Greg O’Gallagher – Greek God Program
Greek God
[3 ebooks – PDF]
Group Buy Page You Working Out 4+ Days A Week, Taking Loads Of Supplements, Force Feeding Yourself Bland Protein-Packed Meals… And STILL Struggling To Build Muscle Without Gaining Fat?Muscle building expert Greg O’Gallagher reveals his little-known formula that regular people are using to sculpt a proportionate physique like a Greek God!Greg O’Gallaghercreator, Kinobody.comI want to begin by telling you a story.Let me know when this sounds familiar…Whenever You Start A New Muscle-BuildingProgram, You Hit The Gym HARD, Right?Dedication is strong. You’re pumped.THIS will be the time you make the gains and add that lean mass.You’re in the gym 5-6 days a week, hitting the muscle groups from every angle, fatiguing them for maximum hypertrophy…Following some new routine that sounds like it’s finally the thing you’ve been missing in your workouts.A couple weeks go by. You’re eating tons of food, taking the supplements you read about, the ones those magazines said were essential to bulking up.You’re feeling good. Sore, but positive.After A Few Weeks, You Notice The Changes StartingTo Take Place… And They’re NOT What You Expected. Your jeans fit a little tighter in the thigh and butt Your chest isn’t forming into the square, masculine pecs you wanted Your arms aren’t getting ripped and vascular Your stomach looks bloated, instead of downright chiseled Your thighs are starting to chafe from bulky leg muscles that resemble the “feminine sweep”You Wanted To Get Those Rock-Solid Muscles AndChiseled “Greek God-Like” Physique, But Instead… Your face becomes round – even chubby-looking – instead of having the sharp, angular jaw line you’re really after Your muscles are getting bigger but they’ve become droopy and “puffy” instead of solid and defined You’re losing the coveted “V-shape” as your waist becomes thickerYour clothes aren’t fitting as well as they did, either.The buttons on your shirt buckle under the strain when you sit down, making you feel like you have to constantly suck in. Your jeans are tight across the thighs, which feels constricting and unpleasant.And then it hits you…You’re Losing Your Proportions – And Are LookingWORSE Because Of It!On top of that, you’re spending WAY too much time in the gym and way too much money on crazy amounts of food and supplements.(Who has $200+ to drop per month on supplements alone? And you’re STILL not even sure if they’re even working!)You’re confused, though.It doesn’t make sense.You’ve read the posts on the blogs.Hung out in the forums.You’ve read the articles in Men’s Health and Muscle & Fitness.You’re Confused Because You THINK You’reDoing Everything Right… Working out hard 4-6 days a week Taking your pre and post workout supplements Doing the exercises that hit the muscle from all angles Lifting till failure each set to tax your muscles as much as possible every workout Shit, you even cut out the booze to avoid sabotaging gains!But after all this work and time, you’re still frustrated. You aren’t getting stronger (or have hit a plateau).You aren’t getting the chiseled, muscular “Greek God-like” physique you’re after, despite working out MORE – almost every day of the week.(How can THAT be?)Fitness for you has turned into an obsession and the lackluster results haven’t even been worth it.You Just Want To Know What WORKS — Instead Of AllThese “Rules” That Seem To Contradict Each Other…Eat protein every 2-3 hours.Wait no, if protein intake is matched, frequency doesn’t matter.Don’t mix fat with carbs.Eat balanced meals with “good fats” and complex carbs.Work out 5 days a week.Don’t work out more than 4 days a week.Work out several muscle groups together for maximum hypertrophy.Wait no, only work out one muscle group each time.Do 8-12 reps per set for growth.No, only do 4-6 reps per set for growth.Lift till failure.Don’t lift till failure.Is Your Head Spinning Yet? (…Mine Is.)All this “advice” gets confusing and contradicting VERY quickly… How can you balance it all?(No wonder so few people are walking around with solid physiques and great muscle development!)And the worst part about it all…It Seems Like Only The “Genetically Gifted” PeopleAre Making Gains… No One Else – Including YOU.Build muscle without gaining fat.That’s the goal.And no – not the puffy-looking muscles that lack any kind of definition like you see on the dudes that are squatting and deadlifting all day.(I KNOW you know who I’m talking about!)Not that kind of muscle…We’re talking rock-hard, dense muscle with sculpted definition from low levels of body fat.The “Holy Grail” of muscle building.After all, what’s the point of working hard to build the muscle only to have it obscured by a layer of fat?But there’s the problem:The Problem Is That When Most People Start (Any)Muscle-Building Program, It Always Leads To TheSame End Result…It’s like clockwork.After following a typical muscle-building program, most people add size to their legs, glutes, lower chest, and stomach.This is what creates the “disproportionate” look.But the side effects go deeper than that… Girls aren’t as attracted to that physique (most prefer the lean and muscular look) You lose your agility and sports become laborious Clothes fit awkwardly (plus you look terrible with your shirt off)Well guess what?I don’t want to make you angry or upset by saying this, but it needs saying:You’re Doing It ALL WRONG!I’m Greg O’Gallagher from and I know precisely what it takes to experience exceptional strength and muscle gains.This is the typical physique I walk around with most of the year, averaging around 9% body fat almost unconsciously while maintaining solid muscle mass.Here’s the kicker:I have a different philosophy from most muscle building “experts” and bodybuilding communities out there:Instead of adding “mass” anywhere just to bulk up…I want incredible strength, muscle definition and godlike proportions. All of this while staying absolutely shredded and maintaining a very high level of sex appeal.The problem was… I couldn’t find a practical way to achieve this look.I Tried Numerous Other Workouts And “Diet”Programs In The Past… They Didn’t Cut It.And so, I worked tirelessly to develop a workout and nutrition program unlike anything else out there…One that would allow me to simultaneously increase strength, muscle mass, proportion, definition and sex appeal.