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Rennaissance Periodisation : Recovering From Training

RP – Recovering From Training.pdf
[eBook – 1PDF]


This book is the ultimate guide to both the theory and practice of recovery from training––it describes the multiple causes, correlates, and consequences of fatigue, and also gives real-world recommendations on how to manage and reduce it. This text will help you learn the most powerful and practical science-based strategies for recovery from training, so that you can gain the most strength, speed, power, endurance, and muscle from your hard work.#This book will be for everybody that wants to get better, from powerlifters, weightlifters, strongman competitors, bodybuilders, functional fitness athletes to everyday gym enthusiasts. Everybody can benefit from better recovery. #Even better is it’s written by 3 PhDs in the fields of Sport Physiology and Neuroscience along with being elite level athletes themselves.…this is a donation from one the members here at the place , please keep it here


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