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Subliminal Shop – Sex Magnet 2.0

[21 MP3s – 1 PDF]



Sex Magnet is sp ecically designed to b e used after you h ave used all sixstages of the latest versi on of the Alpha Male Subliminal Trainin g Set, andwithin 6 months of having nished that program. While you may get resultsusing this program without b enet of usin g the Alpha Male Training Set rst,you will b e losing out on a lot of imp ortant base-line found ati on building andattitude/p erception adjustment and their results by doing so. It is stronglysuggested and recommended to you that you use all six stages of the AlphaMale Subliminal Trainin g S et b efore you use this p rogram. So far, I haveseen a lot of men try to skip i t, an d not a one has nished this programb efore deciding that they think it is wiser to go back and do things the wayI instruct them to. The fact is, I cannot do everything in one program, soplease follow instructions on this p oint, and nish AM b efore using SM. Also,if it has b een more than 6 months since you did AM, you will want to atleast do a refresher of that program for 32 to 96 days.If you are in a committed relationship and you do not wish toattract and have sex with multiple women other than your currentpartner, DO NOT use this program!


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