Game Dissection Part 2 – Icy Seducer
Game Dissection 2
[1 ebook – pdf]
This seduction thing, if you want to call it that, is something you figure out. It isn’t something you just know. It isn’t like walking, where you just end up able to do it without really knowing how. No, dating mastery is something that is highly conscious. The problem is, only a few men, known as naturals, take the time to really think about it deeply over a long period of time. The rest of the men are hopeless and don’t know why. They see those men who’ve thought about it, and think they’re just like that naturally. They’re referred to as naturals, but they are not naturals. They thought about it. They’re actually deliberate and artificial if anything. The real naturals are the men who are just themselves and haven’t thought about it, nor become highly artificial, nor deliberated. But we don’t call these men naturals even though they are very natural. We call them losers, unlovable, and hopeless. Before pick up became mainstream, conscious men for the most part didn’t teach not-so-conscious men. One of the early pick up trainers I worked with used to say it was unnatural for a man who is good with women to be taking out a guy who isn’t and actively working to improve him. The reason it feels uncomfortable until you get used to it, is because it is against your instincts. It would be like if a peacock with great feathers took another peacock with not-so-great feathers and helped it to improve its feathers. The whole point of the peacock with the better feathers is that it’s going to be the one who gets to have sex. It would be retarded of the peacock to help another peacock. A pick up teacher is like a retarded peacock. Because we’re human and have human minds with all their complexity, this sort of thing is possible, but it doesn’t mean it’s correct In my case it’s a bit different. I’m not a retarded peacock. Because of the nature of my style of pick up, the more men that know it, the better. This is because it does not involve raising women’s value. It involves raising men’s value. If every man knew everything I know about women, women would need to up their game; they would need to improve. There are things that put women up on an even higher pedestal than the one they are already on, and there are things that either bring them down a few pegs or move men up a few pegs. We don’t want to put them up on a higher pedestal. We don’t really want to knock them down a few pegs either. What we want to do is raise our game so that they have to raise theirs. And if they don’t, then the tables will be reversed and we’ll be able to take advantage of them. Currently the tables are turned on us and they take advantage of this.Living in this world as a beautiful young woman is like playing a video game in God mode. What is more, beautiful young women don’t know they’re playing in God mode. They just take it for granted. They often develop a bitchy attitude because of this. You see, because men value physical appearance so much, if a woman has it, much of her personality and behavioural flaws will go unchecked or be given a free pass. What this does is create a woman with a dreadful personality that is only getting by on her looks and without her truly knowing that is what’s happening. ..What you want is to reach a degree of competency that involves understanding how to further improve. When the subject is infinite and you have achieved this, I call it the infinite stage. A subject does not need to be literally infinite in order for you to reach an infinite stage with it. It only needs to be virtually infinite. By virtually infinite, I mean there is so much of it available that even if you did nothing else all day every day in life, you would still not be able to learn all of it in your lifetime. That is virtually infinite. Pick up might be literally infinite butif it isn’t, it is definitely virtually infinite.
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