David K. Reynolds – The Quiet Therapies – Japanese Pathways to Personal Growth
David K. Reynolds – The Quiet Therapies – Japanese Pathways to Personal Growth
[ eBook – 1 PDF , 1 JPEG ]
**** elib.tech Exclusive ****Help us keep elib.tech all the more special for its exclusivity.Out of respect for the original authors and publishers,please do not make this product available outside of our community.Thanks for keeping elib.tech awesome! GB Status : CLOSED GB Page : Joseph Riggio – HACKING PERCEPTION :: The Series GB This book is about several Japanese psychotherapies. In one way or another, all of them cause the client to spend time isolated, locked up in his own thoughts. I call them the quiet therapies.I shall devote a chapter each to describing five therapies: Morita therapy, naikan, seiza, shadan and Zen. The names are some what strange, but when their meaning is understood, some of the haze of mysticism blows away. Morita was the name of the professor of psychiatry who developed the therapy to be discussed in the opening chapter. “Naikan” in ]apanese is literally nai (inner) and kan (observation). Put together they mean “introspection.” “Seiza” is sei (quiet) and za (sitting), an excellent description of this method’s primary therapeutic element, as we shall see. “Shadan” means “isolation,” and,”Zen” is the Japanized pronunciation of the Chinese Ch’an, which in turn comes from the Sanskrit dhyana, meaning “meditation.”It is important to realize that Japanese psychotherapists don’t see their techniques as mystical. Rather, these Eastern therapies represent practical advice and techniques for helping patients deal with typical human problems in living.https://www.amazon.com/dp/0824808010/
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