Avish Parashar – Improvise to Success!: 16 Simple But Powerful Principles From Improv Comedy That Will Take You to Personal and Professional Success!
Improvise to success
[1 ebook – AZW]
Face it: the world is amazingly unpredictable. No matter how prepared you are, or how well you plan, things will go wrong, surprises will happen, and people will do unexpected things. The key to achieving success while maintaining your sanity is to learn how to improvise and flow with whatever life sends your way! Whether you are an improv performer, a fan of improv comedy, or have never even seen improv before, you will immensely benefit from learning how to “flow in the moment” with anything that happens to you. Everyone, including you, is improvising every second of every day. Life is not scripted. No matter how much you want things to turn out exactly as planned, life usually has other plans. Life, after all, is the ultimate improvisation. People who master the ability to improvise can: Direct their activities so they are always moving forward towards what they want (no matter what happens) Stay calm and relaxed no matter how intense things get Make the most of any situation Flow with what happens – to discover and take advantage of new opportunities Be more productive & get more done in less time After reading this book, you will learn: Why enthusiasm and passion are vital – and how you can achieve it Why failure, embarrassment, rejection, and being wrong are good things How to commit and persist no matter what happens 4 techniques to overcome fear and take action anyway Why failure is the fast path to success How to decide whether to push through failure or quit What you can learn about failure and success from a 16th Century Samurai How “the improv mindset” can open you up to a world of new opportunities Why everyone is creative, even you! How to improve your self-confidence Techniques to tap into and develop your creative power, everyday Why you must embrace uncertainty – even though most people fear it How to use these skills to increase your productivity Techniques to increase your energy to increase your productivity and creativity Ways to get you out of your comfort zone and onto new levels of success How to say “yes,” even when you want to say no. How to diffuse tough situations simply, without arguing The key to lowering your stress level and making progress in any situation
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