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Soulvana – Anodea Judith – The Chakra System

Anodea Judith – The Chakra System
[Webrip – 25 MP3s, 1 PDF]



This is the first monthly course from Soulvana by Mindvalley (created by Vishen Lakhiani and hosted by Asha Gill).This is a course of the chakra system, a guide to connecting with them and using them in a practical way with guided meditations and PDF workbook. Descriptions below. Enjoy!===1 – Invitation To The Chakra SystemHere’s your invitation to a journey to unite your mind and body with the spiritual realm. Think of The Chakra System as a map for your journey through life. On this journey, you will learn how to align your inner chakras with the world around you. 2 – The Psychology Of Inner SpaceEach chakra vibrates at a different frequency. In this session, you will learn about the unique vibration of each of the 7 chakras as well as the colors that correlate to each chakra.3 – Finding Your GroundThis session will start with the 1st chakra, the root chakra, which provides the foundation for the journey of life through the physical body. The guided exercise on the 1st chakra will help you focus on your inner-body and building roots with the earth. Guided Exercise On The 1st ChakraIn this exercise, you will be focusing on your foundation, understanding the power of the 1st chakra. You can change your life by looking at the wisdom in your 1st chakra and seeing where you may be blocked or held back by beliefs tied to family loyalty or expectations, that may not serving your highest good.4 – Flowing With PleasureThe 2nd chakra is about moving from the self to the other. You will learn how to become fluid with change and explore your desires. In the guided meditation on the 2nd chakra you will open your awareness and feel alive. Guided Exercise On The 2nd ChakraHere you will learn more about the 2nd chakra which is the centre of feeling, emotion, pleasure, sensuality, intimacy, and connection.5 – Igniting Your BodyBy opening the 3rd chakra you will ignite your passion, energy, and vitality. This is an exciting chakra that will guide you towards the heavens and raise your energy upward. In the guided exercise, you will visualize fire burning in your body and feel your cells energized and ready to go.Guided Exercise On The 3rd ChakraThe gift of this chakra is sensing your personal power, being confident, responsible and reliable. The 3rd chakra is the centre of your self-esteem, your willpower, self-discipline, as well as warmth in your personality.6 – Opening To LoveThe 4th chakra is located in the exact center of the 7 chakras and balances the upper and lower chakras. This chakra focuses on intimacy that we feel for ourselves and others. Feel your heart expand and become one with your heart beat as you are guided through an exercise on the 4th chakra.Guided Exercise On The 4th ChakraThis chakra is the wellspring of love, warmth, compassion, and joy is located at the heart centre. It is the centre of your deep bonds with other beings, your sense of caring and compassion, your feelings of self-love, altruism, generosity, kindness and respect. The 4th chakra brings wholeness – as such, it is your healing centre. Indeed, most spiritual traditions recognize love as the ultimate healing force.7 – Resonating With TruthThe task of the 5th chakra is to not only open the realms of communication, but to be in resonance with the vibrations that surround you. Take a moment to listen to your inner voice and resonate with your inherent truth.Guided Exercise On The 5th ChakraThe gift of this chakra is accepting your originality, expressing your authentic voice and speaking your truth. The energy of this chakra allows you to seek knowledge that is true, beyond limitations of time and space, beyond cultural and family conditioning.8 – Seeing The Big PictureThe 6th chakra focuses on intuition, inner vision and dreams. Located in the forehead, this chakra is oriented to inner sight and recognizing patterns and information that enters our vision. The guided exercise in this session is a healing session that will surround your body and mind in a prism of light.Guided Exercise On The 6th ChakraThe gift of this chakra is seeing – both inner and outer worlds. The energy of this chakra allows us to experience clear thought as well as gifts of spiritual contemplation and self-reflection.9 – Divine Mystery Of ConsciousnessThe 7th chakra focuses on thinking and perceiving everything we do. By focusing our attention on thought, we embrace our own consciousness. It is consciousness that does the thinking and thoughts are its product.Guided Exercise On The 7th ChakraThe energy of this chakra allows us to experience mystical oneness with everyone and everything in nature. There is no intellectual knowing at the level of 7th chakra, but there is serenity, joy and deep peace about life. You have a sense of knowing that there is a deeper meaning of life and that there is an order that underlies all of existence.10 – The Return HomeNow that you have opened each of the 7 chakras, it is time to put everything together. The chakras are unified and at all times, almost all of your chakras are active and functioning. Learn how to have all your chakras working together and activate each one starting from the 7th chakra down to the 1st. 11 – Chakra Practice: IntroductionThis last session will teach you how to stimulate and activate each of your chakras with short exercises. You can use any of these exercises when you feel like your chakras are weak or not in sync.Chakra Practice: 1st ChakraIn this meditation, you focus on stimulating and connecting with the power of your 1st chakra. You make a bridge between the spiritual part of this chakra and physical part of the body which this chakra represents. Through shallow breathing and entering a pose which helps activate the 1st chakra, you focus on feeling the full power of it. Chakra Practice: 2nd ChakraIn this meditation, you focus on stimulating your 2nd chakra, which represents your connection and ability to accept others and new experiences. Through breathing and entering into a pose which triggers your lower abdomen, you feel sense of abundance, well-being, pleasure and sexuality. Chakra Practice: 3rd ChakraThis meditation moves you from a relaxing mode to a state of control. You learn how to be more confident and in-control of your life. The pose from this meditation will trigger your upper abdomen. As a result, you begin to feel higher levels of self-worth, self-confidence and self-esteem. Chakra Practice: 4th ChakraThis meditation involves the center of your chest just above your heart and helps you feel in touch with your ability to love. As you follow the instructions, you feel loved and see your ability to love increase, together with the sense of joy and inner peace.Chakra Practice: 5th ChakraThis meditation focuses on your 5th chakra. This chakra is located in your throat area, and it’s purpose is to increase your ability to communicate. As a result of clearing and balancing this chakra, your self-expression becomes more powerful and your ability to tell and accept the truth will also improve. Chakra Practice: 6th ChakraThis meditation focuses on 6th chakra. This chakra, also known as the brow chakra, is located on your forehead between your eyes. This chakra helps with your ability to focus and see the big picture. Results of connecting with your 6th chakra and stimulating it will sharpen your intuition and increase your imaginative strength and wisdom. It will help you with your ability to think and make better decisions.Chakra Practice: 7th ChakraIn this meditation you focus on the 7th chakra, which is responsible for your ability to be fully connected spiritually. This chakra is on the very top of your head, and practicing this meditation will guide you to get in touch with it. When you awaken and connect with this chakra you will experience your inner and outer beauty, and you will be able to reach pure bliss.


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