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Dean Montalbano – Tarot Reading Secrets From The Psychic Shop

Dean Montalbano- Tarot Reading Secrets From The Psychic Shop
[2 DVDs – VOBs – NTSC]

Description… wrote:Tarot Reading Secrets, two DVD set by Dean Montalbano…$75 available from follows is my opinion/review of the two DVD set, Tarot Reading Secrets by Dean Montalbano. It will quickly become obvious that I like this DVD set very much.Physically this is a two DVD set in two cases professionally produced with optional subtitles that can be accessed from the opening menu. Before I get in to the discussion I want to comment on the author, Dean Montalbano. Who is he and why should you listen to what he says on this subject?Many here know him from his magic publishing and have some of his books…when you go to his web page you will probably see many titles you recognize and already have on your shelf. What Dean brings to the table for readings is 36 years of real-world experience with the last 15 years experience including entertainment readings. Dean has done 3,000 – 5,000 readings each year for each of those years…that is a lot of experience talking.In short he isn’t some magician who writes about dreams and fantasies and hasn’t walked the walk. He doesn’t make exaggerated claims or false promises. It is obvious when watching this DVD set Dean brings a very kind and compassionate approach to the subject. In short Dean is the reader many of us strive to be and in my opinion this DVD set teaches much of how he does it, both from a practical and an emotional standpoint.So on to the DVDs…The first DVD is just over an hour and forty-one minutes long. The sections are:IntroductionNumerologySymbolsMinor ArcanaCourt CardsMajor ArcanaBefore I get too in to the details I should mention that there is no fluff in this DVD set. Almost every sentence has content that teaches you something. As a result consider what I write here as only a partial description of what is covered. I hope to touch on enough in this review to give you a feel of this DVD set.I should also mention that this set is for both total beginners and experienced readers. Whether you know nothing about tarot or have done it for years you will find much here to make you a very, very good tarot reader.The DVD starts with the basics, numerology and symbols of the suits. Others have used this approach before and it is a practical, good approach. Even in this basic section a couple very nice teaching tools make their appearance.First Dean uses cards from several different decks to illustrate what he is saying. He also uses animations that help bring the subject alive. His approach is not based on cold or hot reading. No center tears or other tricks are used. It is just you, the sitter, and your cards.After the first couple sections you will be able to basically understand what the cards mean. Then things really get wonderful as Dean talks about the cards individually in the sections devoted to the minor arcana, court cards, and major arcana. If you don’t know what arcana is, don’t worry. That, as well as other relevant terms, are also discussed.If you have had the experience of reading about a trick and not understanding, then seeing someone do the trick and going, “AHA!” then you know the advantage of DVD’s. Dean goes through each card and talks about it…other ways to look at each card, other meanings and various ramblings that fill out the instruction.It is like being at a jam session with an experienced reader. After putting some time in to the first DVD you will have a good starting knowledge of how to read tarot. If you keep a notebook for tarot, as many do, you will fill many pages with the insights here.So now you know how to read tarot from a basic standpoint. What do you do in the real world? That is where the second DVD comes in to play.The second DVD is about an hour and thirty four minutes long. The sections are:What is a reading?Tarot SpreadsThe BusinessEthicsAgain, what I write here will only touch on what is covered but I hope to hit a few interesting points.In the section on tarot spreads Dean shares a spread of his invention, the Elemental Star spread. This spread uses five cards and is very good for short readings. It can also be used for long readings. Entire books are devoted to tarot spreads and sometimes it is just too much information. You are given here a tried and true spread.He talks about how long of a time span a reading should cover and many other practical issues. What if they ask if their spouse is cheating on them? How about when they ask if they will die? How do you handle these, and other, difficult questions? Dean has very practical solutions to these challenges.How about making money with tarot readings? Dean basically teaches both how to busk with readings and how to do parties.When you are busking how do you get good tips? What do you say when someone wants to give you one dollar for a reading? What should you have in your contract for parties? How do you set up to keep people from just not leaving at the end of a reading? What if they just keep asking more questions? What can you use to make it obvious the reading is over, while still being graceful about it? Should you use a sign-up list? What if they ask about someone else? How do you end the line after a party? Anyone who has ever done similar work where you do things for people individually (readings, balloons, caricatures) knows this can be an issue. All of these questions and many other issues of practical importance are covered.The ethics (philosophy) section is also very interesting. Dean basically discusses three approaches a person might have concerning readings. These range from total belief to none at all. How do you do readings so they are consistent with your personal values?What about lines and scripts, cold reading, hot reading, and tricks? Where does intuition fit in to all of this?Also on the second DVD is a printable PDF version of Dean’s book, “Tarot With Tude’ “. This saves you twenty bucks and is a very good book that has been discussed before elsewhere.I hope I have given you a feel for what this DVD set is like. It is a kind, experienced tarot reader showing you his approach, honed through tens of thousand of readings over several decades. He doesn’t claim it is the only approach, just what has worked for him.Highly, highly recommended for those who want to learn to read tarot, or learn to read it better than they do now and for those who want real answers to how to make money with tarot. Trailer : here:


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