David Wygant – 7 Second Seduction + Bonuses
[6 MP4, 9 MP3]
**** elib.tech Exclusive **** Help us keep elib all the more special for its exclusivity.Out of respect for the original authors and publishers,please do not make this product available outside of our community.Thanks for keeping elib awesome!This exclusive material brought to you by the participants of the David Wygant – 7 Second Seduction GB.This GB is CLOSED – : :http://www.davidwygant.com/mens-products/7-second-seduction/…Info:“Revealed… The Secrets To Creating POWERFUL Attraction In Any Woman You Meet In Just 7 Seconds!”You’re About To Discover How Easy It Is To Make Women Desire You By Taking Advantage Of A Proven Set Of Psychological Triggers Within The Female Mind…And These Triggers Work Even If You’re Fat, Bald, Short, Or Broke!Hi it’s David, and in a few minutes I’m going to reveal to you the SECRET SEX SIGNALS on a woman’s face…These secret sex signals reveal whether she’s about to reject you — or have sex with you, and how you can attract her……IN 7 SECONDS OR LESS!I call this “7 Second Seduction”… and this knowledge creates such intense attraction… using it literally got me BANNED in a major supermarket just blocks from where I live.I’ll tell you the whole weird story in just a minute… but for now, just know that whether your goal is to casually hook up…Or turn the next beautiful woman you meet into your girlfriend (Whether she’s super sweet or a total bitch…)This works even if you’re currently bald, broke, or haven’t been laid in years…Hell, I don’t care if your confidence is lower than it’s ever been…Trust me when I say that… NONE OF THAT MATTERS!Because when you master the first 7 seconds …you’ll quickly see that all women make the initial “sex” or “boyfriend” decision in that insanely brief window.In fact, in just a moment, you’re going to see ACTUAL PROOF of why 7quick seconds is all it takes to get a girl…And, if you follow up with what I’m about to show you… there’s a strong chance she’ll even become downright obsessed with the idea of becoming your loyal girlfriend.The whole process works by tapping into a weird “female superpower” that all attractive women have …which has recently been studied and proven by a team of elite psychology researchers…This “superpower” means every attractive woman you meet has what researchers call “heightened ability” to READ YOU…. and if you don’t know what I’m about to reveal… immediately reject you!“Anyone Can Do This…”irst, I have a confession to make…Even though I’ve been on a bunch of TV shows, featured in magazines and am considered by many to be the top dating coach in the country — I’m really just a big dumb guy at heart.Trust me, I’m NOT brilliant, I possess no hidden genius… If anything, I’ve been lucky.You see, for years, I’ve been accidentally using and teaching parts of this 7 second secret to a small number of men I knew, with absolutely no clue about why or how it worked so well. (Hence, the “dumb” part.)So one night, I decided to start asking the woman I was seeing when she knew she wanted to be with me.“Instantly,” she said.“You mean you liked how I looked?” I asked her.She said, “Well, that’s nice… but not that’s not really it either.” So I pressed her,“What was it? Confidence?”She said, “no, not exactly” — it was harder to explain, she said, but “she just knew.”Fascinated by this, I started asking every woman I slept with this same question, without fail.In each case, she’d say she felt attraction “instantly” or in the first few seconds… and the more I pushed, I never heard any woman give me an answer longer than 7 seconds!This was starting to drive me crazy!Why the hell were woman responding to me (and many of the guys I coached) in the first 7 seconds …yet not a single one of them could explain how or why they felt that way?Then, one day, I got lucky…“This Girl Changed Everything For YOU And Me!”I approached a girl in a coffee shop with the cutest face… thick, dirty blonde hair, black rimmed glasses (with greenish, hazel eyes)… and a ridiculous …and I do mean RIDICULOUS… body.There was a chatted, exchanged numbers and within a few days, we had a weekend of the most amazing sex.I thought about the question I’d been asking other women, which I was beginning to think maybe there wasn’t an answer to, but thought, “what the hell” and just gave it a shot.Now, remember, this girl didn’t just LOOK nerdy…. she actually WAS a legitimate nerd… with a Ph.D. from a major university.This Girl Changed Everything For YOU And Me I still didn’t think I’d get much of answer… until she shocked me with something I’ll never forget.Are you ready?Because what I’m about to teach you has the almost magical ability to get women’s’s attention and make them interested… even downright wet… In the first seven seconds alone.It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen… and is beyond anything you’ve ever tried or heard about in the dating, pickup or “seduction” communities.So listen up…The first thing she told me was, that she had actually studied female mating rituals and the evolutionary psychology (the hell if I know what that means) including the biological reasons why attraction happens so fast.(This also explains how most guys get rejected almost immediately… and I’ll tell you why in just a moment.)“The REAL Reason Attraction Happens So Fast…”And one of the first things she did was point me to a strange study about women who read romantic novels…You know, all those cheesy romance books that women go crazy over?(Remember, the Twilight Saga is really just a series of romance novels for girls.)In this study, first published in the journal called, Psychology of Aesthetics,Creativity and the Arts and republished by the American Psychology Association…Researchers discovered that “romance readers” have heightened ability to pick up subtle facial clues that reveal a person’s emotional state.What does that mean?Think about it like this…You approach or just casually start a conversation with an attractive woman.Let’s just say it’s in line at the grocery store…Now, she’s probably the “romantic type” cited in this study… as most hot woman are…Are you with me?Good — because here’s the double-edge sword that I can almost guarantee has been KILLING your chances with women in those first 7 seconds…I’ll give you the bad news first…Because she’s reading you… and FAST… she’s also feeling any issues you have right now……Including any insecurity… fear… doubt… or uncertainty.As you might guess, those are ALL immediate turnoffs to her… as it means you’re NOT “romantic hero” material… and therefore not a sexual candidate in her eyes.Again, this is a near-instant “feeling” she gets that’s almost impossible to change.So that’s the bad news.