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Paul Zaichik – Easy Flexibility – Kurmasana Tortoise Pose

[1 MP4]


This product is brought to you by the Paul Zaichik Kinesiological Stretching GBKurmasana Tortoise PoseKurmasana is also called the Tortoise Pose or the Pancake Stretch. This is considered an advanced pose calling the flexibility of the hip extensors and Adductors. There are many traditional benefits attributed to this pose, from toning the internal organs  to calming the mind.  This pose is also a gate way to more advanced yoga poses and hand balances.  Outside of yoga being able to stretch forward with legs abducted or straddled transfers over to various sports and activities. For example Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioners benefit from thispose, when looking for various chokes and submission from the bottom guard or looking to move the limbs around their opponents limbs. Break dancers, gymnasts, kicking martial arts stylists and pole dancers can improve their skills as well, if Kurmasana is well developed. A traditional yoga method of obtaining this pose can take many years. The reason for this is because yoga poses usually focus on many muscle groups at the same time. Our program is very different. The pose is quickly broken up into it’s components. Each is targeted quickly with kinesiological stretching techniques. Principles of creating space in the same muscles through multiple actions is used. This allows for quick flexibility development, while avoiding the stretch reflex. The progress comes much faster, than with standard yoga techniques.


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