Drunvalo Melchizedek – Living in the Heart
Drunvalo Melchizedek – Living in the Heart [1eBook (PDF) + 1 CD (MP3)]
[1 eBook (PDF) + 1 CD (MP3)]
Living in the HeartDrunvalo’s Third Book and Meditation CD”Long ago we humans used a form of communication and sensing that did not involve the brain in any way; rather, it came from a sacred place within our heart.”What good would it do to find this place again in a world where the greatest religion is science and the logic of the mind? Don’t I know this world where emotions and feelings are second-class citizens? Yes, I do. But my teachers have asked me to remind you who you really are.”You are more than a human being, much more. For within your heart is a place, a sacred place where the world can literally be remade through conscious co-creation. If you give me permission, I will show what has been shown to me.”PDF (130p.) + CD (@320kbps)http://www.drunvalo.net/store/livingheart.php
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