking Up Valuable Time Out of Your Day.Imagine being able to come home from a busy day of work, pull out your ipod, laptop or smart phone and follow along with me through an entire workout.That’s right! Every 17-minute workout program is follow along. That means you and I get to workout together from beginning to end!I’ll keep you motivated and on track the entire time.And before you know it the 17 minutes is up and you’re pouring sweat and feeling amazing!We cover every exercise in detail and leave nothing unanswered. You may even start to feel like a personal trainer at some point because you are learning so much from the program.Let’s not forget that you don’t even have to move any furniture around or get any equipment together because the Lean in 17 workouts use NO EQUIPMENT and can be done in a space literally the size of an elevator.Don’t Believe Me? Check out this video:Now, let me tell you the SECRET behind the madness that is the Lean In 17 Fat Loss ProgramLike I said earlier, the Canadian study that proved the science behind my program shows that your body has a fat loss trigger built into it.HOWEVER, most people never workout at the right intensity to even come close to flipping their fat loss switch.See, going from machine to machine, or doing steady state cardio on the treadmill or elliptical machine never trigger your fat loss switch.So in effect, no matter how long you workout for, you’re only going to burn calories during that time your actually working out.An hour of calorie burning is nothing; you could actually burn even more than that in 17 minutes.Here’s the secret – see, when you up your workout intensity, science shows that you don’t even need to workout that long, which is why 17 minutes is plenty IF you do things right.This is what happens, intense workouts tap into your anaerobic system… that gets your heart rate way higher than you can ever get it through steady state cardio – see, the secret is this, we’re going to take that 17 minutes and work opposing body parts and muscle groups so while body parts are resting, you’re not……and that means that your anaerobic system is going to get to get taxed, in a good way, and that’s going to lead to the flipping of your fat loss trigger.What’s the fat loss trigger?You may have heard of metabolic Training, this is where High Intensity Interval Training leads to a metabolic boosting causing you to turn on it’s metabolic furnace. When that happens, your metabolism goes into overdrive and stays high for as much as 28 hours.This means that you’re not only burning calories during your workout, but also for the entire 28 hours that followsLet me tell you something on a personal level. I have been training people for years. As a matter of fact I just opened up my own 7800 square foot facility in Michigan about a year ago and now we are busting at the seams with over 120 active clients.Now, there are other gyms in the city we are in, but everyone sees the results that come out of my facility and knows that we are the place to go if you are serious about getting lean and achieving your results in as quick as time as possible.They all have more free time, more energy, more self-confidence and live happier lives.We train them with the same secret principles that I have incorporated into the Lean in 17 Program. The only difference is that you don’t have to drive to Michigan or pay $300/month to train with me. hope you like humor because these videos are packed with funny jokes, crazy workout analogies, laughs, and a ton of intense, high-energy workouts! Who says you can’t workout and have a good time? In the lean in 17 program there are 3 phases with over 30 workouts that will transform your body day in and day out.PHASE ONE: In the Quick Lean phase you will be challenged with a handful of new and intense body weighted metabolic cardio workouts. Say goodbye to the treadmills and elliptical machines because this stuff will burn the fat without wasting hours on a piece of cardio equipment.PHASE TWO: The metabolic Lean phase will help speed up your metabolism by using metabolic conditioning training so that you can start to feel and see the results in only 17 minutes a day.PHASE THREE: Finally the Ripped Lean phase of this program is designed to help chisel out those sexy muscles and give you the body that makes you give the mirror a double take.Every single exercise is done with you and with the guidance of my amazing trainers and myself. You will see every movement, in detail as it is performed along with my personal explanation of how to perform the exercises for accelerated results.
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