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Wisdom Healing Qigong – Advancing Practitioner Program –

[Online Videos – 28 MP4s]


This specially designed program focuses on Advanced Preliminary Practice to develop an advanced practice with Master Mingtong Gu. Together, we will review and deepen these profound practice step by step, level by level, over 3 months. Plus we will be integrating new teachings and methods from advanced workshops and retreats to help you get the most from your Qigong practice. The APP program will provide the most systematic, progressive, accumulative and unified system for advanced Preliminary Practice, for those familar with the basic preliminary practice. How is this course unique?Engage advanced energetics and practices: SBM, Crane’s neck (CN), Bending spines (BS), Hip rotation (HR), Wallsquatt (WS) and Standing meditation (SM). Intensive practice as an opportunity to challenge yourself to increase inner strength, endurance and flexibility.Apply the deep energetics to your basic practice to prepare for Awaken The Dragon Within Practice level 2 next year;Learn the 3 stages of all basic practices


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