Dr. William Horton – Become An Author Fast
Dr. William Horton – Become an Author Fast
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**** elib.tech Exclusive **** This is the result of a Group Buysharing elsewhere will result in being banned!Become An Author FastWrite A Book in 30 DaysBonus for The Habits For Success GB”Who Else Wants to Write That Book You Know You Have In You?And Then Use It To Be Seen As An Expert, Gain More Clients, Increase Your Income?Without Spending Years Writing the manuscript?Why is it important?Everyone knows that writing a book gets you the prestige and expert status that come with being an author on any subject. Authors get interviewed on radio and TV because they are seen as the EXPERT, and with that status your business will grow.When given a choice between two people for doing business with, research says that 75% of the people will choose an author over a non author, even if the author has less experience!Many People spend years struggling to write that first (or second) book. Or they spend Thousands hiring someone to help or asking the wrong people for help. And Then It Hit Me! I have written over 7 books that sell well and have three others about ready, why don’t I show others this easy, step by step method?Introducing:Become An Author FastWrite A Book in 30 DaysThis course will walk you through the steps to get that book out there and selling, getting your ideas into the world.Module 1:Author ImageMost People fail for the simple reason they cannot picture themselves as a writer. Can you tell someone your an author? Lets make this the first step. This module is so important you will repeat it several times over the years! Why People Choke Social Pressure Real or Fake? Who Can You Model? Start The ProcessNow that I’ve completed this module, you are ready to get going on your bookModule 2How to Quickly and Easily Outline and Start Your BookGet the party started, lets rock the outline and get going! Easily Outline The Book How to get it done even Have Fun Doing It Inside secrets to successModule 3:Marketing Plan and Transcribing Your BookWhat good is the book if no one reads it, jumpstart over other authors by having the plan, which will help you write the book. Kindle The Market How To Position Your Book How To get it Transcribed and Done How to get your book Professionally edited, CHEAPModule 4:Promotion TimeMost young authors wait to late to promote, let see how the successful people do it! Plan the Release Leverage you did not know you had! Have People anxious for your book Get others to help According to media experts someone with a book is seen as the total expert. When people saw interviews with a author with only 1 year experience and someone with 25 years experience but NO BOOK… The author was viewed as the expert and more believable over 75%.. WOWhttp://becomeanauthorfast.com/GB thread: Horton approved by staff.
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