Entheos – World Dream Day ( Audio ) 2014 with Ozioma of BurnBright
World Dream Day audios
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This is the audio version of Dream Day: Ignite the Dream Within Conference 2014with Ozioma of BurnBrightSeptember 26-30, 2014A dream is a spark of innovation that starts from within, then grows into a powerful transformational force that can shape our lives and the world.Listen to and experience 15+ of the world’s leading dreamers, visionaries and innovators share personal stories and powerful strategies that you can use immediately to set your dreams in motion.Conference OverviewThere is nothing more powerful than a dream whose time has come.Everyone holds within them a spark of something powerful that has yet to be expressed. This spark is brought to life when we are in the process of moving forward with turning our dreams and ideas into a reality. The time has come for us all to learn how to dream bigger and take action with our dreams.Internationally acclaimed speaker, Dream Activist and founder of World Dream Day, Ozioma of BurnBright, has assembled the voices of 15+ of the worlds most powerful and prolific dreamers, visionaries and innovators to take you on a guided journey of setting your dreams in motion.Join a world-class line-up as they tell their own personal stories of what it took for them to make their dreams possible, as well as declare what dreams they believe are essential for our world to reach it’s full potential.Ignite the Dream Within Virtual Conference highlights the individual journey that must be made to actualize your ideas and manifest your dreams, as well as the larger impact that our dreams have on the world around us. It will also features powerful and practical steps, tools and resources for turning your dreams into a reality.Any and everything that existed started out as an idea, a spark of innovation that became real.Learn how dreams, goals and ideas can be used to create better lives, better businesses, better communities, and a better world.The world needs our dreams now more than ever. So get ready to ignite the dream that lives inside of you, be the change you want to see in the world, and learn all you need to follow through!ContentFriday, September 26Holistic DreamBuildingwith Pamela RichPamela Rich, Board Certified Holistic Health Counselor, Chopra Certified Vedic Master, Licensed Heal Your Life Leader & Coach, hosts workshops & retreats internationally and virtually focused on healing the heart and guiding the soul. Pamela is passionate about effecting positive change in the lives of others and does so in a way that is compassionate while direct. This amazingly effective approach is the culmination of Pam’s extensive studies in holistic health and healing over the past 25 years, traveling as far as India on her quest to bring the most comprehensive modalities together. Studying Ayurveda and Vedic sciences directly under Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. David Simon allows Pamela to excel at teaching meditation & mindful daily practices that allow individuals to tap into their soul’s journey and manifest their dreams. Her background in Holistic Health and healing practices allows her to guide individuals on a healing path to have the physical and mental energy and clarity to move forward to their highest expression of self. Removing the limiting beliefs and negative messages that are at the core of obstacles we face, allows individuals to move forward in an expeditious way on the journey to their fulfillment and joy. Optimal Living 101with Brian JohnsonBrian Johnson is the Philosopher & CEO of en*theos, a company that creates cool stuff to help people optimize their lives. He authored A Philosopher’s Notes and loves inspiring and empowering people.In this talk you‘ll learn:Find your top 3 fundamentals to rock your day Meditation is a great tool to quiet your monkey mind. Coming from a place of gratitude and love will open doors for you.Bringing Honor to Yourself by Following your Dreamswith don Jose RuizIn 2010, don Jose Ruiz released his first book, “The Fifth Agreement,” in partnership with his father, don Miguel Ruiz. Following its publication, don Jose began traveling around the US, Mexico, and South America. Don Jose inspires people in many different ways, including book signings, lectures, seminars, and hosting journeys to Teotihuacan and other sacred sites around the world. Don Jose’s message has been heard all over the United States, Mexico, Europe, Japan, Israel, and South America. His journeys to sacred sites have also been translated into many different languages, including Spanish, French, and German. His message changes lives and brings people closer to themselves than ever before. His passion is to help children stay away from gangs and drugs by developing healthy outlets, such as music and other creative avenues. He will continue to share the wisdom of his family lineage through his own life experiences. Don Jose enjoys working with people of all faiths and cultures. He sees all men and women as equals and feels it’s a blessing to be alive.Becoming an Agent of Peacewith Ambassador Anwarul K. ChowdhuryAmbassador Anwarul K. Chowdhury has devoted many years as an inspirational champion for sustainable peace and development and ardently advancing the cause of the global movement for the culture of peace that has energized civil society all over the world. As a career diplomat, Permanent Representative to United Nations, President of the UN Security Council, President of UNICEF Board, UN Under-Secretary-General, the Senior Special Advisor to the UN General Assembly President, and recipient of the U Thant Peace Award, UNESCO Gandhi Gold Medal for Culture of Peace, Spirit of the UN Award and University of Massachusetts Boston Chancellor’s Medal for Global Leadership for Peace, Ambassador Chowdhury has a wealth of experience in the critical issues of our time – peace, sustainable development, and human rights.Saturday, September 