Rikka Zimmerman – Bringing Your Miraculous Life Into Being
Rikka Zimmerman – Bringing Your Miraculous Life Into Being
[33MP3s, 2JPGs, 1TXT]
Rikka Zimmerman – Bringing Your Miraculous Life Into BeingIs it time for your life to be more miraculous than anything you ever thought possible? Are you ready to embody the awareness and vibration that will allow your entire life to function as a gift of infinite energy,infinite possibilities and infinite choice? Are you ready to bring YOUR miraculous life into being? Can I hear a big, vibrational ‘YES?’” ~~ RikkaDo you see? It has already started… that YES is the pronouncement to your soul that you are ready and able to move to a new state of being. And there is no-one better than Rikka to take you there.The energetic infusion of love that you are about to encounter will knock out the old and inculcate the new vibrational possibilities into your very cellular nature.———————————————————————————————————————————-Miraculous Morning Toolkit A 2-5 minute audio to jumpstart your day as a miraculous adventure, awakening and unveiling the gift you are and vibrationally setting your day in motion for exponential receiving beyond your wildest imagination. Daily Vibrational Platform A 30-75 minute audio adventure during which Rikka walks you through one of the 7 vibrational platforms, including all of the energetic awarenesses and clearings that will allow you to bring your miraculous life into being with ease.Vibrational Elevation While You Sleep Session A potent 4-7 minute meditation that will nurture and soothe your body and being at the close of each beautiful day. Imagine how much you’ll enjoy being gently wrapped in a blanket of the Universe’s infinite love throughout the night. You can listen to the “While You Sleep” tracks on a repeating audio loop at a very low volume, as it’s not necessary for your cognitive mind to hear and process the words in order to receive the energetic shifts. How cool is that?.———————————————————————————————————————————-The First Step in Bringing Your Miraculous Life Into BeingWe’ll begin by setting up your vibrational awareness to exponentialize your receiving of the audios in this package. As you listen to the audios again and again, clearing more of the unconsciousness and polarity around a particular topic, you’ll begin to hear every awareness as clear as a bell. Now let’s lay an empowering foundation: Does the premise that you are the creator of you and your life resonate as true for you? Yes? If you’re the creator, are you the only one that can unravel and let go of all of the limitations you put in place?During this audio Rikka empowers you by asking you questions that will expand your awareness and open up the energy and vibration to release the stuck information that stops you from knowing and celebrating your divine perfection. Are you ready to break through the illusions of your limitations as fast as possible and bring your miraculous life into being?Each Day (Listed Below) Includes 3 Audios:• Miraculous Morning Toolkit: A 2-5 minute audio to jumpstart your day as a miraculous adventure, awakening and unveiling the gift you are and vibrationally setting your day in motion for exponential receiving beyond your wildest imagination.• Daily Vibrational Platform: A 30-75 minute audio adventure during which Rikka walks you through one of the 7 vibrational platforms, including all of the energetic awarenesses and clearings that will allow you to bring your miraculous life into being with ease.• Vibrational Elevation While You Sleep Session: A potent 4-7 minute meditation that will nurture and soothe your body and being at the close of each beautiful day. Imagine how much you’ll enjoy being gently wrapped in a blanket of the Universe’s infinite love throughout the night. You can listen to the “While You Sleep” tracks on a repeating audio loop at a very low volume, as it’s not necessary for your cognitive mind to hear and process the words in order to receive the energetic shifts.Day 1 – Dissolving Fixed BeliefsHow many belief systems have you put in place in an attempt to get a specific result, such as make a certain amount of money, create a phenomenal relationship, or shift your body? Do all of your belief systems unravel the energy, or do they just make you feel more stuck? What if these fixed beliefs are what create experiences of limitation around what’s possible for you as the being of Oneness you truly are?During this incredible audio Rikka empowers you with awarenesses and tools to dissolve your fixed beliefs and embark on an adventurous life that is miraculous and magical instead.Day 2 – Harmonizing Your PastHow long have you been trying to “fix” and “change” you and your past in an attempt to move into a greater expression of you? What if you could just chill out instead, knowing your past was perfect, just the way it was? What if there’s never been anything to change about anyone, or anything, including YOU? What if the only thing that needs to be “fixed” or “changed” about your past is the belief that it needs to be “fixed” or “changed”?During this audio Rikka provides you with the energetic tools, vibrational support and deep inspiration to harmonize your past. Imagine… what would your life be like if the entirety of your past was harmonized with all of Consciousness?Day 3 – Eliminating Vibrational BoxesDo your limitations feel a lot like an electric doggie fence that zaps you when you stray too far away from the “box” of your finite reality? Is staying in your vibrational box how you prove that you’re not selfish and egotistical? Does it seem like staying within the confines of your vibrational boxes is the way to keep everyone in your life (parents, spouses, teachers, bosses, etc ) happy and avoid their judgments? Do you obediently jump back in your box in an attempt to make them feel more comfortable with the illusion of THEIR limitations? What if you actually set THEM free by setting YOURSELF free?During this audio Rikka unlocks you everywhere it seems like it’s not okay to be out of the box as you on this planet. Is now the time to stop interacting with the illusion of this reality and allow all of Consciousness to flow through you like a tidal wave that washes away the walls of separation, returning you to the miraculous Oneness you are?Day 4 – Receiving Infinite Support From The UniverseDo you realize that when you’re resisting and judging what is, you’re doubting the divine perfection of the Universe? What if trying to control everything and everyone is an indication that you think of yourself as superior to Consciousness? Instead of trying to outsmart infinite intelligence, would you be willing to consider the possibility of receiving the never-ending support and contribution from the Universe called YOU?During this audio, Rikka reminds you that there are no missteps in consciousness and EVERYTHING and EVERYONE is here to support your expansion. What if you can relax, knowing the Universe is ever-expanding