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Fluenz – Italian 3+4+5

Fluenz Italian 3+4+5
[Software – 4 ISO]


You can check out Fluenz Italian 1+2 here: Italian is led by tutor Sonia Gil, who takes you step-by-step through the world’s most beautiful language. And since a language is more than just words and images, Sonia highlights the important elements of Italian culture that are necessary for deeper understanding. Those programs that offer no explanations can’t add this central cultural dimension, nor can they help you learn the inner-workings of Italian.We wanted to move beyond the cookie-cutter approach typical of computer language education: simplistic methods that boast a natural, passive way to learn Italian, and those that treat adults like kids by emphasizing the association of words and pictures. Instead, the Fluenz tutor guides you every step of the way, offering clear explanations of every new concept so that you never get lost.Anyone who has ever tried to learn a language knows that it requires focus and practice. So when the big companies claim to offer an “easy” and “natural” solution, we know they’re being disingenous. But by acknowledging the challenge, clearly explaining how Italian works, and providing helpful strategies and tips, the Fluenz tutor guides you steadily and confidently towards greater fluency.There is no more effective way to fully understand Italian, its verb conjugations, masculine/feminine endings, and other central elements than from a tutor who explains these important subtleties. We drew from our own experiences studying Italian in Rome when designing this program. Each session features an extensive tutorial where Sonia covers all the new things being learned, guiding you through the difficult parts and moving more quickly through the easier ones.What you learnFluenz Italian 3Connect more deeply and confidently with the world around you.Fluenz Italian 3 dramatically expands your ability with the language. While Levels 1+2 establish the strongest possible foundation in the language, Level 3 builds upon this base into areas of substantial complexity that add an impressive layer of subtelty and sophistication to your speech. You also begin to develop the ability to connect with Italian speakers around more personal topics.Fluenz Italian 4Open new doors into travel, business, and community.Move beyond managing daily life in the Italian speaking world to more diverse, meaningful, and personal interactions and experiences. Explore the outdoors, discuss family and childhood stories, and gain the skills it takes to establish yourself as a serious member of a Italian speaking community.Fluenz Italian 5Make friends, colaborate with colleagues, and become a true member of the community. Dive deeper into all areas of life. From managing your health and finances to taking advantage of the arts and attending special events, Fluenz Italian 5 allows you to experience the Italian-speaking world in full color. Build relationships as common acquaintances become friends and every interaction holds the opportunity to become a deeper member of the community.How to use:This process works with 3+4+5.1. Extract all of the contents of the ISO file into a folder (such as “Fluenz Italian 3”) on your hard disk.2. In the extracted folder (“Fluenz Italian 3”), delete folder “Xtras” and the following files:- fluenz.exe- FluenzDeactivator.exe- GetMachineID.exe- Setup.exe- autorun.infYou may want to backup before deleting them.3. Extract all of the contents from Fluenz_Patch.iso into a folder.4. Copy all patch files over to “Fluenz Italian 3” folder.5. There are two way to run the program:1. The proper way:-  Firstly, you must download Fluenz Mandarin 3 (Fluenz Madarin_3.mdf + .mds):: You don’t need to download Fluenz Mandarin 1+2 (Fluenz Mandarin_.mdf)-  Mount Fluenz Mandarin 3 image file to a virtual drive using Daemon Tools. Run Fluenz Mandarin 3 then close it. –  Run fluenz_2.exe in “Fluenz Italian 3” folder. Make sure to keep Fluenz Mandarin 3 on the virtual drive.Note: In most cases, Fluenz Mandarin 3 can be run. However in some computers the program will ask for “original disc”. If this method does not work, try this instead:2. The nearly perfect way: This way is not perfect but very handy. Simply run fluenz.exe.Some limitations:- Menus for choosing subtitle options before conversations will appear as if this is a Spanish program, but the contents are completely for learning Italian.- The first conversation in lesson #6 will be skipped.- When Sonia is talking, the video frame border is not red but green.


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