Abraham-Hicks 2013 Cancun and Mediterranean Cruise
Abraham-Hicks 2013 Cancun and Mediterranean Cruise
[31 CDs – 294 MP3s, 1 TXT]
Abraham-Hicks 2013 Cruises2013-04-10 Cancun Week1 Mexico 10CDs2013-04-15 Cancun Week2 Mexico 10CDs2013-09-09 Mediterranean Cruise 11CDs2013-04-10 Cancun Week1 MEX 10CDs01-01 04_10_13 to 4_15_13 CD 1 Abraham-Hicks Publications01-02 Music_ We_re All In This Together01-03 Esther welcomes group to Mexico01-04 This environment makes Deliberate Creation more probable.01-05 Spending _vibrational currency_ causes replenishment of it.01-06 Abraham desires that we awaken to our wholeness.01-07 Wants to discuss subjective reality versus objective reality.01-08 LOA is a fact independent of perception_01-09 What things are independent of our manipulation_01-10 She keeps worrying the other shoe will drop.01-11 Ten-year-old friend gave her a wake up call.02-01 04_10_13 to 4_15_13 CD 2 Abraham-Hicks Publications02-02 Does _Love at first sight_ have to be mutual_02-03 He realizes he has been pushing against often.02-04 Her daily routine feels faster and overwhelming.02-05 Other_s opinions have no bearing on his life_02-06 Please zap him with evidence of Well-being.02-07 This is great and this is great, but…02-08 He_s wants _hot tips_ to change negative momentum.03-01 04_10_13 to 4_15_13 CD 3 Abraham-Hicks Publications03-02 Day two, Esther joins happy Cancuners.03-03 Your life_s occurrences punctuate Abraham_s evolving message.03-04 When what I think I want doesn_t unfold_03-05 She wants to be passionate about her life.03-06 Abraham puts Vortex and Grid into perspective.03-07 When you awaken you have control of momentum.03-08 An explanation of how to deal with momentum.03-09 Abraham continues momentum discussion with his bubble analogy.03-10 Her book_s about being at Air Force Academy.03-11 Her goose bump moments are the most important.04-01 04_10_13 to 4_15_13 CD 4 Abraham-Hicks Publications04-02 She feels past beliefs are hindering her now.04-03 Depression, bipolar, suicidal expert to speak to young girls.04-04 Do we have our own personal Spirit Guides_04-05 What you get always perfectly matches your vibration_04-06 What happens during an orgasm energetically_04-07 Can souls enter at any point in linear time_04-08 Is she not a match to her desire or…_04-09 Her whole back was jammed when she awakened.05-01 04_10_13 to 4_15_13 CD 5 Abraham-Hicks Publications05-02 Has absolute freedom to do what she wants, but…_05-03 How much effort is required on his part_05-04 Hard to maintain alignment while under negative scrutiny.05-05 Brought in to bring organization to next level.05-06 Continue to speak of problem perpetuates momentum.05-07 Abraham demonstrates choosing the beneficial vibrational disk.05-08 Focus on a vibration which achieves a feeling.06-01 04_10_13 to 4_15_13 CD 6 Abraham-Hicks Publications06-02 A good example of messing up now with later.06-03 Wants more about The Basis of Life is Freedom.06-04 Everything reflects relationship with your Inner Being.06-05 She loves continually seeing clock numbers lining up.06-06 Discuss breadth and depth of who she is_06-07 He revels in the power of his influence.06-08 Wants her body to feel the alignment of orgasm.06-09 Is he not aligned or is desire not right_06-10 The entire world adjusts to your vibration.06-11 How can we foster benefit of group Energy_06-12 She gets message from the other side.07-01 04_10_13 to 4_15_13 CD 7 Abraham-Hicks Publications07-02 Learning to effectively navigate through vibrations.07-03 He wants what he wants to just come.07-04 Wants to appreciate food before, during and after.07-05 Been trying to make Art of Allowing happen.07-06 He wants to approve his financial attraction.07-07 Why will tuning vibration first teach him faster_07-08 He heard Abraham is there at blissful moments.07-09 Do we come into the physical with intentions_07-10 He uses recreational drugs to feel good.08-01 04_10_13 to 4_15_13 CD 8 Abraham-Hicks Publications08-02 