Brian Carroll – 10 20 Life
Brian Carroll – 10 20 LifeBook.pdf
[ 1 eBook – PDF ]
Brian Carroll – 10/20/Life Introduction – What 10/20/Life will do for you You’ll learn how to customize and design your own workout programs based on what YOU need as an individual. This is done by matching your weak points to the EXACT moves that’ll get you stronger. Brian will show you an incredibly effective warm-up system that will prevent injuries, get you in MUCH better shape, and prepare you to SMASH through your strength barriers. You’ll learn the proper mindset for lifting heavy weights from one of the best powerlifters in the history of the sport—an athlete who’s set multiple world records under the bar, including over thirty 1000 pound squats in competition. Brian will also give you dozens of highly detailed coaching cues for every lift that you can take into the gym and use IMMEDIATELY to get stronger. Two detailed, printable FREE workout and form charts you can bring to the gym. Ten Twenty Life BookAbout The AuthorA competitive powerlifter since 1999, Brian Carroll is one of the most accomplished lifters in the history of the sport. After suffering a debilitating back injury in 2012—including several broken bones—Brian used his 10/20/Life principles, which incorporate the methods of world-renowned lower back specialist Dr. Stuart McGill, to return to competition with a 1080 pound squat at the 2014 Arnold Sports Festival.Career Highlights:· Holds, or has held, multiple world, national, and state records in the 220, 242, and 275 pound weight classes.· One of few lifters to attain a professional powerlifting total in three different weight classes.· One of even fewer lifters to be ranked in the top ten in three different weight classes at the same time.· Ranked second in the world in the 275 pound class with a total of 2730 and a historic 1185 squat—a then-world-record that, although since broken, most still consider to be the true record due to depth issues.220 Class: 1030 squat, 633 bench, 755 deadlift — 2375 TOTAL (10th best of all time).242 Class: 1064 squat, 785 bench, 771 deadlift — 2570 TOTAL (5th best of all time).275 Class: 1185 squat, 785 bench, 800 deadlift — 2730 TOTAL (3rd best of all time).Brian has also totaled more than ten times his bodyweight in three different classes, and both bench pressed and deadlifted over 800 pounds in two different classes. In his career, he’s totaled 2500 over fifteen times. Since 2005, Brian has not slipped out of the top two in the American rankings in both the squat and total, and he’s been ranked number one in both categories at 220, 242, and 275 pounds. With 35 competition squats over 1000, spread over three different weight classes, he’s indisputably one of the best squatters of all time. —————————————–Enjoy this upload guys! Cheers,Raverday
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