27Dreaming Courageously: Activating your life and the world through luminous energywith Alberto VilloldoAlberto Villoldo, PhD, is a medical anthropologist and psychologist who studied the spiritual practices of the Amazon and the Andes for more than 25 years. While at San Francisco State University, he founded the Biological Self-Regulation Laboratory to study how the mind creates psychosomatic health and disease.Founder of The Four Winds Society, he instructs individuals throughout the worldin the practice of energy medicine. Dr. Villoldo has written numerous best-selling books, including Power Up Your Brain: The Neuroscience of Enlightenment (withDavid Perlmutter MD), Shaman, Healer, Sage; and The Four Insights.Fierce Health: Tapping into Your Dream and your Body’s inner Wisdomwith Alex JamiesonAlexandra (you can call her Alex) Jamieson, is a chef, food activist, nutrition teacher, consultant to the health food industry, author of the best-selling works The Great American Detox Diet, Vegan Living for Dummies, and Vegan Cooking for Dummies, and the woman behind the Oscar-nominated documentary Super Size Me. Her work has been featured on Oprah, Martha Stewart’s Living, CNN, NBC, and Dr. Oz’s Sharecare. Her non-judgemental approach to food and feeling great appeals to eaters of every kind, and her work has inspired countless others to transform their lives and food for the better. Alex traveled to over 20 countries premiering the film Super Size Me, and her books have been translated into six languages. BONUS: When you upgrade to the conference package you’ll get Alex’s book, The Great American Detox, in digital format for FREE!Birthing Your Dreamwith Latham ThomasLatham Thomas is a maternity lifestyle maven, wellness & birth coach, and yoga teacher on the vanguard of transforming the maternal wellness movement. She is the founder of Mama Glow—a holistic lifestyle hub for women to explore their creative edge through wellbeing.Creating Your Dream Codewith Jackie DumaineAfter leaving a successful career as a marketing and advertising executive, Jackie traveled to India where she lived in an ashram studying yoga & meditation. This sparked her journey as a spiritual entrepreneur, launching a company that soon developed promotional partnerships with events such as Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra.While in India she discovered the 10 Universal Principles of ancient yoga wisdom which act as a blueprint for creating a life with more peace, balance and joy. From these principles, she created The Yoga Code™: an online learning system, life coaching program, workshop & retreat. It is now her mission to teach this ancient wisdom with a fresh & modern twist while helping others create a beautiful and inspired life. Jackie leads a full life as founder of The Yoga Code™, Spiritual Coach, Transformational Workshop & Retreat Leader, Yoga Teacher, and Speaker.Sunday, September 28Unleashing Your Creative Spirit to Activate Your Dreamwith Dr. Eric MaiselDr. Eric Maisel is the author of more than thirty-five books. His inter¬ests include cre¬ativ¬ity and the cre¬ative life, men¬tal and emo¬tional health, and phi¬los¬o¬phy and the art of mak¬ing meaning. Dr. Maisel’s recent books include Rethink¬ing Depres¬sion (New World Library, 2012), Mas¬ter¬ing Cre¬ative Anx¬i¬ety (New World Library, 2011), and (with his wife Ann Maisel) Brain¬storm: Har¬ness¬ing the Power of Pro¬duc¬tive Obses¬sions (New World Library, 2010). His books for cre¬ative and per¬form¬ing artists include Fear¬less Cre¬at¬ing, Coach¬ing the Artist Within, The Van Gogh Blues, The Cre¬ativ¬ity Book, and Cre¬ativ¬ity for Life. Becoming the Hero of your Own Journeywith Robert WalterIn 1979 Bob “retired” from the professional theater and became editorial director of Joseph Campbell’s Historical Atlas of World Mythology. When Campbell died (1987), Bob, his literary executor, completed portions of his Atlas and oversaw the posthumous publication of Volume I (two books) and Volume II (three). In 1991, Jean Erdman Campbell and Bob created the Joseph Campbell Foundation (JCF), and he was named its executive director. He continues as executive editor of the Collected Works of Joseph Campbell to guide the publication of Campbell’s oeuvre in print, audio, and video. He was appointed JCF president in 1998. He has presented papers, seminars, and/or workshops on four continents, and has served since 2002 as a Trustee of the Tamalpais Union High School District (Marin County, California).Transform Your Life Todaywith Barbara BiziouBarbara Biziou’s greatest passion is to inspire, empower and support people going through all of life’s transitions with easy to access rituals and spiritual practices that make life richer, easier and more meaningful. Barbara believes that ritual is the spiritual technology of the 21st Century. To Barbara, ritual is a structured situation that shifts you from one level of consciousness to another.Barbara is a global wisdom keeper and an agent of change & transformation who integrates her extensive knowledge of practical spirituality, rituals, psychology, neuroscience & business. She is the author of The Joy of Ritual & The Joy of Family Rituals as well as a Huffington Post blogger, Executive consultant, dynamic public speaker & national TV personality.Soul Fire and Flow for Creative Rebel Dreamerswith Satya ColomboSatya Colombo is a writer, artist, healer and consultant for creative rebels and inspired entrepreneurs. Sought after for his unconventional Fierce Wisdom approach, he works with leading visionaries to help awaken their Soul Power and Flow, and develop life-changing online ventures, creative projects and brands. Author of FLOW, creator of the Soul-Fire Code and the Fire of Love Experience, Satya loves playing the ukulele, swimming in the sea, exploring new worlds and bringing Magic to Life! He’s been traveling the world while working and searching for paradise since 2012, and can be found online at his site, Fierce Wisdom with