He knows he has cleaned up his vibration.08-03 Where does her love for Abraham go_08-04 She_s taken healing classes but feels uncomfortable.08-05 She wants opinions of others to not matter.08-06 How to raise vibration when quarreling with lover.08-07 Why does he deny himself the practices that work_08-08 She wants to soothe others about death.09-01 04_10_13 to 4_15_13 CD 9 Abraham-Hicks Publications09-02 Advantage of less diversity in his environment_09-03 This planet is evidence of absolute Well-being.09-04 She has only two months to make decision.09-05 She wants to teach seminars with few words.09-06 Wants to bask in the joy of her children.09-07 Does Esther have plans for helping teenagers_09-08 She wants to sit and practice self-appreciation._09-09 Wants to help her parents out of self-hatred.09-10 Wants to discuss our eagerness to be physical.09-11 She knows her Inner Being is Infinite Intelligence.10-01 04_10_13 to 4_15_13 CD 10 Abraham-Hicks Publications10-02 Her son has chosen to exclude his family.10-03 Thanks Abraham for answers to long-held questions.10-04 He grows and prepares wonderful healthy food.10-05 She_s been on spiritual path since childhood.10-06 She has no question, just wanted to be picked.10-07 Abraham puts physical and Nonphysical into perspective.10-08 Why don_t her dreams give her usable information_10-09 An empathizer goes along with other_s vibrations.10-10 Abraham closes this spectacular Cancun seminar. 2013-04-15 Cancun Week2 MEX 10CDs01-01 04_15_13 to 4_20_13 CD 1 Abraham-Hicks Publications01-02 Music_ We_re All In This Together01-03 Esther joins happy week two Cancuners.01-04 Abraham explains to us who we really are.01-05 Abraham introduces subject of momentum into conversation.01-06 Abraham has some questions for this group.01-07 Abraham gives new understanding about our Vortexes.01-08 Abraham introduces a new and most helpful analogy.01-09 Finds it hard to find positive tipping point.01-10 What is the depth of the experience of love_01-11 Do I want to add momentum to this_01-12 Why does she allow others to influence her_02-01 04_15_13 to 4_20_13 CD 2 Abraham-Hicks Publications02-02 Clarification of your _right now_ point of attraction.02-03 Your vibration is where you last left it.02-04 Before we sleep can we set the tone_02-05 Autistic genius_ _Genius is forgetting everything you know._02-06 He feels clearer after a brief afternoon nap.02-07 He likes phrase_ _The sweetness of doing nothing._02-08 Working with anti gravity machine to enhance sleep.02-09 Difference in coming into alignment and channeling.02-10 Felt like her body was being taken over_02-11 Do you really want to add momentum to that_02-12 Says _Wheeeee in his mind_ to improve momentum.02-13 What about scientists creating digital DNA beings_02-14 Wants to discuss concept of quantum entanglement.03-01 04_15_13 to 4_20_13 CD 3 Abraham-Hicks Publications03-02 Esther joins happy, energetic Cancun group.03-03 Do we create EVERYTHING in our own reality_03-04 Does alcohol make you a less deliberate focuser_03-05 Is it better to meditate and not drink_03-06 She wants to discuss unfolding of beautiful relationship.03-07 How to soothe ache in her lover_s heart_03-08 Why did meeting stranger child reach her so_03-09 What was the white dove in her garden about_03-10 Are we all sharing Energy streams together_03-11 When we emotionally consider do we impress matter_03-12 He likes so much the Abraham rampages.03-13 Wants clarification on one of Abraham_s quotes.03-14 Has questions about different vantage points.04-01 04_15_13 to 4_20_13 CD 4 Abraham-Hicks Publications04-02 What vibration causes haphazard injuries to happen_04-03 He wants to ask specific questions about sex.04-04 Listening to Abraham has provided outstanding life, but…04-05 Wants assistance in dealing with physical manifestation.04-06 Gave up smoking, now wants same with job.04-07 Without enough sleep he doesn_t feel good.04-08 When you allow momentum you