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Richard Corbeil & Robert Sussuma – Vocal Integrity

Richard Corbeil & Robert Sussuma – Vocal Integrity
[13 Audios (MP3) + 2 DOC (DOCX) + (PDF)]


Vocal Integrity recordings from Feldenkrais knowledge and principles Richard Corbeil & Robert Sussuma help you discover and re-discover ways to use certain parts and processes of your body more effectively.You can stream and listen to these recordings for free in the provided link above.Titles:1. FREEING THE JAW2. RE-ORGANIZING THE ENTIRE VOCAL TRACT3. EXPANDING OUR BREATHING CAPACITY4. MAKING SPACE: Exploring Vocal Expansion and Contraction5. SHAPING THE SOUND6. PROPORTIONAL BREATHING7. INCORPORATING THE NOSE8. EXPLORING VOCAL REVERSIBILITY9. BABY MOUTH/BABY SOUNDS10. THE THROAT AS PART OF THE TORSO11. THE USE OF EYES12. MOVING THE SPECTRUM OF SOUND13. PREPARING THE VOCAL SYSTEMRichard Corbeil is also well known because of his amazingly effective voice transforming product Vocal Integration with the Feldenkrais Method which you can download right here:


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