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Bobby Rio – The Attraction Instinct

Bobby Rio – The Attraction Instinct
[1 MP4- 6 MP3]



One of Rio’s supplemental courses, the Attraction Instinct, offers instruction on visualization techniques that can be used to overcome negative habits and instincts and replace them with the same mindset that is championed in the Player’s Paradigm.The course is focused on teaching guided visualization techniques that are meant to help guys overcome shyness, anxiety and a lack of confidence.According to Rio, common problems that guys have when approaching girls are often related to subconscious habits and instincts: “When guys talk themselves out of approaching girls, forget their pick-up line, or go blank in the middle of a conversation with a girl, it is often because they have negative instincts that force a subconscious reaction to the situation.” Rio follows up on this idea by saying that if these negative instincts, or habits, lead to guys subconsciously sabotaging their attempts at flirting and picking up women, then all that is needed is to change the instincts so that the reactions are more positive. Replacing the negative with positive can allow guys to move forward with creating attraction rather than being handicapped by doubts and fears of failure.The course focuses on providing tools that can be used to help guys overcome their habitual reactions. Rio guides readers in visualization exercises that are specifically designed for guys who are struggling with women. He asks readers to visualize themselves in a variety of situations where they have to approach women, flirt, and build attraction.    Through these techniques, Rio aims to help his students change their instincts from negative to positive.As Rio points out, this approach is not new, it has just never been applied to dating before. “If you ask any high performing athlete the secret of their success, you will most inevitably hear the word ‘visualization’ come up at some point. Tiger Woods, Muhammad Ali, Michael Jordan and dozen of other athletes admit to spending massive amounts of time seeing in their mind the results they want to achieve. What they are doing is training their mind to handle the exact same situation when it occurs in reality.”Rio has focused his visualization technique for dating by offering five guided visualization sessions that are meant to focus on a specific problem that guys often experience with women. The exercises focus on self-confidence, approaching women “on auto-pilot”, building attraction through conversation, handing difficult situations and rejection, and being able to “close the deal” after building attraction.This is the latest course from Rio and is meant to be a supplement to his other books and courses, though, according to Rio, it “works as a stand-alone course because visualization is just so effective when it comes to changing your instincts.”


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