Den Burhaev – Learn To Understand Women (2013)
[Russian]Den Burhaev – Learn To Understand Women [Video – 23 avi, Slides – 23 jpg]
(For IT people, for those who are educated nurse, for those who think that they do not understand women and women who regularly use) Hello, friends!26 and 27 October 2013 my seminar was held “Learn to understand women.” Then he went into internal format: a group gathered in Moscow, we rented the hall and people were present at the seminar in person. Now I had planned an online event. I see that people are actively interested in the topic. In addition, I continue to receive applications for re-workshop, as many, for whatever reason just could not get on it. I understand that this is very problematic, especially for people working, to come or arrive at the weekend in Moscow – we have in this their troubles.Firstly, it is necessary to be distracted. And on weekends you just want to sit at home and relax after work. It is necessary to prepare for the trip, plus the additional cost of the tickets and, most problematic, it is necessary to solve the problem with accommodation. Book a room in a hotel to stay in it. This additional troubles. It is banal uncomfortable. So I thought about it and decided – to continue such events will take place online in an interactive mode. What it gives the opportunity?Perhaps the most attractive is the opportunity to participate in the seminar from the comfort of home, sitting comfortably on your favorite sofa. It is a full day course – not a stripped-down compared to full-time training session version, but with a complete theoretical and practical units.During the workshop drew on the flipchart scheme and to make it clear, commented on them in parallel in response to audience questions. Plus, during the broadcast showed a specially harvested in advance slides. You have a unique opportunity to understand in that situation in life, it is that excites you, with that only a pleasant difference is that now will not have to go.Now you do not need to spend money for tickets and not have to bother booking hotels. On the contrary, my event can be quite easy to go in extremely comfortable conditions for themselves on the job training or production.
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