The Grapplefit “The Winning Edge”
The Grapplefit “The Winning Edge” DVD Rip.Fight-BB.COM.avi
[ 1 DVD Rip ]
The Grapplefit “The Winning Edge” DVD Rip I want to share with you some information that will take your strength, power and endurance to the next level…. * This is the same information that has gained me Black Belts in Kung Fu and Judo, a national trophy in Sambo wrestling… * This is the same information that has seen me coach and train other judo players, prize winning fighters, mixed martial artists and kick boxers to name a few of the sports where competitive athletes have benefited… * This is the same information that others pay me over £100 a month to gain access to and you can receive for just pennies on the pound… Included here are variations on the following: Keg Squats Kettle Bell Squats Zercher Squats Floor Press Rope Pullups Ring dips Kettle Bell Crush Curls Keg Clean and Press
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