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Learn Swahili with subtitles
[SWAHILI] Learn Swahili with subtitles [6 MP4s]


Learn Swahili with subtitlesPublisher: BookBoxPublication date: 2012The course Learn Swahili with subtitles use one of the scientific and proven and effective methods of reading and listening skills in a foreign language. It is based on the use of subtitles in sync with the audio and visuals (read karaoke style). Learning efficiency is achieved by the simultaneous engagement in the process of viewing the auditory, visual and emotional memory. In the case of learning a foreign language, an additional effect – in the development of direct associations between words, phrases and actions of objects without the use of translation. This makes it possible to develop a natural perception of a foreign language and to eradicate the habit subconsciously translate into their native language. In turn, the acquisition of such skills is education in the cerebral cortex of autonomous language center of the studied language. The narrative is leisurely, and every syllable of the word stands in perfect adjustment with audio, automatically and unconsciously strengthening reading skills. Colorful cartoon very clearly illustrates the story and helps to form a natural link “image – the word.” The method is effective for children and adults who are familiar with the alphabet and have the basic skills of reading, but can not quite read fluently and correctly.


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