need less sleep.04-09 Wants to talk about decisive decision making.05-01 04_15_13 to 4_20_13 CD 5 Abraham-Hicks Publications05-02 Saw Dalai Lama but has no conscious memory.05-03 Sexual experience is mostly a state of mind.05-04 In love with everything and now seeking contrast.05-05 How can she attract unwanted when feeling great_05-06 Will hot seat always feel this hot_05-07 How to quickly jump up vibrational disks_05-08 Why are baby birds looking in his window_05-09 Abraham closes day two Cancun of workshop.06-01 04_15_13 to 4_20_13 CD 6 Abraham-Hicks Publications06-02 Music and Esther_s greeting to group.06-03 Wants to lead businesses from an Abraham perspective.06-04 If Nonphysical is so wonderful why choose physical_06-05 She thinks desire, choice, focus drive the Universe_06-06 Does that which is Source have preferences_06-07 Does miraculous healing indicate choosing different disk_06-08 Wants to help kids get better, not just soothe.06-09 Can he find alignment causing hair to return_06-10 Seeks clarification about physical reactions to Energy.06-11 She gets overwhelming sense of vertigo when meditating.06-12 Does anyone ever transition into Nonphysical by default_07-01 04_15_13 to 4_20_13 CD 7 Abraham-Hicks Publications07-02 How does he fit into the big picture_07-03 Is LOA just a law or loving caring consciousness_07-04 Would it be good if science confirmed spirituality_07-05 Wants more clarification about her body_s vibration.07-06 She utilizes Abraham_s work in corporate America training.07-07 She_s young and enlightened but friends don_t understand.07-08 Some are fearing their Source holds separate desires.07-09 Are her dreams indicating she is close to transitioning_07-10 Can we Nonphysically focus into more than one body_08-01 04_15_13 to 4_20_13 CD 8 Abraham-Hicks Publications08-02 Esther joins Cancun group for final day.08-03 Being consciously aware you_re in the driver_s seat.08-04 How to want improvement without introducing resistance_08-05 What advantages does Abraham see re Land Cruises_08-06 Wants to discuss deliciousness of sexual lovemaking.08-07 Wants to understand more about influencing others.08-08 She wants to teach her 26-year-old daughter.08-09 Her three siblings had a crippling disease.09-01 04_15_13 to 4_20_13 CD 9 Abraham-Hicks Publications09-02 Are we born with personalities of our choosing_09-03 Wants to hear about introversion, momentum and meditation.09-04 She appreciated with no agenda and improved relationships.09-05 She now agrees with Abraham_ Life is BETTER!09-06 The power and benefit of being in alignment_09-07 Money and the LOA Cards will cause momentum.09-08 He rampages appreciation about this Land Cruise.09-09 Singular high point, or one for every topic_09-10 Is Abraham evolving due to audience interaction_09-11 Man is constantly confronted by facts of evolution.09-12 What does Abraham mean by concept of blending_10-01 04_15_13 to 4_20_13 CD 10 Abraham-Hicks Publications 110-02 Wants meditation to take her to another level.10-03 Wants Abraham_s description of Book of Positive Aspects.10-04 She trusted the dolphin_s knowledge without question.10-05 How does it feel to be worthy_10-06 Wants powerful process for couples to create together.10-07 Aerospace engineer wonders about attention to unsuccessful events.10-08 Sometimes the best he can feel is neutral.10-09 His life brings him such satisfactory answers.10-10 Abraham closes by summarizing these incredible days. 2013-09-09 Mediterranean Cruise 11CDs01-01 09_09_13 Abraham-Hicks Publications01-02 Esther greets the happy Mediterranean cruisers.01-03 Your expectation equals your point of attraction.01-04 Your physical beingness is the leading edge.01-05 The benefit for you of this cruise gathering.02-01 09_10_13-1 Abraham-Hicks Publications02-02 Sensitivity to your emotions is key to deliberate creation.02-03 Your point of attraction is about what you believe.02-04 Abraham talks about accessing leverage of control.02-05 You