Entheos Academy – How to Create Abundance Through Right Livelihood with Pedram Shojai
How to Create Abundance Through Right Livelihood.mp4
[WebRip – 1 MP4]
Class OverviewSo many people are suffering from stress and so much of that comes from money issues. Here’s some wisdom to generate the wealth that’ll fuel your adventures and help you get out of survival mode. (Check out the Top 10 Big Ideas from the class below!) Your ProfessorPedram Shojai is an author, filmmaker and lecturer specializing in meditation and Qi Gong. He is a reputable Doctor of Oriental Medicine known for his down to earth approach to stress management. How to Create Abundance Through Right LivelihoodSo many people are suffering from stress and so much of that comes from money issues. Let’s face it, if you live in the world, you need to deal with money in some way. It pays for gas, food, phones, and the roof over your head. As a monk, the math was different for me but when I became a fully engaged businessman and doctor in the busy urban life of Los Angeles, I had to figure out the abundance thing quickly. Here’s some wisdom to help you stay in your heart, maintain your zen, and also generate the wealth that’ll fuel your adventures and help you get out of survival mode. The Top 10 Big Ideas1Money is ‘Currency’ So many of us got pinned into a subconscious ‘money is evil’ judgment spiral as we grow up. That’s kept us from being open to its flow. A ‘currency’ implies flow…a current of water or electricity. When we remove our mental obstructions to this flow and allow for it- it can flow through us as we become in integral part if the Infinite Abundance of the Universe.2Be a Conduit, Not a Breaker You can either get out of the way and let this currency flow through you or you can block it with mental narratives or belief systems that don’t serve you – or worse yet, don’t put you in a position to serve the Life around you. Will you be a rubber stopper or a gold wire?3Follow the Bread Crumbs We may insist on receiving energy, love, abundance, or opportunity in one way but the Universe may have us destined to grow somewhere else. Always allow for new opportunities and be open to where doors may open for you. When you step into this energy, you’ll walk through life like a hot knife through butter…its amazing.4Be of Service This is the most important item here. The sooner you dedicate your life (wholly) to being of service to the greater good and helping make the world and the lives of all life around you better, you enter into the energy of Love, Life, and Abundance. This one thing will open you up to more than you can ever imagine. Serve freely and do it without expectations and then the floodgates start to open.5Clean and Clear Whenever there’s a situation or item in your life that seems to be stuck and not moving in your desired direction, meditate on it and focus pure white light all around it. See all the aspects around it- the people, the drama…whatever and just clean and clear the energy around it. Forgive, bless, and rectify…We often bring so much subconscious garbage to the party that its amazing we get anything done at all.6Play! It is so important to let go and allow yourself to play in life. It seems counter productive in a world where our self worth is often tied to our net worth but forget all that nonsense. Nature plays- it flows. Allow yourself to play so you can unwind into the greater flow of the river of life and you’ll see wonderful things come back…nobody wants to work with a stress case anyhow. 7Survival Mode Codes for Early Death When you’re spiraling, the energy taxes your adrenals and codes your genes to start shutting down the party…”this guy isn’t going to make it so let’s recycle the parts…” Life flows with abundance and when we’re on the other side of this energy, we get mulched. Even if you’re not there right now, start to visualize yourself as having abundant flow- see the freedom it brings and work internally to feel how you’d feel if you were already ‘unstuck’. This triggers all the right neurochemistry that’ll help you get there. That doesn’t mean spend money you don’t have, but start to act as if you’re in the flow and park your consciousness there. Meditation helps this immensely. 8Be Excellent At What You Do I feel this is often overlooked in the self-help/manifestation circles out there. Don’t become an internet scammer. Earn money by being of service and helping people in some way. The Universe rewards excellence so be that. Study, read up, practice- to what it takes to up your game and people will notice and money will show up. 9Cut Your Expenses We live in a culture that’s constantly trying to make us feel insignificant so that we spend our money on marketed crap. Don’t fall for it. Spend your money wisely and “vote” with it. Where does your energy (money) flow? Where are you leaking your power? Leave no stone unturned. If you say you can’t afford organic produce and are paying $80/month for cable TV, then you’ve got to get your priorities straight. 10Practice Qi Gong If I were to tell you that there was a practice specifically designed to help facilitate the flow of energy through your body and consciousness, then what are you waiting for? Over the years, I’ve watched hundreds of students of Qi Gong get unstuck because as they start to liberate the flow of their own energy, they open up to the flow of the Universe and good things start to happen.
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