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Panache Desai – Reclaiming Your Soul Signature

Panache Desai – Reclaiming Your Soul Signature
[27 MP3s, 1 WAV, 2 JPGs, 1 TXT]



Reclaiming Your Soul SignatureAccess A Life of Limitless Potential,Absolute Empowerment and the Vibrational Alignment of Your Personal God Code – YOUR AUTHENTIC SOUL SIGNATURERECLAIMING YOUR SOUL SIGNATURE: Harnessing the Power of Limitless PotentialA Six Audio SetReclaiming Your Soul Signature  is your call to personal freedom and profound self-empowerment. If you are ready to relinquish the burden of constantly striving to be something other than what the Divine created you to be than this vibrational journey is for you. Through six, powerful vibrational Breakthrough Sessions your constantly evolving Soul Signature is reactivated and you are guided to reclaim the power, potential and possibility of an authentic life, personal fulfillment and Divine destiny. As a catalyst for Vibrational Transformation™, Panache guides you on two levels simultaneously: vibration and conscious awareness. Quantum physics has proven that everything has its own vibrational quality. By elevating your vibration, Panache guides you to transcend the energies of your current situation calling forth FRESH SOLUTIONS, NEW POSSIBILITIES and EVOLVING OPPORTUNITIES. Only by focusing on these two aspects simultaneously – vibration and conscious awareness – can significant and sustainable solutions catapult you to a greater way of being, bringing you Divine insight and a lightness of heart as those things that once consumed you are completely transformed. Panache’s Breakthrough Sessions Carry the Seeds of Divine Truth and Limitless Potential for a Life Beyond Imagining. Plus he Delivers Powerful Integrations, Meditations and Vibrational Tools To Shift Your Perspective and Transform the Way You Live Your Life.Disc 1:ACCELERATED ACCEPTANCE: Claiming Vibrational AuthenticityPlus Daily Vibrational PracticeYou are not a mistake. Every aspect of you, and every moment of your life is a blessing. Panache introduces a catalytic presence into your life, Vibrational Transformation, and with this Divine frequency he reactivates your God Code – your unique Soul Signature. You are empowered to begin shattering the illusion of the stories and beliefs that keep heaviness and density in place. In this first Breakthrough Session, Panache guides you to access a vibrational platform for the truth of your being and lays the groundwork to move you out of self-judgment into self-love through the acceptance of you and all that you are. Vibrational authenticity takes up residence and miraculous shifts are born.Your belief that there is something wrong with you keeps you permanently distanced from accessing and living in the truth of your Divine brilliance. You are empowered to permanently shift this pattern with your first Soul Signature Session.Disc 2:VIBRATIONAL TRANSFORMATION: The Courage to FeelPlus Daily Vibrational PracticeToday begins one of the most radical shifts in your life as you establish an authentic relationship and present moment awareness with your emotional content. Panache guides you to feel into feeling and with each successive listening you are vibrationally moved along a miraculous continuum where emotions and their charges no longer rule your life. With the loving acceptance of all your feelings and their full expression the vibrational content that once locked you in victimhood begins to break-up and dissolve.Disc 3:SOULFUL SURRENDER: Accepting Life and Eliminating StressPlus Daily Vibrational PracticeStress is the greatest cause of illness, disease and disharmony. It accumulates in your body and energetic system through resistance to life’s experiences. Money issues… relationship challenges…health concerns… family problems… life’s dissatisfactions left unattended set you on a path of dis-ease. By establishing a new vibrational set-pointwhich calls you to navigate at a higher frequency, this Breakthrough Session empowers you to meet life and flow with all that is unfolding with spacious awareness. Step into the flow and begin to know the absolute perfection in all that is unfolding.When you reclaim your Soul Signature, judgment dissolves and TRUST becomes your new way of being.Disc 4:SHATTERING INNER-SABOTAGE: The Keys to Having it AllPlus Daily Vibrational PracticeThree insidious conversations reside at the foundation of all your self-sabotage. Theses false beliefs keep you from living your full potential and your greater magnificence. In this Breakthrough Session, come face to face with these culprits that rob you of your birthright. Vibrationally dissolve the energy and the content that is fueling the greatest obstacle to your self-empowerment and growth.Disc 5:ACHIEVING INNER-HARMONY: Accessing Your Greatest TeacherPlus Daily Vibrational PracticeLife is your greatest teacher. And the very people, situations and circumstances that you avoid at all costs are waiting to call you into the greatest expression of your true self. Your mother-in-law is your greatest teacher, your ex-husband is your guru and your step-children are your spiritual advisors. Each time one of these catalysts trigger you, you are provided access to a GOLDEN MOMENT OF GRACE in which you are met by the perfect opportunity to integrate past wounds and hurts and step into freedom.Disc 6:THE TAO OF TRANSFORMATION: Modern DayMastery in the Real WorldPlus Your Daily Vibrational PracticeThis is your vibrational blueprint to access your greatest potential; a life of abundance, love, vitality and fulfillment. As you navigate this Soul Signature program you are elevating your frequency, inviting greater possibility into your experience and ultimately living in harmony with yourself. In this Breakthrough Session you will be anchored in the knowing that your true mastery lies in the complete embodiment of your humanity. You begin to see, hear, feel and know the blessing of being human.That which you perceived to be your darkest moment was in fact a blessing in disguise. It’s time to move on, have the courage to let go and live in the Divines promise of infinite increase. Will you receive it?BONUSSOUL SIGNATURE UNLEASHEDVibrational Infusion ExpandingYou To Limitless Potential(Retail Value $99)Soul Signature Unleashedis a 30-minute dynamic, tool infusing you with the latest vibrational protocols to expand your field of awareness from personal to universal. As you expand into infinite potential, your life grows to meet you. At these constantly evolving levels of vibrational experience you are no longer constrained and your greater ability to receive becomes boundless.Panache’s inspirational teaching is infused with the highest resonance of vibrational Divine love.Who you are is boundless. UNLEASH YOUR INFINITE NATURE as you are carried into infinite potential. Included: SOUL SIGNATURE VIBRATIONAL INFUSIONLIVE, Exclusive, Group Breakthrough SessionVia Webcasting


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