(In fact, there comes a point in time when these separate qualities start to compete AGAINST each other…)It takes a very careful approach to maximize all of these together.But that’s what I set out to do…I wanted to engineer a program anyone could follow to develop the physique of a Greek God:Taut waist, wide back, rounded shoulders, masculine and developed pecs, rock hard arms and lean, athletic legs…After years of experimenting on myself and running others through the program as well, I finally “cracked the code”.I Discovered What It REALLY Takes To Reliably BuildMuscle And Rapidly Increase Strength… And It’sDifferent From ANYTHING You’re Doing Right Now.I’ve compiled everything I know on duplicating these results and turned it into one definitive course.And now, finally…After TWO years in the making:The Definitive Muscle Building Program Is Here… Kinobody Presents The Greek God Muscle Building Program This NEW Program Exposes: How To Completely Transform YourPhysique Training 3 Days Per Week!Inside the Greek God Muscle Building Program,You’ll Discover… The 4 essential lifts for building rock-solid muscle The 10 assistance exercises that develop your lagging muscles and help you break through strength plateaus How to maximize your lifting protocol so you can easily build super strength and dense, rock-hard muscle How to master the art of strength progressions so you never hit a strength-building plateau again Why building relative strength is the key to the ultimate Greek God Kinobody Physique Optimal training frequency for maximum strength and muscle gains (the “media” misleads you in a HUGE way with this!) How to incorporate specialization routines for accelerated muscle growth on lagging body parts Low-budget nutrition strategies for building muscle and avoiding fat gain (and actually enjoying the process) How to track your progress so you know exactly how close you are to reaching Greek God Status Why training for the pump doesn’t work at building muscle unless you use this one simple technique to stimulate maximum muscle fiber recruitment …And so much more!I’ve Used This Program To Take My Strength ToA New Level… Just Watch This Short Video:But Don’t Take MY Word For It…See What Others Have To Say About This Program!This hasn’t just changed MY life…Check out what REAL users – people like you and me – had to say about the Greek God Muscle Building Course:“…The Saint Graal of muscle building approaches…”Take A Second Right Now And Think About Something…I’m going to ask you a question in a second, and be honest.First of all, think about all the money you’ve spent on supplements (so far) trying to build muscle – without gaining body fat in the process.Think about all the time you’ve spent in the gym.How hard you’ve worked out.How much time you’ve spent pouring over information, articles, and forums reading and trying to figure out just what the hell will get REAL results.Take ALL of that and think about this:“Are The Results You’ve Gotten On Your Own Worth ALLYour Effort? Don’t You Think There Is A Better Way?”Imagine a workout system where you work out LESS and make MORE gains because of it…Just look at the results I was able to achieve using this program:arrow2I weigh a solid 185 and hover on average around 9% body fat.Using the concepts from this program, I was able to take my body to the brink of my natural muscular potential.Do you know what that means for YOU?I’m A Walking Case Study That PROVESThere’s An Easier Way…One where you don’t have to live in the gym, force countless pounds of bland chicken down your throat every 3 hours, or waste money on supplements that don’t work.(Let’s be real here – you probably haven’t seen ANY results from the supplements you’ve taken, or at least not enough to justify how much you spend on them. Am I right?)You’ve already wasted so much time, energy and money following programs that flat-out don’t work.How long will you continue down this road?On the other hand, I’ve spent the last several YEARS fanatically practicing what I preach. I’ve been testing, tweaking and refining a system that is proven to get incredible results nearly every single time.I’ve Spent The Last Several YEARS Fanatically Testing,Tweaking And Refining A System That’s PROVEN ToGet Incredible Results Nearly Every Single Time…This program is NOT like other programs.In the Greek God Muscle Building Program, I use a different approach.For example… You’re not over-training, working out 4, 5, or 6 days a week… Just THREE days following a simple 2-workout split, and your results and progress will explode because of it. You’re not performing tons of exercises and sets each workout. Instead, you’ll use a minimalist method of training I’ve found more effective for building rock hard muscle than anything else out there.. Period. You’re not relying on loads of expensive supplements. In fact, there’s only a couple I’d even recommend – and they aren’t necessary for this program.In fact, I get case studies, reviews and testimonials almost every week attesting to the power of this program.Here’s the most recent Success Story… REAL Kinobody Success Story: “…Just 5 weeks and I am now strongerthan I have ever been!”Scott Belott, 45Before……After (6 Months Later)What Makes The Greek God Muscle Building