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Ning Li – That Social Asian Guy

That Social Asian Guy
[webrip – 18MP4, 62MKV. 8webm]



This is a webrip of That Social Asian Guys youtube channel, where he talks about how to make conversation, how to dress, how to be more interesting, tinder, alpha traits and more.Description:My mission is to help men find, meet, and attract the women they want. A long time ago, a girl I loved broke my heart by cheating on me and lying to me about it for 8 months. I was absolutely crushed, and became depressed.When I started having suicidal thoughts, I decided that I had to change my love life once and for all. When I came out the other side, my life was completely different. I dated beautiful women all the time, and guys started coming to me for advice. I believe we are all meant to become the best versions of ourselves, and part of that involves giving value to the world. My mission on this channel is to help you and guys just like you find, meet, and attract the women you want. On my channel you’ll find dating advice, Q&A sessions, and interviews with experts in the field.Check out his channel here:…


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