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Holistic Oral Health Summit 2015

Holistic Oral Health Summit 2015
[WebRip – 38 MP4, 2 RTF]


The Holistic Oral Health Summit 2015One uneducated visit to your dentist can have devastating effects on your health!80% of disease symptoms are caused by problems in the mouth, and millions are exposed to disease-promoting dental procedures every day! The Holistic Oral Health Summit is FREE online from September 28 – October 5, 201533 of the world’s top experts will show you the best ways to improve oral health, prevent and reverse disease symptoms, and save you thousands of dollars in unwanted medical expenses. By attending the Holistic Oral Health Summit, you’ll learn how to identify, prevent and eliminate the roots of disease.Oral health is the most overlooked health issue in conventional and integrative medicine, yet…    It’s possible to reverse cancer by properly eliminating oral infections    90% of all heart attacks are caused by oral pathogens    Autoimmune disorders can be resolved by getting rid of toxic dental materials    Reversing gum disease can help you get rid of digestive problems    Root canal procedures increase your risk of cancer and other degenerative diseases ScheduleDAY 1: Monday, September 28    1. Mike Adams, Editor, Natural News – Conventional Dentistry: A Risk to Society        Special message for every conventionally-trained dentist        Why conventional dentistry is taking so long to change its ways        8 most ignored health enhancing techniques available to modern dentistry    2. Dr. Blanche D. Grube – Is It Wise to Keep Your Wisdom Teeth?        Health dangers associated with impacted wisdom teeth        What you need to know BEFORE extracting a wisdom tooth        How to properly extract a wisdom tooth (and its effect on energy levels)    3. Dr. Robert Kleinwaks – Cancer Success Story: My Path to Healing        Revealing an extraordinary story of cancer healing        Learn how poor oral health can stress immunity and trigger cancer        The single best health tip–especially for cancer patients!      4. Oksana Sawiak, DDS, IMD, MAGD – Toxins and Bugs: The Dangers Lurking in the Mouth        Urgent warnings about gum disease        Learn about the best non-surgical gum treatments        How to safely eliminate parasites    5. Gary Larsen, DDS – Dental Implant News: Warning and Solutions        Why you must be concerned about root canal procedures        Avoiding chronic health conditions before your next dental visit        How others have recovered from serious health issuesDAY 2: Tuesday, September 29    1. Stuart Nunnally, DDS, MS – Cavitation Dangers: How to Heal Properly        Hidden dangers of cavitations        Best way to properly treat cavitations        How correctly treated cavitations can improve your health      2.Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD – The Roots of Heart Disease        How dental infections can cause chronic degenerative disease        The shocking reason blood clots could form in your heart        Strategies to neutralize and eliminate the effects of toxic exposures        3. Christopher Hussar, DDS, DO – Is Your Mouth Killing You?        Surprising health news about wisdom teeth        How to properly diagnose and treat jaw bone infections        Learn about the connection between dental infections and cancer        4. Robert Kulacz, DDS – Medical alert: Root Canal Procedures        An unpopular scientific truth about root canal treated teeth        How root canal teeth can threaten human health        Best options for tooth extraction and replacement optionsDAY 3: Wednesday, September 30    1. Amy Myers, MD – Autoimmune Disease: The Oral Health Connection        Warning about how heavy metals can lead to autoimmune diseases        Learn “The Myers Way” and the “4 Pillars” to healing autoimmune disease        Detoxification warnings and how others have reversed autoimmune disorders        2. Bill Henderson – The Cancer-Dental Toxin Connection        Learn why poor oral health can trigger cancer        The single most important reason why people get cancer        What happens to cancer patients when they fix their teeth?    3. Lane Freeman, DDS – Gum Disease: Signs, Symptoms and Solutions        Why gum disease is so dangerous to overall health        Best ways to treat and eliminate gum disease (with at-home remedies!)        Discover the least known (but important) fact about gum disease        4. Dr. Veronique Desaulniers – Breast Cancer: What You Need to Know        Learn what increases your risk of breast cancer        Best foods and supplements to reduce your risk of cancer        Discover the most important lifestyle habit needed to detoxify the bodyDAY 4: Thursday, October 1    1. Dr. Tom O’Bryan – Digestive Solutions: The Oral Health-Gut Connection        Difference between non-celiac gluten sensitivity and celiac disease        How poor oral health can trigger ”leaky gut” and other chronic diseases        Foods and supplements to reduce inflammation and improve digestion/health        2. Chris Shade, PhD – Mercury Poisoning: Signs, Testing and a Detox Plan        Best ways to test for mercury toxicity        In-depth understanding about creating a successful detox plan        Substances to help eliminate heavy metals from the body        3. Boyd Haley, PhD – Mercury Exposure: An Alzheimer’s Disease alert        How mercury blocks the brain from functioning properly        Scientific proof that mercury in silver fillings can cause Alzheimer’s disease        Discover the best nutrients to safely detoxify mercury from the body        4. Leonard T. Fazio, DDS – Mercury Amalgam Silver Fillings: A Guide to Safe Removal        Biggest difference between a mercury-free and mercury-safe dentist        Important questions to ask a dentist before removing mercury fillings        Safe, step-by-step guide to removing mercury fillings        5. Thomas Baldwin, DDS – Optimal Nutrition for a Healthy Body        Scientific proof that gum disease is directly connected to heart disease        Amazing look at how the oral cavity reflects the health of the entire body        Best nutrients for avoiding gum disease, plaque and cavitiesDAY 5: Friday, October 2    1. Dr. Eric Zielinski – Essential Oils for Oral Health        The danger of ignoring oral health issues        Best essential oils for oral health and how to properly use them        Simple, do-it-yourself recipes for toothpaste and mouthwash        2. David Kennedy, DDS – Suppressed Dental Crimes and Natural Remedies        Your dentist may be mentally impaired! Why?        