“Here’s The Good News…”The good news is that beautiful “romantic” women are actually the easiest to seduce, and make the most amazingly sexy, loyal, love-to-please-you-any-waythey-can types of girlfriends.And…If you understand how to get her to feel the right things the first time she sees or more importantly… the first time she FEELS you… then you’re “in like Flynn”…She’ll want you so badly, you almost have to TRY and screw it up at that point.Now… getting back to my blond Ph.D. hottie that broke down the research for me…well, let’s just say I had one of the hugest “aha” moments of my entire life.All this time, I’d been successfully coaching both men largely on instinct, without realizing the exact mechanisms at work…Now I had the answer…With the right emotions, body language and facial cues… a man, ANY man, could create near-instant attraction… no matter what he looked like or even what he said.Oh, and I can’t believe I haven’t mentioned this… there’s hidden benefit to this 7 second secret…As you learn it, just like women, you become AMAZING at reading women and their sex signals…“The 3 Secret Sex Signals And How To Spot Them”Look where the arrows are pointing in this image…The 3 Secret Sex Signals And How To Spot Them Well, those are just 3 of the sex signals that you can quickly read on a woman’s face as she starts to get turned on in your presence…Her eyebrows are often lifted slightly, because she’s alert and cares…Her pupils are dilated, which “advertises” her attraction, as psychologists say…And her lips get pouty, almost her unconscious way of showing them off and getting ready for you…There’s more signals, many more, and you’ll learn them all naturally as you engage in the 7 second seduction process…But before I show you how 7-Second Seduction really works…I want to show you why you’ve probably NEVER had success in approaching or talking to “new” women in the past… including why most “gurus” and “experts”out there will only ever get you rejected.It’s actually not your fault… because you and countless other guys have been sold 3 deadly lies about women and attraction.They are:LIE #1 – Women decide in first 5 minutes if they want to sleep with a guyYou’ve heard it before, we all have.But it’s completely, utterly FALSE.The TRUTH is, women know in 7 seconds or less… often instantly.In the time that it takes her to look at your eyes and face and “feel” you — 99% of women have already made up their decision.And there’s almost NOTHING you can do to change her mind at that point.This means, what you say means a LOT less than what you do BEFORE you even make eye contact with her. Which leads us to the next one…LIE #2 – The “Magic Line Myth”If you read the classic “dating books” or jump onto a forum about learning the art of picking up women… you’ll find guys exchanging the best lines and routines as though they deliver some sort of magical power.You’ll also find that many, if not all, of these guys are getting little or no action at all.I’m not ragging on them… there was a time I had to learn all this the hard way, and I’ve had many students who’ve tried virtually every pickup line and “method” in the book…But rather than results, all these guys got was more and more rejection, putting them into a vicious cycle that was almost impossible to step out of …because it led to more fear, anxiety and negative feelings each time they’d approach a woman… causing her to disqualify him in a matter of seconds.The real TRUTH of all this? What you say is at most 10-20% of your results… the rest is how you “feel” to her the second you make eye contact.Only after you pass that first hurdle does anything else you do or say matter. And that brings us to…LIE #3 – You have to do tons and tons of “clever cold approaches” to become “great” with womenThat’s a destructive pickup myth, created by guys who devoted their entire lives to studying and understanding weird, unnatural processes that women don’t even like or respond to anyway.The TRUTH is you don’t have to approach gazillions of women in weird or scary Situations… because it’s not about that. It can help you overcome approach anxiety but nothing else.I’ll show you how just a few minutes spent talking to the right women …in almost rejection-proof situations … can “shift” your inner state and make you the kind of man women “feel” amazing around…In other words, the kind of guy who can start creating attraction in 7 seconds or less.When you do the right things … and this is the important, BEFORE you even approach her or open your mouth…And when you chat and interact with women you effectively trigger the exact same feelings she has when she reads the juiciest,sexiest parts of a romance novel.In fact, it’s even better if you have glaring flaws like being short, or not great looking, or broke…Because the HOTTEST romance stories are when she shouldn’t fall for the guy… but she just can’t help herself.For example, the original James Bond character from the books was rough around the edges and NOT good looking at all…But he was sexy… perhaps even sexier because of his average or below average looks …as the writers instinctively knew what women respond this way.I call this the “unlikely hero”… and it’s the secret to turning anything you think is “wrong” with you, into a launchpad for attraction, power and sexual opportunities, beyond anything you’ve ever experienced before.Are you starting to see where you’ve gone wrong with women in the past?It’s not your fault… I’m sure nobody ever told you about the first 7 seconds and how to be prepared… certainly no woman!Most woman don’t understand it. They just FEEL it.But I got lucky to run into one of the few women who can point me in the right direction.And with her help, and a ton of trial and error… I was able slowly but surely piece together all the elements of what makes a guy pass that first 7 second test…Little by little, I put everything I learned into one step-by-step system that YOU can use to quickly transform yourself into the kind of man who creates instant attraction……passes that initial barrier… …And then creates the kind of intense, hot, physical and romantic relationships with the types of women most guys just stand back and drool over.Again, this works whether your goal is one night of passion… or the girlfriend of your dreams.Without this… like most guys, you’ll never get past the first 7 seconds, and you’ll always fail to attract the woman you really want.You’ll be forced to settle.Is that what you want?Now, if you’re serious about learning how to attract a woman in 7 seconds or less,I’ve created a way for you to learn it in a single day… it’s called… are you ready for the big reveal?“Introducing… The 7 Second Seduction System”The 7 Second Seduction System is a complete, video and audio-based coaching program that takes you through everything you need to create that magical, “WOW!” feeling inside her, the moment your eyes meet hers.
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