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Gaia – Jnana – Yogic Paths S1:Ep4

Yogic Paths S1 Ep4.mp4



JnanaYogic PathsS1:Ep4 Length: 28 min Originally webcast: April 2017Join us in this episode of Yogic Paths for an exploration into Jnana Yoga, the yoga of wisdom and knowledge. Jnana Yoga is often viewed as one of the most difficult yogic paths, requiring individuals to test their will by cultivating the intellectual capacity required for deep philosophical questioning. Jnana yogis view life as a classroom, constantly immersing themselves in the teachings of the divine absolute. Through the mind, these seekers look for answers that will guide them to their own real nature, discovering that everything is ephemeral; everything is one.The Brahma Sutra, one of the core texts of Jnana, begins by saying, “In the here and now, inquiry into the self.” This is the guiding principle for this yogic path and an inspiration behind many of this path’s practices, which include the power of Japa Meditation and the importance of Satsang, a gathering of people together in search of the truth.Another cornerstone in Jnana is Vedic texts, such as the Bhagavad Gita and the Mahabharata, which are studied in great depths to gain insight about the self and the human condition. Through these texts, students learn to recognize oneness, in themselves and in humanity, discovering that all paths lead to the same supreme oneness. As the Sufis, inspired by these same Vedantic texts, say, “When I searched for self, I found God. When I searched for God, I found self.” Jnana yoga is the inquiry into the self, the practice of seeking love to feed the heart, and theVideo Language: EnglishSource:


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