can stop momentum in early stages.02-06 You_ve rarely begun spending your vibrational currency.02-07 He has patterns of criticism, judgment and perfectionism.02-08 Slumber allows your point of attraction to cease.02-09 Your vibration is where you last left it.02-10 You must be up to speed with your wave.02-11 Wants to discuss what people call non-duality.03-01 09_10_13-2 Abraham-Hicks Publications03-02 Wanted to further discuss subject of non-duality.03-03 He wants to share his success stories.03-04 What if you have desire to have no desire_03-05 He wants to understand his point of attraction.03-06 Abraham demonstrates deliberately tuning our focus.04-01 09_11_13-1 Abraham-Hicks Publications04-02 Feeling an uncomfortable new level of emotional indicators.04-03 Abraham distinguishes between vibrational frequency and momentum.04-04 There_s no virtue is doing it the hard way.04-05 Lifelong giver is now understanding value of receiving.04-06 Effort factor or path of least resistance factor.04-07 What would it be like if everyone were aligned_04-08 Abraham pantomimes because theater sound is cut off.05-01 09_11_13-2 Abraham-Hicks Publications05-02 What new inventions are we in store for_05-03 Will man ever be able to time-travel_05-04 He wants to be doing what Abraham is doing.05-05 He wants to be an example of Source.05-06 She wants to talk about money leverage.05-07 Is it OK to want a perfect partner_05-08 Should we examine why we want something_05-09 He has a disconnect between vibration and action.06-01 09_12_13-1 Abraham-Hicks Publications06-02 Esther joins the very happy group.06-03 Was he stupid to do experimental drug treatment_06-04 How did he _see_ where her wallet was_06-05 What is the best way to release jealousy_06-06 He uses action to mask his insecurity.06-07 Abraham’s two ‘waking up’ explanations seem contradictory.06-08 Are focus wheels about clogging old pipes_06-09 Abraham pointed at one person, but another one came.06-10 Wants to talk about ‘deconstruction of thought’ process.06-11 What was the purpose for the separation (amnesia)_07-01 09_12_13-2 Abraham-Hicks Publications07-02 He wants to know what intuition is.07-03 Little symptoms bring back unpleasant diagnosis thoughts.07-04 Rampages sometimes feel like ignoring paperwork reality.07-05 He has been chasing the enlightenment wheel.07-06 How to fly-high next to a low-flyer.07-07 Shouldn’t awakened ones always be happy_07-08 His alignment can cause contrast of growth.07-09 What if he can’t leave low vibration conversation_08-01 09_14_13-1 Abraham-Hicks Publications08-02 How can psychiatric emergency worker best help_08-03 How does he soothe the angry, nasty people_08-04 She’s had a long-time unfulfilled dream.08-05 Empathic surgeon wants to choose his connections.08-06 He calls bi-polar, being in alignment.09-01 09_14_13-2 Abraham-Hicks Publications09-02 How can he see someone’s IB when they can’t_09-03 What will his job be after he croaks_09-04 Pilot wants adventure on his own schedule.09-05 Are parallel realities just different discs_10-01 09_18_13-1 Abraham-Hicks Publications10-02 Does digging up the past help the present_10-03 The process of love ÔÇö beyond monogamy.10-04 He has never been close to his parents.10-05 What is the leverage of a Mastermind group_10-06 He makes progress and then gets overwhelmed.10-07 Meeting someone new you feel you’ve known already.11-01 09_18_13-2 Abraham-Hicks Publications11-02 Wants Abraham to give confirmation to her engagement.11-03 He’s finishing the cruise with powerful momentum.11-04 She wants to discuss concept_ we’re not singular.11-05 AA member feels Abraham_s next logical step.11-06 Wants to free all drug_alcohol related prisoners.11-07 Has vision of assisted-living seniors living debt-free.11-08 Abraham closes the leading-edge Mediterranean Cruise seminar.Abraham, Jerry and Esther Hickshttp://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
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