Satya. Monday, September 29Building a Conscious Businesswith Jeff MaloneJeff Malone has become a catalyst for overcoming adversity and breaking through the road blocks that stand in the way of success and happiness. He works with clients to eliminate the discrepancy between what they say they want and the results that they are actually achieving. Whether as a coach or consultant, Jeff refuses to let clients settle for mediocrity when greatness beckons. He expertly guides clients to peel back any self imposed limitations to achieve their full potential while remaining, authentic, in integrity and true to their deepest desires. Jeff graduated with honors from Oregon State University, with dual majors in Economics and Art History, and holds an MBA from Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business.How to Create a New Narrative for Mediawith Judy RodgersJudy Rodgers has worked at the intersection of media, business, and education for over 30 years. In the early days of the prerecorded videocassette industry, she worked for CBS and then for CBS-Fox Video in their first forays into this new industry – first in sports and subsequently in educational videos. During those years she worked with best selling authors such as John Naisbitt (Megatrends), Tom Peters (In Search of Excellence), and public figures such as Walter Cronkite. In 1985 she and other investors bought a small division from CBS-Fox in a leverged buy-out. They renamed the company Video Publishing House. She was executive vice president of Video Publishing House, responsible for production and acquisitions of new products.Activating Entrepreneurial Ideas to Create Social Changewith Manav SubodhManav Subodh is the Global Manager of Corporate Affairs at Intel, playing a pivotal role in accelerating innovation and facilitating start ups. He has supported and funded commercial initiatives for early stage start ups in around 30 countries. Manav is presently leading mentoring and incubation at Intel Make it Wearable, one of the largest open innovation, product design and lean start up initiative to launch the next generation of wearable products into the market. Manav is passionate about empowering people to activate their ideas and get them to market, a topic on which he also gave a talk at TED at Intel. In this regard, he has conducted innovation workshops in Costa Rica, Egypt, India, Ireland, Jordan and US. To accelerate youth entrepreneurship globally, he led the team that created The Power of E animated video, which has now been seen and translated worldwide. Manav also serves on the advisory board for UC Berkeley’s Global Social Venture Competition, which draws aspiring entrepreneurs from five continents. Manav is the founder of Activate1M1B, a global initiative that aims to empower a million people so that they empower a billion people across the world.Using Your Day Job to Make a Differencewith Marvin ScottMarvin Scott is Manager of Corporate Social Responsibility at HBO and Owner of Mascott Laboratories.Tuesday, September 30Real Winners Never Stop Dreamingwith Joe BowenIn 1980, Joe Bowen walked 3,000 miles across the United States on stilts to raise money for Muscular Dystrophy research. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, he holds the world record for the longest stilt-walk. He also stilt-walked in five European countries to raise money for philanthropic purposes.Growing a Global Heartwith Belvie RooksBelvie Rooks is Co-Founder of Growing a Global Heart. She is a writer, educator and producer whose work weaves the worlds of spirituality, feminism, ecology and social justice. She is a former board member of Bioneers, The Urban Habitat Program, and the Positive Futures Network/Yes Magazine and is currently Chair of the Board of the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights and a board member of the Institute for Noetic Sciences, and the Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation. She is a Core Faculty member of Holy Names University’s Culture and Spirituality Program.Her published works have appeared in a number of books, publications and anthologies including: Sacred Poems and Prayers in Praise of Life, edited by Mary-Ford Grabowsky (Doubleday); The Same River Twice: Honoring the Difficult by Alice Walker (Scribner); My Soul is a Witness: African American Women’s Spirituality (Beacon Press); Life Notes: Personal Writings by Black Women (Norton); Double Stitch: Black Women Write About Mothers and Daughters (HarperCollins); Co-Editor, Paris Connections: African American Artists in Paris (QED Press). Paris Connections was an American Book Award winner.Sustaining the Dreamwith Joy JinksJoy Jinks is the co-founder of Swamp Gravy, a folk life play produced annually by the Colquitt/Miller Arts Council. She is a retired social worker and founder of the Colquitt Children Center. She serves on the boards of the Miller County Family Connection, the Community Development Corporation of Southwest Georgia, the Colquitt Downtown Development Authority and Andrew College. She earned a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in social work from Florida State University.The Artist as Entrepreneurwith Mama NikeDescribed as an artist who has used detailed and arresting batik images to chronicle her society’s contradictory views towards women. ‘Nike’ as she likes to be known, has won countless awards from around the world, not only for her artwork, but her contribution to her community at wide and the impact she has had on people’s lives…Madam Nike is one of the most respected internationally known female artists from Nigeria, who has made astounding strides in textile, visual arts and mixed media painting.Some of her work can be found amongst the collection of George Harrison (Beatles pop group member), the White House (seat of power in the United States of America), and museums worldwide. There is hardly any important museum in the world that does not have Madam Nike’s work.
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