Dr. Michael Monroe Kiefer – Powermind System: Life Guide to Success
Dr. Michael Monroe Kiefer – Powermind System
[Audiobook – 39 MP3s]
Dr. Michael Monroe Kiefer – Powermind System: Life Guide to SuccessThis book contains a complete step-by-step system for leading a highly successful life. It is based on over 14 years of research in studying the world’s top achievers. What are their secret methods for career choice, goal setting, life planning and rapid achievement? Did they use hard work or have an uncanny understanding of conscious, subconscious, and superconscious mind power? Their secret methods are now revealed!Contents1. What Is the Powermind System? 16:20 2. The Author’s Amazing Struggle, Why It Matters to You 25:45 3. How the Powermind System CNA Help You 13:45 4. Natural Talent and Genetic Skills Test / Over 100 Insightful Questions to Put Your Career Puzzle Together 22:485. Interpretation of Natural Talent Test Results, Uncover Hidden Skills 20:586. Aligning Natural Talents With Your Career / Small Business Tips 21:257. Are You Living Without Purpose? 28:028. Mindset of the Goal Setter and Seven Tips Before Setting Goals 18:279. The Wish Listing Technique for Goal Setting 11:3610. How to Use Vision Boards for Goal Setting 7:36 11. Automatically Spot Opportunities By Activating Your Brain’s RF 15:0512. Money and the Wealthy Mindset 19:1213. Money and the Laws of Wealth Creation 20:4714. Money Hunger and the Author’s Financial Failures 12:1315. The Mystery Revealed! Conscious, Subconscious and Superconscious Explained 24:4816. Psychic Power, ESP, and Sixth Sense Explained 22:5517. How Perception Is Altered By Conscious and Subconscious Interactions 17:2018. How Your Behavior Is Controlled and Predictable By Understanding the Mental Core 21:0719. Developing X-Ray Vision By Tuning the RF in Your Brain 20:3820. Becoming a Success Magnet With Superconscious Thought Induction 14:1321. The Power of an Iron Will 19:2022. How We Form Positive and Negative Attitudes 25:5323. How Childhood Conditioning Controls Success Later in Life 28:1324. Prison Planet / How the Public Is Easily Suppressed / Case Study On Jim Jones 23:3625. Erasing Self-Limiting Beliefs 18:5626. Positive Self-Talk and Affirmation Design Rules 30:2327. Goal Affirmation Examples 9:5728. How to Program Your Subconscious Mind 7:5329. Troubleshooting Affirmations: Why Isn’t It Working? 8:0730. Subconscious Programming Principles 17:0831. Programming the Subconscious With Vision Boards 10:5132. Training and Programming for Success! 18:0633. Developing the Power of Belief 8:02 34. Sowing and Reaping 18:1135. Thirty Pieces of Silver 13:3036. The Power of Persistence 11:5237. The Power of Self-Mastery 7:0738. The Power of Social Reform 6:4739. The One-Eyed Man Is King! About the AuthorBorn in Albany NY in 1963 Michael Monroe Kiefer graduated from high school at an accelerated rate of just three years. He received the teacher’s association college scholarship from Hornell High School in upstate NY. He attended College at the State University of New York at Buffalo. In his first college year he was inducted into the Latin honor society Phi Eta Sigma for outstanding academic achievement as a freshman. He majored in cell and molecular biology and minored in abnormal psychology. In 1984 Michael graduated with honors Cum Laude with a B.S. degree. He then attended Texas A & M University for graduate school and graduated with a Master of Science degree in genetic engineering. Michael has a Ph.D. degree Summa Cum Laude in psychology from Addison University. His dissertation research was on conscious, subconscious and superconscious mind function. After graduation Michael worked for an agricultural chemical company on genetically engineering BST and PST, building experimental genetically mutated forms of cow and pig growth hormones respectively. After one year he was hired by the Northrup King Seed Company to run their new multimillion dollar DNA fingerprinting research lab in Stanton MN. He ran the lab for seven years and helped develop several genetically modified commercial food corps. He was nearly overcome by a genetic disease and almost died, yet made a startling full recovery. This story is detailed in the preface to his masterwork, The POWERMIND System, Power of Will. After an amazing full recovery, Michael left Northrup King and founded The POWERMIND Institute to study human potential. After 12 years of diligent study by Michael and his team. Michael published the research results in the form of a book titled The POWERMIND System, Power of Will. Instantly the book was regarded as the new standard in the personal development field selling internationally in it’s first year of publication. Michael toured the U.S. for two years and was contracted by the Dun and Bradstreet corp. to research and design national business training seminars. Michael then focused the POWERMIND team on developing more business workshops and keynotes that he delivered around the country as their spokesperson for corporations, schools, colleges, churches, and prisons. These workshops were reformulated into licensed products, psychological and genetic tests, online training programs, booklets, CD’s, rehabilitation and outreach programs.
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