Andrew Patrushev – The Carol of Chakrams: color-sound patterns in music for deep relaxation and meditation
Solar Wind
[12 WAV]
The Carol of Chakrams:color-sound patterns in music for deep relaxation and meditationAlbum appears due to prolonged psycho-physiological investigations. During this investigations we were able to determine accurate value of sound frequencies and colors (or rather lights), corresponded to each chakra (as well as specific rhythm and shape). Combination of all these factors and sound fractal construction of music material gives us an opportunity to create highly powerful tool for self-development and self-exploration.Every chakra interacts (exchanges with energy) with two another algoristic chakras (it is like rays of color light, which must give in sum white light). Thus, as long as there are rays of different colors and of different intensity in each chakra, it gives rise to lump of variants in chakra’s colors. There are 7,9 and 13 chakras schemes in yoga. And there are 9 colors in spectra (barring black and white). There is green-yellow color in and of itself, and there are two red colors (professional designers and painters know this fact well, and furthermore, red range is 110nm – doubled beside others colors). That’s why we use 9 chakras scheme. And in addition, it was the Pifagor who reckoned 9 as sacral figure (figure of God) and, by the way, he contemptuously told, that figure 7 is for common people.First track “ Sun Wind ” is a Schumann resonance frequencies – 7.83Hz and 0.161Hz (pulsation of Earth ionosphere under impact of sun wind). It safeguards you from electromagnetic pollution (by giving to you primordial natural pacemaker), helps to relieve the stress, fatigue of a hard day’s work and provides for relaxing but concentrate mood to prepare you for perception of next programs at this disk.Chakras placed on the disk in order to promote effect of cundaliny (from base to crown). Each chakra begins from corresponding pure tone . Then on this tone it superimpose two another tones of conjugated chakras (in algoristic ratio) forming accord. It is ends also by pure tone. Sounds of chakras have diagnostic properties. When you are listening to these sounds, you can feel some not pleasant sensations at place of corresponding chakra(s). That means you have some somatic, emotional or spiritual problems concerned with chakra. In this case you must go directly to track “The Carol Of Chakrams” to balance and harmonize your bioenergetic field. Please, do not occupy yourself with listening of any chakras before full harmonization (absence of negative feelings in chakras fields).Pure tones is a peculiar tuning forks to find the accurate place of each chakra and tuning of your sensations. Lie down on the floor upon soft bedding, close your eyes, relax and begin to listen to the pure tone of chakra. Soon you will sense some presence (weak tension, pressure, warmth, etc.) at certain place. Remember this place and feelings. Before your closed eyes you will see variegated gusts, from which you must pick out color corresponding to chakra (often pure color tone independently appears and fill up all visual field). Sometimes sensations of conjugated chakras can hinder. This exercise gives a good rest and charging of energy to your brain but have no influence upon chakra development. The chakra development takes place only against a background of accord of three conjugated chakras. One of most effective exercises is “chakra breathing” when during inhale you fancy absorption of energy (prana) from one chakra to those chakra which you develop (and collect it here) and exhale energy to another chakra (according to arrows). Every inhale brings enlargement of energy field around chakra you develop.Well, now about chakras:1. MULADHARA (BASE): color – green; sacral figure – 4; body of body (substance in substance; concrete in concrete); electromagnetic matrix of body (inherent capacity for work, physical health); connection with Earth; circuit of bio-survival; it programs your perception of reality for “here and now” with orientation toward survival of the body; control over pain. MULADHARA interacts directly with ANAHATA and VISHUDHA chakras.2. SVADHISTANA (SENSUAL): color – blue; sacral figure – 2; soul of body (driving force in substance; quotient in concrete); magnetic energy, needed for proper work of electromagnetic matrix of a body (reliability of physical health); emotional circuit; “Ego” – realization of it’s status (magnitude or negligibility) in flock (tribe) by mammal; control over autonomic nervous system. SVADHISTANA interacts directly with VISHUDHA and ADJNA chakras.3. MANIPURA (NAVEL): color – cyan (dark blue); sacral figure – 9; spirit of body (principle in substance; common in concrete); manipulative-character circuit – “intellect” – capacity to receive, integrate, and transform in ideas coming information; ability to control and fill with concrete content of speech. MANIPURA interacts directly with ADJNA and BINDU chakras.4. HRIT (SOLAR PLEXUS, HEART OF CHRIST): color – violet; sacral