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Brigit Cosgrove & Molly Tipping – Move Over Anxiety

Brigit Cosgrove & Molly Tipping – Move Over Anxiety
[Web – 19 MP3; 1 PDF]


Please keep this material exclusive to! Sharing elsewhere will result in being banned! Move Over Anxiety by Brigit Cosgrove and Molly TippingDescription:This 4-hour Feldenkrais audio download program is designed to help you discover your reactions to stress and anxiety and uncover how they may be subtly lingering in everything that you do. The gentle and profound movement explorations will help you to learn how to develop your awareness and ease daily stress and chronic anxiety.The movement lessons and talks range from 5-35 minutes in length and cover areas such as breathing, abdomen, jaw, spine, waking up, comfort, and how emotions and posture are related.About Birgit Cosgrove:Brigit has a Master of Community Environmental Psychology degree and is a Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner. She has used the Feldenkrais Method for herself since her early teens and enjoys the relief and delight of her students as they also benefit from it.About Molly Tipping:Molly Tipping is a Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner, has a BA in Dance and is a Pilates Instructor. She has been working in the field for over 14 years and possesses a wealth of knowledge and experience across a broad spectrum of techniques.Lessons:    Welcome    Introduction    Scanning for Comfort    Releasing the Jaw    Finding Your True Limits    Your Personal Anxiety Pattern    Your Personal Anxiety Pattern – Talk    The Initial Habit of Anxiety    Feeling Small and Tall – Introduction    Feeling Small and Tall    Breathing With 3 Diaphragms – Introduction    Breathing With 3 Diaphragms    Breathing With 3 Diaphragms – Talk    A Flexible Spine for a Flexible Mind    A Flexible Spine for a Flexible Mind – Talk    Waking up Well    Upright and Grounded    Connecting It All    Goodbye


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