E.j. Gold – tantric sex
E J Gold – Tantric Sex.pdf
[eBook – PDF]
Tantric Sex is a practical guide to the theory andmethods of sex yoga for the West by acknowledgedspiritual authorities. Once the privileged possessionof select initiates, the sexospiritual secrets revealedinthis book are just the right remedy for an ailingsociety that suppresses the power that gave it life.The material is presented in a straightforward, stepby-step format that facilitates performance. Whilejust reading this book may inspire or encourage you,actually doing the exercises with a partner willcertainly transform you. The power of sex yoga,especially when utilized with maximum spiritualefficiency as a form of intentional stress, can literallyopen the door to establishment in higher realms ofconsciousness. It is for this reason that the ancienttexts prescribed Tantric sex only for the hero orheroine.Like the ancient Sutras, the section “JourneyThrough The Great Mother” is highly condensed anddesigned for deep meditation. Offering practicalinstruction as well as being replete with strikingimagery, it is perhaps a description of Kundaliniawakening. Its emphasis on the Void is in welcomecontrast to some contemporary “Tantric” teachingsthat promote bliss without insight. For some, theeasiest way to appreciate these Sutras has beenlistening to the tape recorded version with musicalaccompaniment by E.J. Gold.
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