Alan Aragon – Alan Aragon’s Research Review April 2018
[1 eBook – PDF]
This is only to stay here on elib, you’ve been warned. Alan Aragon’s Research Review (AARR) is the original, and still the gold standard monthly journal for staying on top of the latest research in nutrition, supplementation, and training.April 2018EDITOR’S CUTRimmer P. metabolic adaptation in physique competitors: Are there implications for reverse dieting? [AARR]BREAKING RESEARCHHudson JL, Bergia RE, Campbell WW. Effects of protein supplements consumed with meals, versus between meals, on resistance training–induced body composition changes in adults: a systematic review. Nut Rev, 25 April 2018. [NutRev]Clark JE. Periodization of exercise induces long-term weight loss while focusing strictly on improvements in cardiovascular and musculoskeletal fitness for individuals who are overfat. Sport Sci Health. 09 April 2018. DOI: 10.1007/s11332-018-0450-5 [SSH]RECENT RESEARCHMcEvedy SM, Sullivan-Mort G, McLean SA, Pascoe MC, Paxton SJ. Ineffectiveness of commercial weight-loss programs for achieving modest but meaningful weight loss: Systematic review and meta-analysis. J Health Psychol. 2017 Oct;22(12):1614-1627. [PubMed]IN THE TRENCHESByron K. So, you’ve got a nutrition certification. Now what? [AARR]SPECIAL FEATURE + Q&AAragon AA. Estimating total energy & macronutrient requirements based on training volume, TBW, & NEAT: 2018 update from 2011. [AARR]Available to Power Users and up.
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