Evan Osar – Corrective Exercise Solutions
Evan Osar – Corrective Exercise Solutions
[1 eBook (Kindle,PDF,EPUB)]
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Thanks for keeping elib awesome!This exclusive material brought to you by the participants of the Gray Cook GBThis GB is ClosedEvan Osar – Corrective Exercise SolutionsWebsite: HereDescription:The Corrective Exercise Approach to Common Shoulder and Hip DysfunctionFinally, a principle-based resource for the fitness professional who works with the general population client who has shoulder or hip dysfunction!Discover the techniques, strategies, and skill set that is required to work with the general population clientele with postural and general movement dysfunction.Corrective Exercise Solutions is an absolute must if you work with challenging clients, want to establish yourself as a corrective exercise specialist and help clients with: ▪ Degenerative joint conditions of the spine, knees or hips that limit the ability to exercise ▪ Impingement syndromes of the shoulder or hip that create movement dysfunction during common exercise patterns ▪ Postural dysfunctions such as forward head, forward shoulders, spinal alterations and pelvic tilts or overload and lead to degenerative changes and disc problems of the lower neck and back ▪ Alterations in breathing strategies that directly contribute to stabilization and postural issues ▪ Painful movement patterns that limit an individual’s ability to exercise What are the book’s foundational principles?Principle 1: Respiration must be normalized.Why the focus on breathing? As physical medicine doctor Karl Lewit so profoundly suggested, “If breathing is not normalized, no other movement pattern can be.” The ramifications of faulty respiratory patterns will be seen in your clients’ patterns in the form of poor stabilization and postural strategies. In this book, you’ll discover how to establish optimal breathing patterns to help your clients establish optimal stabilization patterns.Establishing optimal core stabilization strategies is necessary optimal shoulder and hip patterns. And core stability is much more than just tensing the abdominal muscles. The ability to coordinate respiration and activation is one of the key components in improving trunk stabilization, thereby improving shoulder and hip function. Dr. Osar will teach you exactly how to coordinate activation of the deep stabilization system with diaphragmatic breathing.Principle 2: There must be optimal joint centration.To preserve their integrity, joints must be optimally aligned and stabilized during activity. The ability to maintain optimal joint control is key to producing efficient movement patterns. Centration is the ability to both stabilize and dissociate a joint whether at rest, in an isometric position or during dynamic movement. Principle 3: There must be optimal integration of respiration and centration while performing fundamental movement patterns.Whether the goal is to lose weight, run a marathon or simply get through the day with less pain or better function, your clients must be able to successfully perform the fundamental movement patterns while maintaining optimal respiratory patterns and joint centration. These patterns — squatting, lunging, pushing, pulling, rotating, bending and gait — form the basis of every functional activity we do. Your corrective exercise strategy must include integration of these principles to help marry the needs of your clients with their functional goals.Many of your clients probably present with muscle inhibition secondary to trauma, surgery and pain. Often it’s necessary to activate these muscles prior to instituting a corrective exercise strategy. There are several effective strategies for activating inhibited muscles, and you’ll learn these in Corrective Exercise Solutions. Specifically, how to incorporate visualization, isometric positions, palpation and breathing to dramatically improve movement strategies.Do you work with clients who have scapular winging? Evan will teach you a strategy for establishing much-needed shoulder stabilization. Improving scapular mechanics begins with understanding what constitutes proper mechanics.Postural control of the thoraco-pelvic canister sets up proper shoulder and hip patterns. Many of your clients have postural alterations that directly lead to dysfunction in the shoulders and hips. A simple postural assessment will enable you to quickly determine how trunk and pelvic posture impacts shoulder and hip movement.Establishing and controlling neutral spine posture is a critical component to improving shoulder and hip mechanics. Discover why this is so important to improving movement patterns, and how to incorporate neutral spine posture in your corrective exercise strategy.During corrective exercise, we can use ipsilateral stabilization patterns to restore unilateral weakness of shoulder and hips, while contralateral patterns can help restore contralateral shoulder and hip function. This book covers how to set up a client during pushing and pulling patterns using these trunk, shoulder and hip stabilization strategies.Looking to improve function of the gluteus maximus? Discover how the foot sets up proper centration and activation of the deep gluteus maximus fibers necessary in leveling the pelvis and providing support in single-leg stance.Additionally, The Corrective Exercise Approach to Common Shoulder and Hip Dysfunction contains: ▪ Over 300 pages of information on the corrective exercise approach to the shoulder and hips ▪ More than 200 color images to help illustrate the corrective exercise and conditioning concepts of the Integrative Movement System ▪ Keys to success text boxes for quick reference and clinical pearls ▪ And much more.Michael Boyle, Boston Red Sox strength and conditioning consultant, Author of Advances in Functional Training wrote:”I always enjoy reading Evan’s work and watching him speak. Evan has the ability to listen to others, interpret what he hears and make it simple to understand. This is the gift of good writers and good thinkers.”This resource was written for you, the fitness professional who works with the general population, by a chiropractic physician who also works with fitness clients. In this book, Evan will show you how to work with the general population, including the baby boomers, seniors, pre & post-natal, and pre & post-rehabilitation clients by applying the principles of corrective exercise.
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