Disturbing truth about fluoride and commonly-sold dental care products        How to naturally and effectively avoid cavities and gum disease        3. Griffin Cole, DDS, NMD – How to Pick the Best Dentist for Your Health        How to find a dentist who will do no harm!        Disclosing a serious warning about crowns and bridges        Important questions to ask before you get dental work        4. Robert Scott Bell – Natural Remedies for Oral Health        Discover the key elements to effective detoxification        The worst nutritional deficiencies connected to poor oral health        Best homeopathic remedies to eliminate infections in the mouth        5. Mark McClure, DDS, FAGD – Integrative Medical Dentistry: Treating the Neuro-immune System        Most dangerous (and unheard of) toxins that can damage your health        Health problems caused by common dental procedures        Incredible news for every person suffering with TMJDAY 6: Saturday, October 3    1. Dr. Josh Axe – Why Leaky Gut Causes Tooth Decay and 5 Ways to Cure It        Underlying reasons behind the epidemic rise of tooth decay        Learn about the most dangerous foods that trigger leaky gut        Foods, nutrients and supplements to improve digestion, immunity and oral health    2. Tammy Kohlschmidt RDH, CTT, CBP – Your Mouth and Body: Creating Healthy Chemistry and Energy        Simple, valuable guide to good oral care        How to kill infections and reduce disease risk naturally        Best tips for reversing gum pockets, bad breath and much more    3. Dr. Bruce Fife – Oil Pulling Therapy: A Natural Way to Kill Infections        What is “oil pulling?”        Discover the many significant health benefits of oil pulling        Learn how oil pulling promotes healing throughout the entire body        4. Lowell B. Weiner, DDS, FAGD – Why am I Still Sick: Overlooked Solutions Revealed        Learn how oral infections damage digestion and immune function        How dental issues affect sleep, brain function and emotional wellbeing        The most overlooked reason for panic attacks and anxiety        5. Thomas Lokensgard, DDS, NMD – How to Stay Healthy in a Chronically-inflamed World        Main reasons why the body gets chronically inflamed        Testing procedures to determine inflammation and disease risk        Ways to avoid inflammation, disease and dramatically improve your healthDAY 7: Sunday, October 4   1. Nadine Artemis – Holistic Dental Care: Your Guide to Healthy Teeth and Gums        Learn about the “triple threat” to your mouth and overall health        Discover 3 ways to rebuild the health of your mouth        Nadine reveals her 8-step program for better oral health    2. Phil Mollica, DDS – Integrative Biological Dentistry: A Non-toxic Approach        Difference between conventional and integrative biological dentistry        How dentistry has an impact on the entire body and overall wellbeing        Ozone therapy to prevent cavities, infections, root canals and disease symptoms        3. Dawn Ewing, PhD – Are Your Teeth Making You Sick?        Connection between the mouth and chronic disease        How to dramatically improve immune function        Special health alert for people suffering from blood sugar issues        4. Ronald Hunninghake, MD – Vitamin C Therapy: Neutralizing Dental Toxins        Shocking reason why healthy eaters are still sick        Learn how Vitamin C can safely neutralize dangerous toxins        Discover the best ways to take Vitamin C        5. Leo Cashman – Health alert: Avoiding the Dangers of Dentistry        How to avoid major mistakes when removing silver (mercury) fillings        Guide to detoxification after mercury fillings have been removed        Revealing a massive cover-up within conventional dentistryDAY 8: Monday, October 5 : Encore Day    1. Nadine Artemis – Holistic Dental Care: Your Guide to Healthy Teeth and Gums    Learn about the “triple threat” to your mouth and overall health    Discover 3 ways to rebuild the health of your mouth    Nadine reveals her 8-step program for better oral health    2. Dr. Eric Zielinski – Essential Oils for Oral Health    The danger of ignoring oral health issues    Best essential oils for oral health and how to properly use them    Simple, do-it-yourself recipes for toothpaste and mouthwash    3. Dr. Bruce Fife – Oil Pulling Therapy: A Natural Way to Kill Infections    What is “oil pulling?”    Discover the many significant health benefits of oil pulling    Learn how oil pulling promotes healing throughout the entire body      4. Dr. Josh Axe – Why Leaky Gut Causes Tooth Decay & 5 Ways to Cure It    Reasons behind the epidemic rise of tooth decay    Most dangerous foods that trigger leaky gut    Foods, nutrients and supplements to improve digestion, immunity and oral health        5. Robert Scott Bell – Natural Remedies for Oral Health    Discover the key elements to effective detoxification    Nutritional deficiencies connected to poor oral health    Homeopathic remedies to eliminate infections in the mouthTo reduce the size of the product, I only mention last day’s speakers here in the description. You can find them above, when they were originally invited to speak. A search for adishonerv69 will give you all my uploads. Special thanks to light33 for letting me know about this summit. I was late to read my messages, but here you are, two days before the summit ends!


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