figure – 7; body of soul (substance in driving force; concrete in quotient); socio-sexual circuit; adult human personality; connection with your own Egregor (collective spiritual archetypical mind); energy healing; love of God; trust and self-sacrifice; healing by means of faith; inspiration; natural talent – ability to treat deliberately towards the life, to perform nonstandard doings, and relatively easy to succeed in life; caution it is virtual negative conversion: “the dark night of soul”, “crossing of the abyss”, “chemicalisation” – when every emotion, every movement bring pain. In this case track “ Sun Wind ” is very helpful. HRIT interacts directly with BINDU and SAHASRARA chakras.5. ANAHATA (HEART OF HUMAN): color – purple (dark red), sacral figure – 5; soul of soul (driving force in driving force, quotient in quotient); holistic neuro-somatic circuit; control over guilt, resentment, bewilderment, emotions and somatic symptoms of lower circuits (chakras); second birth (resurrection) of the body, regeneration, rejuvenation, bliss, ecstasy, rapture, sensory enrichment, pleasure of perception; multiplication of primordial matter; philosophers’ gold (the more you give up, the more you receive). ANAHATA interacts directly with SAHASRARA and MULADHARA chakras.6. VISHUDHA (THROAT): color – light red; sacral figure – 3; spirit of soul (principle in driving force, common in quotient); joint neuro-genetic circuit; “genuine emotional centre” (according to Gurdgiev); “Akashy chronicles” (phylogenetic unconsciousness, noosphere); memory of past lives, reincarnations, immortality; survival of genetic memory across the generations (“I am that who was, is, and will be”); synchronism – sensible coincidences. VISHUDHA interacts directly with MULADHARA and SVADHISTANA chakras.7. ADJNA (THIRD EYE): color – orange; sacral figure – 1; body of spirit (substance in principle, concrete in common); meta-programming circuit – control center; the brain in which self-consciousness awakened; “The mirror that reflect all, but do not bind to anything, because it knows, that always can reflect something else by changing the angle of reflection”; “genuine intellectual centre”; “Creative Emptiness” (“Shiva-Darshana”) – divine dance. ADJNA interacts directly with SVADHISTANA and MANIPURA chakras.8. BINDU (INDU, FIFTH EYE) color – yellow; sacral figure – 8; soul of spirit (driving force in principle, quotient in common); non-local meta-physiological quantum circuit; begin from expansion beyond the bounds of direct perception, which then dizzily rapidly transforms to integration of least and the greatest – “Cosmic Consciousness”; unity with God – unity with “All”. BINDU interacts directly with MANIPURA and HRIT chakras.9. SAHASRARA (CROWN): color – yellow-green (gold); sacral figure – 6; spirit of spirit (principle in principle, common in common); forming circuit (principle), which makes human as human, tree as tree, planet as planet; capability of bioenergy part of human for accumulate and transform cosmic energy, needed for creative activity; connection with Devine Intent which drives evolution process on the Earth. SAHASRARA interacts directly with HRIT and ANAHATA chakras.The 11’th track “The Carol Of Chakrams” is attuned and destined for healing. As well as “Sun Wind” it can be used to overcome negative consequences caused by too long listening to sounds of one chakra. It aligns and attunes the chakras, and balances the bioenergetic field. Besides it reduces sound sensitivity, heightens auditory perception, improves speech and language ability, improves fine motor skills, increased energy, improves concentration, accelerates learning, stimulates brain function, enhances well-being, can be used with great success for tinnitus (ringing in the ears), can causes experience and recall of lucid dreams, can promotes OOBE.Used techniques: Rainbow Scale (windows frequencies), Star Of Life (principle of interaction in tones), Z-rhythms (super low (under delta) rhythms in human brain), beat frequencies, Schumann resonance frequencies, high frequencies (according Alfred A. Tomatis), sound fractals. The best way for hearing is good headphones plus near placed good speakers (or “Sound Bead”).Caution. This sounds is a very strong instrument for chakras development so it demands from you a careful treatment. Best of all find out a group of like-minded persons with guru ahead. The whole time of exercises can’t be exceeded 60 minutes.Please, keep in mind, that it is essential to drink one glass of pure water before and one glass – after listening to album. Water plays important role in conductivity of neural impulses. And if it takes place dehydration of your organism (it is usual think in our society due to wrong nutrition) the listening of this album can cause headache because of very intensive impact. There is here an old version with only one flac file, so I looked and found this one with the 12 wav files already divided, which I personally like more so you can decide with which chakra to work…
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