Kenrick Cleveland – The Power Of Stories
Kenrick Cleveland – The Power of Stories
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Kenrick Cleveland – The Power Of StoriesEverything You Need To Know To Take Control Of Your Future And Receive YESes In All Your Interactions…Discover The Missing Secret To Telling The Most Powerful Story Of Them AllDear Friend,Every last ounce of energy was wrung from my body…It was the end of day 3 and I still had hours to go.Hundreds of students were standing in a single file line, waiting with their cash in hand for the opportunity to purchase my latest course.When it finally seemed an end was in site… I noticed a single student hovering under the exit sign towards the back of the room.After I convinced the final “hanger-ons” to go home, that we were sold out of the course… the student shuffled his way over to me… with his head down and shoulders slumped.With what looked to be a world’s worth of courage, he asked…“How the hell do you do it?”After a tense moment of silence, he raised his eyes to mine…and…I replied…Here Is The Truth… Most People Can’t Weave A Story To Save Their Life. And It’s Like Bad Breath… Nobody Has The Guts To Tell You.Blah…Blah…Blah…No point… No meaning… No Influence…Oh sure, people nod and smile – but secretly they’re wishing they had a magical remote control to fast forward through the meaningless dribble coming out of your mouth.But I can’t blame you because…No one has ever taught you how to weave and tell a story… especially how to sway an audience in your favor.Sure… there are hundreds of books on Amazon, tons of courses on the Internet – but they are all missing that most important element to becoming an influential storyteller.And without it… your stories fall flat… no bubble… no pop… flatter than an open can of soda left out for days.Trust me, I would know… I have bought them all.Yes, you could study the Hero’s Journey, the 7 main plots of stories, the different archetypes…and you will understand how to develop a well put together story.But all those books and courses are not going to tell you how to produce stories on the fly… in real world and business settings……the kind that will influence and have you hearing YES.That’s the difference between being a writer and an Influential Storyteller.Now, I had to ask myself…Why Are Stories So Powerful In Influencing Others?… and in researching the answer, I came across a vast amount of scientific data that explains it all…Throughout man’s evolution, we have passed along information by the telling of stories… whether it was drawings on a cave wall or history books we studied in school… our brains developed based on the narratives of others.Stories allow us to conceal facts with emotion… and as we know… our emotions are the main ingredient in our decision making process.“As much as 95% of our decisions are made by the subconscious mind (our emotions)”Dr. A.K. Pradee, The Buying BrainStop…… and take a moment to think about that…What are your strongest memories?Your first kiss? The day you got your first car? A dramatic event?You see… emotional stories make up the building blocks of our lives because…Our Memory Is Directly Tied Into Our EmotionsFrom an evolutionary stand point this makes perfect sense. For survival… you would want to remember the exact location of the cave that a lion made his home. When you went back to your tribe and told the story of how you almost became his next meal… they would want to remember the location as well.Stories, like the lion in the cave, bypass our conscious minds and interact with our emotions… so when we hear a story, it’s in relation to ourselves that we are hearing and interpreting them. If we do not connect with the story, it will have ZERO influence on our lives.Think about it this way…The Power Of Stories Is A Double Edge SwordWhen we buy into other people’s stories without verifying the facts, we can create a reality that in truth is, as flimsy as, a house of cards… apply a little movement… and everything falls down.Use stories correctly and you can influence at will but… if you don’t recognize their control, you will find yourself making choices based on fiction and not fact. You will take them at their face value… even though, we know, that every story has more than one side.And since our unconscious mind can’t distinguished between something imagined and something real… stories serve as the ultimate tool in getting your messages across without them being dissected or scrutinized…Allowing You To Easily Influence Others.The problem is… You could spend thousands of hours creating pre-written stories and try your best to memorize them…so that you will be prepared in any given situation.But, I knew there had to be a better way…We Are All A Well Of Stories Waiting To Be TappedIt came to me in a flash of insight one night…… to stop looking on the outside for inspiration and start looking deep inside one’s self…As inscribed over the Temple at Delphi, “Man Know Thyself”…When I thought about it, I realized that in order to influence people through stories…We must first explore our OWN story.And, as I was headed deeper down the rabbit hole… I found myself facing questions that needed to be answered…The biggest of which… With all my knowledge and first-hand experience, why did I struggle to connect my stories to my audience in spontaneous settings?