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Erin Heaven – Become Clairvoyant Lesson 2 of 8 – Protection – GB

Erin Heaven – Become Clairvoyant Lesson 2
[Ebook – 1 PDF]



**** Exclusive ****Help us keep elib all the more special for its exclusivity.Out of respect for the original authors and publishers,please do not make this product available outside of our community. Thanks for keeping elib awesome!This exclusive material brought to you by the participants of the Become Clairvoyant GBGB link: tools to keep yourself safe and protected energetically in these troubling times. Youwill learn guidelines that keep you safe, protected, and keep you from accruing karma,several methods of shielding, how to protect yourself from entities and their control,remove people’s influence from your space, avoid manipulation, learn how to keep yourgateways to other realms closed so entities don’t get into your energetic space, using theViolet Flame and roses to clear energy and protect, and much more! This workshop isvital before beginning any psychic or healing work. Those that don’t have these tools areat risk of opening themselves up to low-vibration entities and could be tricked intothinking these beings are their true guides. Doing healing work without these tools canopen you up to adopting other people’s energetic problems. These skills are veryimportant to people wanting to open up their psychic abilities during these troubledtimes. Opening to your abilities without them can have you experiencing instability,mood swings, depression, anxiety, sleep disturbances and much more. It is essential thatyou take each class in order and wait a month between each one.


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