William J. Williams – General semantics and the social sciences – Reflections and new directions
William J. Williams – General semantics and the social sciences – Reflections and new directions
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**** elib.tech Exclusive ****Help us keep elib.tech all the more special for its exclusivity.Out of respect for the original authors and publishers,please do not make this product available outside of our community.Thanks for keeping elib.tech awesome! GB Status : CLOSED GB Page : Joseph Riggio – Finding Your Essential Self GB General semantics and the social sciences: Reflections and New Directions offers brave optimism for the “change artist” who desires and promotes (intellectually-practically) growth and progress in the direction towards more human and creative humans.As J. S. Bois works may be read and re-read, each time obtaining new dimensional implications, so follows Dr. Williams’ treatise. He treads into the unknown, creating pathways and clearings in the jungle of the third generation general semanticists.He says, for example, in one instance :The One Man Theory holds that those who would like to bring about major changes must adopt first of all a relativistic view rather than an absolutist view’ This view’ must tie our assumptions, frameworks and personal constructs to modern epistemology in a wayl that enables us to build a Process that is in keeping with the process of the world and the cultural and automatic epistemic changes that are taking place. This is the beginning of a difference which makes a difference a differenceDr. William is only “one” time-binder, but we certainly cannot view his contributions to the world of humans as an additive affair, for his contributions may well be the difference that makes a difference a difference!https://www.amazon.com/General-semantics-social-sciences-Ref…
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