ProgramSo Much More Effective At Building Strength AndAdding Muscle Than Other Programs?There is a specific strategy I’ve developed that makes this program so effective.I’ll get to that in a second.First, I need to lay the foundation.See, in this program you’ll focus on progressing on the key movements that generate the most results.The workout embodies the 80/20 Rule in action:Even Now… 80% Of The Results You Get TypicallyCome From 20% Of The Exercises You Do.Just look at your current workout routine and the results you’re getting from it.I’ll bet that only 20% of the exercises you’re doing right now are producing ALL your muscle growth (if there IS any).Now let’s take it one step further…What if you want to MAXIMIZE your time in the gym – get the MOST results from the LEAST effort?To do that, your focus should be on that “20%” of exercises that lead to the most growth and ELIMINATE the rest. This will tighten up your workouts without detracting from their effectiveness.Makes sense, doesn’t it?And that’s the secret behind this program’s success:The Secret That Makes This Program So EffectiveIs The Groundbreaking Strategy I Developed Called“MEGA Training”.MEGA Training stands for “Minimal Effort Growth Acceleration” Training.It’s the secret behind the explosive growth you’ll experience after following this program – WITHOUT over-training and beating your muscles into oblivion every single day.Now think about that for a minute…Take a second to do this real quick:Imagine you decide to put yourself first today and invest in this program.You download the entire course, read through everything and watch the videos, and you START. You take that first step…Imagine Yourself Looking In The Mirror 4 WeeksFrom Now And Seeing The Progress…Your muscles starting to tighten up.The definition becoming more apparent.You’ll be adding weight to lifts that you likely haven’t added weight to (at least in a while).After a few months, the difference in your physical development will be nothing short of remarkable.Are you ready to make this a reality?The Greek God Muscle Building Program is the shortest, quickest path to breaking through all the barriers and plateaus holding you back from the muscle, definition, and strength you want.I’ve laid out the program for you… It’s up to YOU to follow it.Can you afford to miss out on this?Act Quick For 2 Exclusive Bonuses!(Time Sensitive)Bonus #1: FAQ GuideAs you go through the Greek God Muscle Building Program, you’re going to have questions.Most people do, in fact.To help with this, I’ve compiled the most frequently asked questions for the program into one handy guide.After you read the main course guide, scan through here to fill in any gaps before starting the program!Bonus #2: 3-Day Split Workout GuideThe main Greek God Program will take your physique to a new level.But what do you do then?After doing the main workout routine for 6 months, I recommend graduating from a 2-day split to a 3-day workout split. This spaces out your lifts and will enable you to make better strength gains on specific exercises since you’ll be hitting them fresh.As well, the three-day split will also allow you to hit your legs with a little more volume and include a slightly greater exercise selection since you’ll be having your exercises spread out over three workouts instead of two.When you invest in the Greek God Program today, you’ll get this entire bonus report to ensure continuous improvement.What If You Had The Power To Completely AlterYour Physique Into The One You Want?The secrets in this program COULD help you do that.They could enable you to finally build muscle and make massive strength gains without gaining fat in the process.That’s life-changing stuff.In fact, clients have paid me up to $800 to help them develop a program to build muscle without gaining fat…And this complete course contains ALL my tactics and strategies for packing on lean muscle while staying chiseled to the bone.But you’re not going to pay anywhere near that today…This is the revised Version 2.0 of this program, and I want to make it so affordable that ANYONE can invest in it.Because of that, if you act now you can get your hands on everything – the entire course and all the bonuses – for only $47.Click The Button Below To Get Started NOW:ONLY $47button-style-4-gradientYou Don’t Have To Decide Now…Try It Out For 60 Days!Listen, I know this is a huge commitment. Anyone can afford this program (that is my intention), but you actually have to commit to it. I can’t do the work for you.But… With this program you won’t be overtraining, scrambling to cram in that fifth or sixth day in the gym every week. You won’t be spending hundreds of dollars per month on supplements, wondering if they’re even working.The money you’ll save on supplements alone could buy this program MANY times over.But just to take ALL the risk away and make this as much of a complete no-brainer as possible… I’ll let you take this entire course for a 60-day test drive.Read the manual. Do the workouts. Follow the nutrition plan.After 60 days (TWO full months), if you aren’t completely ecstatic about the results you’re getting… Then simply send me an email to “support (at) kinobody (dot) com” and I’ll refund every penny back to you!There Are NO More Excuses For NOT AchievingThe Muscular, Solid Body Of A Greek God…This is the program that will get you there.It’s already proven to work.…And it will work for you, too.You Have A New Tool In Your Arsenal.But only if you use it.You’re either IN… Or you’re out.If you’re IN… If you’re ready to discover the secrets I’ve used to undergo massive strength and muscle gains with working out LESS…Then click the button below to invest in the Greek God Muscle Building Program and start your transformation NOW!
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