Unexplainablestore.com – Female Sex Drive
Female Sex Drive
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Bring back the fire into your love life!When you’re not in the mood, you’re just not in the mood. But what if you feel like a low libido is causing you to miss out on some incredible experiences? You don’t need to live without satisfying and fulfilling lovemaking. You can take control of that drive within yourself that allows you and your partner to feel that deep emotional connection and enjoy an intimate sense of partnership as well. A low libido is nothing to be ashamed of, but it can cause you to miss out on some incredible adventures. Imagine a life where you’re in control of what you want and when.Imagine the fulfillment you could achieve if you just allowed yourself the opportunity to say yes when you wanted, rather than always being forced to say no due to a low libido. Your sex drive isn’t just about wanting a physical act. It’s about setting out on an exciting adventure where desire and sensation are just as rewarding as the goals themselves. It’s about feeling like you are a sexual being, having confidence in yourself and giving yourself the power to say yes to excitement. And throughout it all, you and your partner will get closer than ever before. There’s no reason to live any other way than the way you’ve both always wanted to.By connecting in new and intimate ways both you and your partner will grow and strengthen the relationship. And each new opportunity will only continue to bring you closer together. You will feel more desirable and your partner certainly will as well. It’s time to think about your own enjoyment as well. It’s time to think about a better way of living!Nobody likes rejection. Of course you want your partner to feel loved and wanted just as you do. You don’t want to create barriers between the two of you that will build up over time. But you also want to enjoy yourself. By taking control of your own desire, you’re establishing that your enjoyment is just as important as your partner’s. It can be as simple as improving your own libido! Mutual love, respect, trust, and intimacy will build when you actively seek to fulfill your own needs as well. And nothing strengthens a relationship more quickly.Match and impress your partner with a newfound libido! Exceed their expectations and leave them breathless! By increasing your desire you’re also directly increasing the amount of stamina you’ll be able to enjoy as well. A healthy love life will translate into a healthier life.Facts to Consider:Desire doesn’t cost the mind anything. You can generate as much as you want.Release your inhibitions and start the adventure your love life can become today!Freedom to desire your partner can improve your relationship immensely. How can we help?By using our frequency that works at the upper area of Delta just shy of Theta, your body will begin to restore that vitality that once generated feelings of desire within you. Our recording allows the mind to feel the desire it once did and then powers up your drive so you can start leading the fulfilling love life you’ve always wanted.How Does It Work?Binaural Beats- Sine wave generators are used to create two separate frequency waves, which are introduced to each ear independently. The brain reacts by creating a third tone, making up the difference of the two. It instantly reacts to these frequencies causing a Shift In Consciousness. Using this technology, your brain can be programmed to weed out interferences and open up the communication channels inside your mind that are blocked by your own consciousness.Isochronic Tones- If you are looking for the most effective type of brainwave entrainment, Isochronic tones are the way to go. Isochronic Tones also use equal intensity tones, but the pulse speed is greater, causing the brain to synchronize with the rhythm. In 1999, Thomas Budzynski Ph.D. published a case in the Journal of Neurotherapy which showed that a group of 8 college students increased their GPA with the use of audio brainwave stimulation, and their GPA continued to increase even after the brainwave entrainment was finished….
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