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Michael David Golzmane – Clearing & Resolving the Heart Chakra & Emotional Body to the Level of Forgiveness & Acceptance

Michael David Golzmane – Clearing & Resolving the Heart Chakra & Emotional Body to the Level of Forgiveness & Acceptance
[ Webrip – 1 MP3 ]



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I’m Michael.”Wait…What exactly do you do?”I help people get back into the flow of their connection to Spirit by holding space for them to clear spiritual blocks and past life issue, and to reconnect with their soul’s purpose.The end result?More innate happiness & connection.More freedom to be & do.More abundance & joy.What would you do if nothing was holding you back?authentically getting what you wantIt’s likely that you’ve considered what you really want.  You probably want authentic health, wealth that allows you to do everything you want, the ability to express your unique gifts in service to others, and relationships that engage and nourish your soul.There’s some deep pulse within you, calling you into living life full-on, and with integrity to your inner spiritual nature.For people like us on a spiritual path, we know that everything good ultimately comes from Spirit.But as we open up our spiritual senses, it can seem challenging to figure out how to clearly create manifestations that feel aligned & authentic to our spiritual Source.We need more clarity in our connection with Spirit.letting the good inWe use words like abundance, flow, money, love, freedom, creativity, and bliss to describe what we want.Ultimately, in my experience, we don’t really want more things.  We want an experience. We want an experience of alignment, grace, flow, and ease that allows us to be in touch with Spirit and to manifest good for ourselves and others from that place.But there can be blocks to this flow. And the blocks may not be obvious–on the surface.According to some of the clearing work I do, up to 97% of the blocks we experience have their origins in our past lifetimes.  The energies from our past lives can and do have major influences on us.We need to dig into letting go of the origins of our blocks, digging into releasing stuck energies from our past and present lifetimes, so we can be truly free.your challenges are the starting pointYour soul is intelligent.  It knows how to bring forward to you the exact challenges you need are just the right time.Is your soul punishing you by giving you difficulties?  No, not at all. Spirit knows that for you to be a free being, you have to release the past blocks, and the soul will reveal to you at just the right time the specific energies you need to clear.For many people, “problems” are things to be gotten rid of or ignored.  But problems are the voices of your soul telling you there’s something coming up for clearing.There’s some shift needed.  Something needs to be listened to.Spirit — as your own Higher Intelligence — can clear the origins of your challengesWith Spirit, everything is possible.  Using spiritual clearing technologies, we can read the history of your soul, tracing every problem challenge to it’s origin point, and clearing that.Clearing at this level can have major benefits. We can release our soul from having to re-create the same negative experiences over and over again, and we can chart a course based more fully on our present-moment intention than the “default” settings our past lives would dictate.We have all lived many past lives, but the time to start doing soul clearing is now.  Clearing blocks, past lives, negative energies and programs in the soul–all of this can tap you back in to your innate freedom.Freedom to create.  Freedom to live life from your deepest inspiration. Freedom to be who you are.Clearing & Resolving the Heart Chakra & Emotional Body to the Level of Forgiveness & AcceptanceOne of the biggest blocks to wealth, health, manifestation, relationship, and a inner sense of well-being is unresolved emotional energy stagnant in the heart and emotional body.No matter how much spiritual work someone has done, they may not see the results they are looking for if their heart center and emotional body is not sufficiently cleared and raised in consciousness.Though spiritual clearing work done on our behalf can never do our conscious work for us, doing clearing work for the specific purpose of opening the heart and raising the consciousness of the emotional body can make our conscious work easier, and can help us to get our manifestation channels unstuck.In this 1 hour 32 minute group clearing, recorded originally on the powerful full moon in July 2017, we are going to endeavor to clear all participants’ heart centers and overall emotional bodies to the level of consciousness called “350”.  On the David Hawkins scale of consciousness, this is a very high level, associated with forgiveness and acceptance.In my personal clearing work, when someone is able to achieve this level or higher specifically in the consciousness of their heart chakra and emotional body, they often will feel completely empowered, like a weight has been lifted off of them, and with that level of open-heartedness, they will feel released, available, and receptive to their Good, ready to open and share their gifts with others, and deeply appreciative of what their past pain has taught themHuge amounts of depression, anger, sadness, abandonment, and grief consciousness must be resolved in order to reach this level, but as that energy gets resolved, people often feel better than they have in their entire lives.Warning about this clearing:  if you are not really sure if you are willing to truly face and resolve your old emotional patterns, this is not the clearing for you.  Invoking a clearing of the heart to this high of a level will definitely shake loose old emotional patterns, and there may be further clearing or other conscious work needed after this clearing is completed.…                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  


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