“Those who do not have power over the story that dominates their lives, the power to retell it, rethink it,… and change it as times change, truly are powerless, because they cannot think new thoughts.”– As famed author Salman Rushdie once said.Without having to look far… the answer was starring me in the face.We Are All Living Multiple Stories… All Of Which Are Ever Changing… None Of Which Are Written In StoneIt’s by understanding how our stories work together… how they define who we are… and the decisions that we make based on them… that not only gives us the foundation to create powerful stories that influence others… but allows us to change our own path.Introducing The Power Of Stories 1-5(Uncovering The Missing Piece To Influential Storytelling)When I was originally developing The Power Of Stories, one of the most important series of lessons I was ever going to deliver for my past elite coaching club…I had a revelation…To become an influential storyteller…. you must first know the most important story of all… your own.What seemed so simple was completely profound.For the next 8 weeks, we dove deep into uncovering our own stories and what we discovered was… incredible… and life changing.Not only did our powers to tell influential stories increase by leaps and bounds, but we had a frame to examine and change our own story… towards a new path.When you purchase The Power of Stories 1-5 today, below are just a small sampling of the discovers you will make:The Power Of Stories – Part 1 Uncover the #1 Secret that prevents you from becoming an influential storyteller. (The missing ingredient to all other storytelling courses and books.) Why knowing your own story will allow you to spin influential stories and get the YES! The 5 questions and major life themes that make discovering your own story easy! (You will never scratch your head and wonder where to find content for your stories again.) Learn this step by step method and you can write your “own” story in just minutes. What most people forget in their stories that leave them limp and lifeless… this is not only crucial for influential stories, but for living a meaning life. The 2 daily questions you need to ask yourself (about your life) for your storytelling ability to skyrocket.The Power Of Stories – Part 2 Learn the most devastating mistake you can make (to your own story)… for if you do, you are doomed to a life of history repeating itself. Why listening to other peoples’ stories can give you a foundation based on assumption instead of fact. Discover “these” and you can change your story overnight… and expose an ocean of stories ideas from deep within you. Learn these 10 skills and gain the ability to take control of your inner voice… allowing you to become congruent with your own story and storytelling.The Power Of Stories – Part 3 Gain the speed necessary to change your own story or alter the stories you are telling your unconscious and others… giving you the ability to adapt on the fly. Discover the 10 voices inside each of us… and why they will be your new best friend. A little known secret that will stop you dead in your tracks from accomplishing your goals and changing your own story for the better. (Plus receive the 1 thing that will allow you to quickly reverse any damage done to the current story you are living.) The 1 concept that will change your interactions with stories… the stories you tell and the stories you are living each day. Why knowing your tipping and turning points will drastically change your own story. (These are also the key to telling dramatic life altering stories that mesmerize people into hanging on your every word.) Turn your old story into your “NEW STORY” by knowing the 3 critical factors for all influential stories… giving you the ability to break your old patterns. The Power Of Stories – Part 4 Listen as Kenrick dissects a past elite coaching club member’s new story and… discover the power behind understanding your own story and why it’s key to becoming an influential storyteller. The #1 question you need to ask yourself to know if your new story is congruent with your current values. (Your new story will not stick if your values are not congruent.) Uncover your “Big Three”… making sure they have a feature role in your new story… allowing you to create a new story that “YOU” control.The Power Of Stories – Part 5 Uncover why your deeper stories shed light on the decisions you make… and when you can control other peoples’ deeper stories, you can persuade them powerful. Why it’s important that your NEW STORY is not moving “away from”… and if it is… how you can change it with 1 quick question. The 2 simple ways to make sure your new story sinks deep into your unconscious… where it will set your life on a new path. How to live the new story you create for yourself. (And why it will transform you into a powerful, influential storyteller.) And much, much more! “Fantastic”… “Life Changing”…”WOW”
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