Subliminal Shop – Study Aid Mathematics(4G – Type B)
[1 CD – 3 MP3s]
Product DescriptionThis program focuses your mind – conscious and subconscious – on not only studying Mathematics with more focus, but understanding what you are trying to learn more easily, and remembering what you have learned more easily.script:I now focus the unlimited power of my subconscious mind upon understanding and succeeding with mathematics, and improving and maximizing my understanding and comprehension of mathematics.I am now understanding and comprehending mathematics and mathematical symbols, operations and concepts better and better, more and more.I now let go of, release and reject any and all negative beliefs, ideas and responses to or about mathematics, and immediately replace them with stronger positive ones.I am now getting better and more skilled with mathematics, and I can see my progress.I now like mathematics more and more each and every day.The better I get at doing math, the more I like doing it, and the more I like doing math, the better I am becoming at doing it.Everything I do with math now makes me better and better at it.I am now becoming more and more comfortable with math and doing math.I now feel comfortable dealing with math.When I am working with numbers, I force myself to see them in the order they are actually in.Math is now becoming easier and easier for me.Math is now easy for me, and getting easier all the time.When I study math, I now understand it and remember the rules and operations easily.I am now good at math.I am now becoming better and better at everything mathematical.I am now calm and comfortable when doing math, and I focus on it enough to be successful with what I am doing.Math is now becoming more and more enjoyable and interesting for me.I now reframe mathematics as a fun puzzle for me to enjoy, and I do.I now prevent myself from becoming frustrated or upset when I am doing math, and instead I naturally stay calm and relaxed.I am now becoming more and more successful with doing mathematics.I now have an increasingly positive attitude and response to mathematics.I now look forward to studying, practicing, and doing mathematics because it is fun for me.I lose track of time when I’m doing or studying mathematics because it’s so much fun for me.It is now easy for me to find and correct any mistakes in my work when I am doing mathematics.I now find faster, better, easier ways of doing things correctly all the time.My skills with mathematics are now increasing, expanding and improving constantly.I now see and interpret numbers exactly as they are, which allows me to work with them accurately and correctly.It is now easy for me to remember everything I need to remember in order to do mathematics quickly, easily, accurately and correctly.I can now do any and all mathematical operations I am introduced to quickly, easily, accurately and correctly.Regardless of everything else, math is now becoming easier and easier for me, and more and more enjoyable and fun.I now respond positively to math, and I allow myself to learn, understand, comprehend and remember it easily.
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