and always taking care of itself? Every time you have a charge, reaction or resistance to anyone or anything, that’s the Universe in disguise attempting to wake you up to the miraculous being you are. Would you be willing to let go of the past emotional content you have around not being supported and reside in pure, unadulterated gratitude for the infinite support from the Universe instead?Day 5 – Exponentializing Miraculous ReceivingIs there a part of you that KNOWS you can bring absolutely anything into being and receive it? What if the first step is choice? Can you sense how once you vibrationally choose, reality has no other option than to follow suit?During this brilliant audio Rikka empowers you to use every aspect of your daily life to exponentialize your receiving. Rikka gives you energetic tools to reroute your bio-feedback system and unlock all of the programming that you’re pretending to have around receiving in attempt to unlock others from THEIR limitations around receiving. Will you now allow yourself to be the miracle of infinite receiving you were designed to be?Day 6 – Returning Home to Infinite Joy & Self-LoveOn your journey, have you abandoned yourself by making others greater than you? Have you been mean to yourself along the way? Are you ready and willing to give that up and have an ever-expanding love affair with yourself that gets more delicious than you ever thought possible with every passing day? During this vibrationally loving, heartfelt audio, Rikka clears everything that gets in your way of you being the divine mother for yourself whenever you get lost in the caverns of hurt feelings, pain, suffering or dis-ease.The energy that can unlock anything is YOU loving YOU. Knowing that, would you now be willing to let go of everything you don’t love about you? You are a glowing ember of love and light and Rikka invites you to shine brighter than ever as you embark on a spontaneous life of being in love and in joy with everyone and everything around you, including YOU. What if you could explode into the vibration of infinite expansion and self-love? Will you choose it?Day 7 – Realigning Your Reality With The New YouAre you ready to have your reality orchestrate itself to meet the greatest expression of you as the miraculous being you were designed to be? As an instrument of Oneness, the Universe plays it’s music through you. During these audios Rikka gives you tools so your choices and actions resonate with BEING and HAVING your miraculous life.Imagine flowing infinite energy through every part of your body and being so that reality shifts itself based on your new vibrational choices. Ready to tap into the potency of the entire universe and enjoy every moment of your beautiful life?Bonus Gift #1 – 7-Day Audio Adventure For Bringing Your Miraculous Abundance Into Being. 9 Downloadable MP3 AudiosHave you been creating a difficult financial reality of pain and suffering? Is it finally time to allow yourself to choose to have tons of money with ease and joy? Would you be willing to be that different from just about everybody you know? During this Session, Rikka looks at money with you through the eyes of Consciousness, harmonizing all of the charges you have about money that are an energetic wall standing between you and money. What if you could have a relationship with money that’s resonate with the miraculous being that you were designed to be?• Day 1: Decorating You In Diamonds To Amplify Opulence:Would going to the most high-end jewelry or clothing store that you can find and adorning yourself in thousands of dollars worth of merchandise take you out of your comfort zone? In this audio Rikka facilitates you to become vibrationally compatible with amplified opulence. What if you could feel as comfortable decorating yourself in diamonds as you do taking a walk in nature?• Day 2: Open Your Abundance Account:Are you truly willing to HAVE money? If you don’t already have an overflowing bank account, that’s an indication of your unwillingness to HAVE money. This audio gives you the energetic awareness and support to embody the energy of HAVING money by embarking on the adventure of opening your 10% Abundance Account. This one tool completely exponentialized Rikka’s entire financial reality. Will you allow it to expand yours?• Day 3: Vibrationally Clearing Your Financial Energetic Field:What vibrations are active in your system when it comes to your finances? Worry? Fear? Judgment? Avoidance? In this audio Rikka empowers you to unravel all of your fixed beliefs about money so you can clear your financial energetic field for take-off.• Day 4: Receiving Money as a Ray of Sunshine To Exponentialize Your WealthWhen someone offers to buy you lunch, do you receive it fully or contract and refuse it? Do you say something like, “My treat next time.” When you contract and feel bad about receiving, you energetically send a message to the Universe to stop showering you with abundance. During this audio Rikka facilitates you to induce a new, expanded vibrational capacity for receiving money with the same effortlessness you receive a ray of sun shining on you from above.• Day 5: Having a Love Affair with Your Abundance Account:What kind of relationship do you have with your 10% Abundance Account? One of gratitude-filled TLC, or total, utter disgust and neglect? If the money in your Abundance Account was a nurturing, kind, caring, expansive lover, how would you talk to it? How would you treat it? In this audio Rikka demonstrates how to use this tool to open up the energy of receiving from the Universe so you can have an entirely new, loving, expansive relationship with money.• Day 6: Three Shifts in the Way You Interact with Money – Ask & Listen:What three things can you shift about your business or add to your life that will open the financial floodgates in your life? When was the last time you raised your rates? Is it time to adjust your price scale? Who do you know who could help you leverage your marketing efforts or who could introduce you to someone who can contribute to your life? “How” is not your job. Would you be willing to leave that to the Universe? Your job is to ask & listen, and then follow up with inspired action. Ready to go from “HOW?” to “WOW.”?• Day 7: Making One Big Choice to Explode Your Money Flows:Money follows choice. During this audio Rikka unlocks you from everywhere you’re uncomfortable with having tons of money and energetically opens you up to receiving inspirational downloads from the Universe. She then clears your attachments to outcomes, as well as anything else in your financial energetic field that’s in the way of you acting upon the one big choice you can make today that would allow more money than you can imagine to flow into your life. Bonus Gift MP3 of Our Potent Bonus Call: Not included.http://healingwiththemasters.com/v12/rikka-zimmerman/http://www.manifesteverythingnow.com/SpecialOffer/S4/RikkaZi…
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