Gamma Healing
Gamma healing
[20 mp4 – 28 PDF]
PLEASE READ MY DISCLAIMER:IT SAYS MP3 MEDITATIONS, i CAN NOT DOWNLOAD THEM SO DO NOT ASK ABOUT “folder06 gamma-higher-potential-training is empty” I know it is and NOT my fault, links on website is broken. I would love the meditations myself.As requested here By HWIf anyone has the meditation please upload themBEGIN DEscriptION HERE”Firstly Gamma Healing is a scientifically validated process. We have measured participants brain waves when using the techniques so you know exactly what is happening in the brain when using the techniques. There is no guess work, no new age belief about god, the creator or leaps of faith required.Theta is a slow frequency brain wave that becomes most active in light sleep. Gamma is the fastest brain wave frequency and most individuals cannot create them consciously. The Gamma wave ‘binds’ the brain together creating an elevated state of consciousness known as the Zone or Flow and create access to more brain and mind power. The Gamma Brain Technique and Gamma Belief Change Techniques literally creates the optimum brain and body state to eliminate negative emotions and subconscious limiting beliefs. It is far more powerful than just Theta!Much like going to the gym to get fitter or stronger muscles, daily use of the Gamma Brain Technique literally trains your brain to activate the genius and positive emotion centres so that higher states of consciousness become the norm. What does this mean practically? It means you think and feel differently. You have new ideas and take action on them. You experience less fear and doubt no matter what is going on in the outside world. You retrain your brain to become who you deep down want to become.Within the Gamma healing system there is also a scientifically validated technique called the Emotional Balance Technique which very quickly eliminates negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, doubt etc.”The Gamma Brain Technique©The Gamma Brain Technique in detail – the 5 ways to use it.What the Gamma State feels like, how to know you are in the Gamma State.A guided Gamma Brain Technique.Testing your Subconscious BeliefsHow to test yourself to see what you believe in your subconscious mind.Five self-testing techniques.Testing subconcious beliefs with a partnerTesting your Subconscious Beliefs with a PartnerHow to test yourself to see what you believe in your subconscious mind with a partner.]The Gamma Belief Change Technique©The Gamma Belief Change Technique in detail.How you know when a new belief is integrated into your subconscious mind.A guided Gamma Belief Change Technique.The Emotional Balance Technique©How to maximise clearing worry, fear, anxiety, doubt, lack of confidence, feelings of not being good enough, clever enough or not being worthy.A guided Emotional Balance Technique.Clearing Psycho-Emotional Conflicts and Self-Sabotage patterns.Clearing the subconscious parts of you that don’t want to change.A guided session.Clearing Negative Life Beliefs and Integrating Empowering Core Beliefs.Using The Emotional Balance Technique and The Gamma Brain Technique to clear negative life beliefs and integrate positive core beliefs.Emotional Balance Technique and Gamma Brain Technique about Change.Clearing any limiting beliefs and resistance about change.Imprinting positive new beliefs about change.The Emotional Balance Technique and The Gamma Brain Technique for Self Esteem and Confidence.Clearing any limiting beliefs and resistance about self-esteem and confidence.Imprinting positive new beliefs about self-esteem and confidence.The Emotional Balance Technique and The Gamma Brain Technique for Healthy Relationships.Clearing any limiting beliefs and resistance about relationships.Imprinting positive new beliefs about relationships.The Emotional Balance Technique and The Gamma Brain Technique for Money and Wealth.Clearing any limiting beliefs and resistance about money and wealth.Imprinting positive new beliefs about money and wealth.Beliefs_for_Goal_Achievement_and_SuccessThe Emotional Balance Technique and The Gamma Brain Technique for Goal Achievement and Success.Clearing any limiting beliefs and resistance about goal achievement and success.Imprinting positive new beliefs about goal achievement and success.The Emotional Balance Technique and The Gamma Brain Technique for Taking Action.Eliminate Procrastination.Clearing any limiting beliefs and resistance about taking action.Imprinting positive new beliefs about taking action.The Gamma Goal Creation Process.A specific 10 step process to get totally clear on your goals.Clearing any limiting beliefs and resistance about achieving your goals.Imprinting positive new beliefs to maximise your goal achievement.The Gamma Programme 11 Mini E-Books:The Gamma Healing Programme Guidelines.The Gamma 30.The Gamma Brain Technique©The Emotional Balance Technique©Gamma Energy Field Meditation Guidelines.The Gamma Goal Creation Process.The Wheel of Life.Core Beliefs.Negative Life Beliefs.Clearing Psycho-Emotional conflicts and Self-Sabotage.Creating Your Own Belief Statements.The Belief Statements – 18 Mini Ebooks containing over 500 Belief Statements.Beliefs for Change and Transformation.Beliefs for Self-Esteem and Confidence.Beliefs for Money.Beliefs for Happiness.Beliefs for Healthy Relationships.Beliefs for Romantic RelationshipsBeliefs for Exercise and Fitness.Beliefs for Self-Empowerment.Beliefs for Health and Body.Beliefs for Effective Communication.Beliefs based on the Habits of Highly Effective People.Beliefs to Heal Grief.Beliefs for Taking Action.Beliefs for More Fun.Beliefs for Goal Achievement and Success.Beliefs for Love.Beliefs for Releasing Addictions.Beliefs to Activate the Transpersonal You.I have designed this programme to give you the biggest bang for your buck. The biggest amount of personal change in the smallest amount of time.If you want to change and turn yourself into a high performing goal achievement machine I Guarantee you if you follow this programme it will happen!And, you will also realise who you really are, how powerful you are and awaken your consciousness and potential to a whole new level. Then the magic really happens!To your awakening and success.I’ll be in touch soon.Best wishesChris Walton MScPerformance Psychologist.Hear what people are saying that have used the Gamma Techniques] Video Testimonals, bottom of his website
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